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NAME: Ilea

RACE: Mortal

DESCRIPTION: Ilea has long light brown hair and deep brown eyes.
She is about 5'6" tall and has the lithe strong body of an athlete.

TRADE: Bard/Thief

SKILLS: Ilea is an excellent story teller who can also sing
and dance quite well. She is also a skilfull fighter and thief.
Ilea's only weapons are a dagger and a short sword which she always keeps
with her. She learned her thieving skills at a young age and there
isn't a lock or a pocket she can't pick.

BACKGROUND: An orphan since the age of six the life of a thief
is all Ilea has ever known. She knows nothing of her real parents
except that her father was a warrior who died in battle and her
mother was a healer. Ilea has a pet tiger named Raistlin that was
given to her by her father just before he died. Raistlin is Ilea's
best friend and they go everywhere together. However, Raistlin is no
ordinary tiger. He is highly intelligent and can talk or use
telepathy. Raist can also teleport. Ilea has a twin brother
named Dolan. The two of them were separated for about
a year and Ilea searched everywhere for him.
Finally, with the aid of Hercules and Iolaus,
the twins were reunited.

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