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Random Thoughts

Why is it whenever I close my eyes, I hope to God they don’t reopen, so I won’t have to live this pathetic existence anymore?

I’m tired of this. I’ve been through it so many times. And I’m sure you’re sick of hearing about it. But I’m just as sure that I’m sick of living it.

I’m tired of pretending. I don’t want to put fake smiles on my face anymore. I don’t want to pretend that everything is okay. I don’t want to stand up straight anymore when the weight upon my shoulder cripples me.

I’m tired of always standing alone. I don’t want to have to sit in my shower and cry for 20 minutes like I did tonight. I don’t want to crawl into bed and wrap my blanket around me and pretend that it is someone who cares.

I shall go to bed now. I am, as always, exhausted. Perhaps, if I’m lucky, I won’t awaken with the dawn.

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