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Another Farewell


it would seem refuse to talk to me anymore. how nice of you to tell me goodbye. i don't think this will mean anything to you, so filled with hate you are, and i'm quite sure this will be wasted on someone not worthy of my love or of me. but i need closure. and this is the only way i know how to achieve it.

so here are some of my own ramblings. sorry if they aren't quite as contradictory as yours...

i hope you had fun playing with my emotions and making me cry. i don't know what fucked up intentions you had or what kind of game you were playing, but i hope you found whatever you were looking for. i guess i simply wasn't good enough. i guess all those lines really were from Hallmark cards, huh? i guess all those songs you wrote for me were for naught. "too many explanations" huh? how about not enough?? all my friends say this is for the better. they can't all be wrong. umm...good luck. with your life. however short it may be. i hope you find some small measure of happiness some where along the way. i hope you become whatever you want to become.


i shall bid thee goodnight and sweet dreams forever. may you be blessed with all your heart's desires...


