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To: A Mr. Will Smith--
Thank you for opening my eyes,
widening the options in my life,
being a friend,
and (mostly...hehe...) for liking my writing!!
Here is what you asked for...

A Broken Wing

I will lose you.
I will lose you.
How great we are.
The moment you walked into the room,
My eyes were immediately drawn towards you.
You commanded attention, so brilliant you seemed.
So flawed and lovable.
I thought I had you.
And I thought you had me.
No words need be spoken.
But I was wrong.
I am losing you.
I am losing you.
Where we were once able to fill the space of time
With meaningless chatter, past memories,
And our ideas on love, lust, the world, death, life…
Anything and everything,
We now sit silent, brooding.
Our minds race but we simply sit,
Too scared to even meet eyes.
I lost you.
I lost you.


