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hey again....this is just a really short
and depressing piece...
tell me what you think...

There was a time when I thought I would become steady, instead of always wavering, faltering. There was a time when I illuminated the room, when my brilliance was sought after. There was a time when I thought the flame inside me would make others love me, would make them want to hold me. But I was wrong. There will be no such time, there are no such thoughts, no such persons. There is only me, with a flame that is forever fickle, unsteady, afraid. There are only melting walls, crumbling dreams, a lost hope. There is only an increasingly smaller, less bright, less beautiful flame. There is only the inevitable: an extinguished flame, whether by someone who took pity on me or by my own hand, or even naturally, in my own wax, in my own desperation, in my own loneliness.

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