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Adopt a Friend!

Hi! These lonely pets and creatures are looking for a nice home! Now, these arn't your usual sappy lovey dovey cyber pets you usualy see. These are cyber pets to the extreme!!!

Procede with caution!

If you want to adopt one, fill out the form bellow. THey're lonely, and need a home! If you don't see one you like today, well you're a mean, cruel hearted person! But, come back later, because we're allways rescuing new pets! :)

This is Blagnorg. His ship crashed in my backyard, and now he needs a new home!

This is Stinky the frog. He was disected in a high school bio class. But, luckily, he escaped before they could remove his liver.

This is biohazard. He used to live in a nice swamp contaminated by toxic waste. But then those damn enviromentalists cleaned it up, with no regard for the new mutated creatures that had evolved! This little guy needs a really trashy site to strut around in!

This is GeckoMan! His fovorite Song is Gecko Man by the Village People. Isn't he cute?

This is Pintcer. Another victem of enivormentalists who kicked him off his beach for snapping off too many endangered hermitcrabs' heads. (actually, he's spent most of his life in a lab, but that's besides the point!)

This is an M&M. Need I say more

This guy got his hand cut off by Darth Vadar. The Fund for people who got their hands cut off by DArth Vadar is overflowing with applicants, and they have no money to help him. he needs your help!!!.

THis is his hand. THey come as a set! ;)

This is pikachoo! Now you don't have to go hunting for a pokemon to capture, but you can adopt one right here!

If you'd like to adopt a friend, click on your right mouse button and then click save image, and put him on your page! Please also link back to my page which is...

:) Also, please fill out the form bellow and I can add you to my happy familie's page! Also write any questions! remember to link back to my page! thanx!

Fill out the Form!

The Kennel of Moo

Pets I have adopted


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