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The First Name, Marduk

The Lord of Lords, Master of Magician. His name should not be called except when no other will do, and it is the most terrible responsibility to do so. The word of his calling is DUGGA.

The Second Name, Marukka

Knows all things since the beginning of the World. Knows all secrets, be they human or divine, and is very difficult to summon. The Preist should not summon him unless he is clean of heart and spirit, for this Spirit shall know his innermost thoughts.

The Third Name, Marutukku

Master of the Arts of Protection, chained the Mad God at the Battle. Sealed the Ancient Ones in their Caves, behind the Gates. Possesses the ARRA star.

The Fourth Name, Barashakushu

Worker of Miracles. The kindest of the Fifty, and the most beneficent. The word used at his calling is BAALDURU.

The Fifth Name, Luggaldimmerankia

Puts order into CHAOS. Makes the waters aright. Commander of Legions of Wind Demons who fought the Ancient TIAMAT alongside MARDUK KURIOS. The word used at his calling is BANUTUKKU.

The Sixth Name, Nariluggaldimmerankia

The watcher of the IGIGI and the ANNUNAKI. SubCommander of the Wind Demons. He will put to flight any maskim who haunt thee, and is the foe of the rabisu. None may pass into the World Above or the World Below without his knowledge. His word is BANRABISHU.

The Seventh Name, Asaruludu

Wielder of the Flaming Sword, oversees the Race of Watchers at the bidding of the Elder Gods. He ensures the most perfect safety, especially in dangerous tasks undertaken at the behest of the Astral Gods, his Word is BANMASKIM.

The Eighth Name, Namtillaku

A most secret and potent Lord, he hath knowledge to raise the dead and conserve with the spirits of the Abyss, unbenownst to their Queen. No soul passes into Death but that he is aware. His word is BANUTUKUKUTUKKU.

The Ninth Name, Namru

Dispenses wisdom and knowledge in all things. Giveth excellent counsel and teaches the science of metals. His Word is BAKAKLAMU.

The Tenth Name, Asaru

This Power has knowledge of all plants aand trees, and can make marvellous fruits to grow in the desert places, and no land is a waste to him. He is truly the Protector of the Bountyh. His word is BAALPRIKU.

The Eleventh Name, Asarualim

Possesses secret wisdom, and shines Light in the Darkened areas, forcing whaat lives there to give good accounting of its existance and its knowledge. Gives excellent counsel in all things. His word is BARRMARATU.

The Twelfth Name, Asarualimnunna

This is the power that presideth over armor of all kinds and is excellently knowledgeable in military matters, being of the advance army of MARDUK at that Battle. He can provide an army with its entire weaponry in three days. His word is BANATATU.

The Thirteenth Name, Tutu

Silences the weeping and gives joy to the sad and ill at heart. A most beneficent Name, and Protector of the Household, his word is DIRRIGUGIM.

The Fourteenth Name, Ziukkinna

Giveth excellent knowledge concerning the movements of the stars and the meanings therof, of which the Chaldeans possessed this same knowledge in abundance. The Word is GIBBILANNU.

The Fifteenth Name, Ziku

This power bestoweth Riches of all kinds and can tell where treasure is hidden. Knower of the Secrets of the Earth. His Word is GIGGIMAGANPA.

The Sixteenth Name, Agaku

This Power can give life to what is already dead, but for a short time only. He is the Lord of the AMULET and the TALISMAN. His word is MASHGARZANNA.

The Seventeenth Name, Tuku

Lord of Baneful Magick. Vanquisher of the Ancient Ones by Magick, giver of the Spell to MARDUK KURIOS, a most fierce enemy. His Word is MASHSHAMMASHTI.

The Eighteenth Name, Shazu

Knows the thoughts of those at a distance, as well as those in the vicinity. Nothing is buried in the ground, or thrown into the water, but this Power is aware. His Word is MASHSHANANNA.

The Nineteenth Name, Zisi

Reconciler of enemies, silencer of arguments, between two people or between two nations, or even, it is said, between two worlds. The scent of Peace is indeed sweet to this Power, whose word is MASHINANNA.

The Twentieth Name, Suhrim

Seeks out the Worshippers of the Ancient Ones wherever they may be. The Priest who sends him on an errand doest so at a terrible risk, for Suhrim kills easily, and without thought. His Word is MASSHANGERGAL.

The Twenty-First Name, Suhgurim

As Suhrim before, the Foe who Cannot be Appeased. Discovers the Priest's Enemies with ease, but must be cautioned not to slay them if the Priest does not desire it. The Word is MASHSHADAR.

The Twenty-Second Name, Zahrim

Slew ten thousand of the Hordes in the Battle. A Warrior among Warriors. Can destroy an entire army if the Priest so desires. His Word is MASHSHAGARANNU.

The Twenty-Third Name, Zahgurim

As Zahrim, a most terrible opponent. It is said Zahgurim slays slowly, after a most unnatural fashion. I do not know, for I have never summoned this Spirit. It is thy risk. The Word is MASHTISHADDU.

The Twenty-Fourth Name, Enbilulu

This Power can seek out water in the midst of a desert or on the tops of mountains. Knows the Secrets of Water, and the running of rivers below the Earth. A most useful Spririt. His Word is MASHSHANEBBU.

The Twenty-Fifth Name, Epadun

This is the Lord of all Irrigation and can bring Water from a far place to your feet. Possesses a most subtle geometry of the Earth and knowledge of all lands where Water might be found in abundance. His Word is EYUNGINAKANPA.

The Twenty-Sixth Name, Enbilulugugal

The Power that presides over all growth, and all that grows. Gives knowledge of cultivation, and can supply a starving city with food for thirteen moons in one moon. A most noble Power. His Word is AGGHA.

The Twenty-Seventh Name, Hegal

As the Power above, a Master of the arts of farming and agriculture. Bestows rich harvests. Possesses the knowledge of the metals of the earth, and of the plough. His Word is BURDISHU.

The Twenty-Eighth Name, Sirsir

The Destroyer of TIAMAT, hated of the Ancient Ones, Master over the Serpent, Foe of KUTULU. A most powerful Lord. His Word is APIRIKUBABADAZUZUKANPA.

The Twenty-Ninth Name, Malah

Trod the back of the Worm and cut it in twain. Lord of Bravery and Courage, and gives these qualities to the Priest who desires it, or to others the Priest may decide. The Word is BACHACHADUGG.

The Thirtieth Name, Gil

The furnisher of Seed. The Beloved of ISHTAR, his Power is mysterious and quite ancient. Makes the barley to grow and the women to give birth. Makes potent the impotent. His Word is AGGABAL.

The Thirty-First Name, Gilma

Founder of cities, Possessor of the Knowledge of Architecture by which the fabled temples of UR were built; the creator of all that is permanent and never moves. His Word is AKABAL.

The Thirty-Second Name, Agilma

Bringer of Rain. Maketh the gentle Rains to come, or causeth great Storms and Thunders, the like may destroy armies and cities and crops. His Word is MASHSHAYEGURRA.

The Thirty-Third Name, Zulum

Knows where to plant and when to plant. Giveth excellent counsel in all manner of business and commerce. Protects a man from evil tradesmen. His word is ABBABAAL.

The Thirty-Fourth Name, Mummu

The Power given to MARDUK to fashion the universe from the flesh of TIAMAT. Giveth wisdom concerning the condition of life before the creation, and the nature of the structures of the Four Pillars whereupon the Heavens rest. His Word is ALALALABAAAL.

The Thirty-Fifth Name, Zulummar

Giveth tremendous strength, as of ten men, to one man. Lifted the part of TIAMAT that was to become the Sky from the part that was to become the Earth. His Word is ANNDARABAAL.

The Thirty-Sixth Name, Lugalabdubur

Destroyer of the Gods of TIAMAT. Vanquisher of Her Hordes. Chained KUTULU to the Abyss. Fought AZAGTHOTH with skill. A great Defender and a great Attacker. His Word is AGNIBAAL.

The Thirty-Seventh Name, Pagalguenna

Possessor of Infinite Intelligence, and determines the nature of things not yet made, and of spirits not yet created, and knows the strength of the Gods. His Word is ARRABABAAL.

The Thirty_Eighth Name, Lugaldurmah

The Lord of Lofty Places, Watcher of the Skies and all that travels therein. Naught traverses the starry element, but that this Power is aware. His Word is ARATAAGARBAL.

The Thirty-Nineth Name, Aranunna

Giver of Wisdom, Counselor to our Father, ENKI, Knower of the Magickal Covenant and of the Laws and of the Nature of the Gates. His Word is ARAMANNGI.

The Fortieth Name, Dumuduku

Possessor of the Wand of Lapis Lasuli. Knower of the Secret Name and the Secret Number, May not reveal these to thee, but may speak of other things, equally marvellous. His Word is ARATAGIGI.

The Forty-First Name, Lugalanna

The Power of the Eldest of the Elder Ones, possesses the secret knowledge of the world when the Ancient Onces and the Elder Ones were One. Knows the Essence of the Ancient Ones and where it might be found. His Word is BALDIKHU.

The Forty-Second Name, Lugalugga

Knows the Essences of all Spirits, of the Dead and the Unborn, and the Starry and the Earthly, and the Spririts of the Air and the Spirits of the Wind as well. Which things he may tell thee, and thou wilt grow in wisdom. His Word is ZIDUR.

The Forty-Third Name, Irkingu

This is the Power that laid capture to the Commander of the forces of the Ancient Ones, KINGU, Mighty Demon, that MARDUK might lay hold of him and, with its blood, create the Race of Men and seal the Covenant. His Word is BARERIMU.

The Forty-Forth Name, Kinma

Judge and Lord of the Gods, at whose name they quake in fear. That the Gods may not err, this Power was given to oversee their activities, should they be lawful and within the nature of the Covenant, for the Gods are forgetful, and very far away. His Word is ENGAIGAL.

The Forty-Fifth Name, Esizkur

This Spirit possesses the knowledge of the length of Life of any man, even unto the plants and the demons and the Gods. He measureth all things, and knoweth the Space thereof. His Word is NENIGEGAL.

The Forty-Sixth Name, Gibil

this Power has been given the Realm of the Fire and the Forge. He keepeth the sharp point of the Sword and the Lance, and giveth understanding in the working of metals. He also raises the Lightning that comes from the Earth, and maketh Swords to appear in the Sky. His Word is BAALAGNITARRA.

The Forty-Seventh Name, Addu

Raises storms that fill the entire heavens and causes the Stars to tremble and the very Gates of the IGIGI to shake in their stead. Can fill the skies with his brightness, even in the darkest hour of the night. His Word is KAKODAMMU.

The Forty-Eighth Name, Asharru

Knower of the Treacherous Ways. Gives intelligence of the Future and also of things Past. Put the Gods in their courses and determined their cycles. His Word is BAXTANDABAL.

The Forty-Ninth Name, Nebiru

This is the Spirit of the Gate of MARDUK. Manages all things in their ways, and moves the crossings of the stars after the fashion known to the Chaldeans. His Word is DIRGIRGIRI.

The Fiftieth Name, Ninnuam

This is the Power of MARDUK as Lord of All That Is. Judger of Judgements, Decider of Decisions, He Who Determines the Laws and the Reign of Kings. He may not be called, save at the destruction of a city or the death of a king. His Word is GASHDIG.

Oh my GOD. Has this page CHANGED for the first time in TWO YEARS!?!
Yes. It has.

    WHAT? This page actually has a focus?!?!

    Other things I plan to add/recognize/praise:

    • Alexey Patrinov created the most well known puzzle game, TETRIS
    • Gershon Kingsley created the all time grandaddy of computerized music, POPCORN
      Left Click Here to DOWNLOAD Hot Butter's POPCORN (2.33Mb)
    • The Satanic Bible by Anton Szandor LaVey
    • The Satanic Witch by Anton Szandor LaVey
    • The Craft: A Witches Book of Shadows

Who thinks they can beat my records?

  • Record Time Without Sleep: 71 Hours (July 23, With Justin in Colrain) BEAT THAT!
  • Record Time Sleeping: 27 Hours (Justin's Place, July 10)
  • Record Time Without Food: 24 Hours (Summer 2000, Justin's, Amherst)
  • Record Time Playing Diablo II: 15 Hours (My place, Summer 2000)
  • Record Time Over Friend's House: 1 Week (Justin's, Amherst, Summer 2000)
  • Record Wounds in one night: (July 4, 2001) including 2nd degree burns, bruises, cuts, bumps, slashes, 1st degree burns (we were cocked around a fireplace)

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THE CHURCH where it all began no longer exists. Like so much else in this bizarre case- which has been quietly making history in the last four years- it has receded silently into the mists of memory. Simon has been a monk, a priest, later an abbot and finally a consecrated bishop of this Eastern Church, becoming ordained even before he graduated high school. Coming from a Slavic backgrouind (his grandparents flet the Austro-Hungarian Empire) he acquired a broad knowledge of several froeign languages, including French, Spanish, Italian, Slavonic, Greek, Latin and even Mandarin Chinese. This ability enables him to communicate with people from many races and nationalities as well as to probe the mysteries of religion oand magick in the ancient manuscripts and worn leather books from many long-forgotten lands. As a yourn priest, he found himself called upon to perform exorcisms among poor ethnic families in the sometimes seedy and dangerous New York City neighborhoods that were his parish. He had faced evil many times in his life, and battled with the devil himself in has many disguises. Yet, he was still not prepared for the sudden appearance of the NECRONOMICON that overcast afternoon in the Spring of 1972.
They had not quite made history yet, those two renegade monks who had unwittingly made it possible for Simon to be one of the first human gbeings to actually hold the notorious spellbook in his hands. But they would. Shortyly thereafter, headlimes in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, and other patpers across the country proclaimed the awful truth. His two brother moknks had ben arrested for committing the biggest rare book heist in the history of the United States. Little did they know the true value of ione of their ill-gotten possessions- the corroded box containing hundreds of pages of manuscript written in a large, cursive hand in the Greek tounge. It was only one of hundreds and hundreds more they had stolen from universities and private collections across the United States and Canada. The two monks would eventually serve time in a federal prison for thier offense. And Simon would be left witht he task of deciphering what appeared to be an ancient book of spells dation from the ninth century A.D.
L.K. Barnes had been a student at the University of Colorado when he began painting the bizarre works of alien landscapes that have become his hallmark to all who know him now. Years ago, he had fantasized about finding the dread NECRONOMICON in an old used book shop, and many of his paintings and sculptures are of themes inspired by his voracious reading of Lovecraft's opus. Somehow, he knew the book had to exist. Somewhere. In some form. He know it was not a mere fantasy of Lovecraft's- for the very concepts of such a book held a power all on its own. Then one day in 1977, a friend- whom we can identify only by his initials- B.A.K.- led him to the Magickal Childe Bookstore in Manhattan. It was just the type of strange and exotic place one would almost expect to find a NECRONOMICON stashed on a forgotten shelf. Jokingly, he asked the proprietor, Herman Slater, if such was the case.
"Certainly," he replied, and pulled Simon's translated manuscript from behind the counter. "Here it is." The rest, as they say, is history.
THESE SPELLS were originally worked by the mystics of ancient Sumeria- a mysterious civilization that flourished in what is known as Iraq over two thousand years before the birth of Christ. No onw knows who the Sumerians really were, or where they came from. Some say they came from the darkest parts of Africa, where they were a nomadic people. Then, suddenly, in less than a hundred years they became a fullfledged agricultural society with cities and farms and beautiful temples that reached to the skies. They gave credit for their awakening to a strange being who came to them from the sea, wearing a devine suit, and who taught them writing, science, agriculture, architecture and, of course, magick. Almost overnight, the Sumerians became a people. Working the system of the NECRONOMICON in their seven-storied temples, they became the most cultured and powerful force in the Middle East. It is their system o fmagick that has been retained in the NECRONOMICON. Now, after literally thousands of years, this secret mystical system for winning power, love and success is made available to everyone.
Of course, the original spells were in the Sumerians' own language, but thanks to the team of translators who worked with Simon on the decipherment of the manuscript, we can now understand what the spells were about and how to work them properly in English. But, in order to work properly, some Sumerian works have been kept because they are know as "words of power." A "word of power" is a word that contains power in itself; in its very pronunciation, in the sounds that comprise it. It cannot be changed, or esle its power would be lost forever. Hence, we have kept the original Sumerian workds of power in their original state, with the sounds intact. Some of them may look difficult to pronounce at first, but take it very slowly and you will derive much benefit from it. These are the words once spoken thousands of years ago in the Sumerian tmeples to summon cosmic forces of such scope that the mind clearly balks at trying to picture the rituals that must have accompanied them in those days. So take the time and trouble to learn the correct way to pronuounce the words you want to use. The effort will pay off a hundredfold when you actually employ your ritual.

Step One

Once you have found the spell you wish to use from the following seals ind descriptions, make a copy of the seal on fresh, clean paper with black ink. You make the seal as large or as small as you wish. Keep it in a safe place until you are ready to use it, and never- under any circumstances- let another person look at it before or after you use it. It is for your eyes only.

Step Two

Choose a quiet evening and a place where you will not be distured for you ritual. The best time is about three in the morning, when distractions (both natural and psychic) are at their lowest intensity. Have your seal ready in front of you. Light two white candles and place them at either side of the seal on a table or desk. If you care to, light a stick of incense. Pine or sandalwood is best, or cedar. The Moon should be waxing, but in cases of emergency this is not necessary. Any time will do. When this has all been arranged, sit quietly for a few minutes and think about the goal you want to achieve.

Step Three

While looking intently at the seal you have made- so that it is the only thing you can see- take three deep breaths, slowly, one at a time. Conentrate on the goal at the same time, seeing it as a picture if possible. A picture of yourself sitting in a pile of cash, or with your arms around a loved one, or within a protective circle. Then, slowly raise your eyes- without lifting your head- to the heavens and say, slowly and clearly:




Hear me, O Thou ___________
(here insert the Name of the Spirit you are invoking)

Come to Me by the Powers of the Word ______________
(here insert the word of the Spirit you are invoking)

And answer my urgent prayer!

Step Four

Then slowly lower your eyes back to the seal in front of you and stare intently at the drawing, at the same time forming a clear mental image of the end you are trying to achieve. Do not pay any attention to any strange or eerie feelings you may experience at this point. They are common with this type of ritual and are no cause for alarm. It is important that you do not break concentration for any purpose whatsoever, so ignore the odd sounds and sensations that might accompany the performance of any of these rituals. They are simply the weak attempts of unevolved psychic entities trying to disrupt your ritual. They are not worthy of your attention.

Step Five

When you have passed a few moments this way, and you feel your concentration beginning to wane, then close the ritual with the following prayer:


Spirit of the Earth, Remember!
Spirit of the Sky, Remember!

Take three more deep breaths, then stand up (if you have been sitting), and walk a few steps around the room looking at all of the objects that might be there: furniture, pictures, ect. and touch a few of these objects. This serves two purposes- one: it helps to solidify your sstral body if the preceding ritual has caused it to become overly sensitive to passing vibrations, making it weak and vulnerable, and two: it distracts the conscious mind from the basically unconscious process that the ritual has just begun. Now, retur to the table on which your seal has been placed.

Step Six

Take the seal you have just made and cover it, or turn it over, or put it away somewhere where no one will see it. The seal has been charged, in a subtle way, and now can no longer be used for any other purpose except what it was consecrated to do in your ritual. You must not use the same seal twice for different goals, although you may use it twice for the same goal, in case you with to repeat your ritual the following night. It is best not to repeat it for more than three consecutive nights for reasons it would be too complicated to explain here. Extinguish the candles and place them where you will find them easily for you next ritual. They can be used again for any ritual, but must never be used for simply lighting the room. Once used in a ritual from the NECRONOMICON, they can be used for no other purpose save a similar ritual from the NECRONOMICON. Do not use these candles for other rituals (that is, from other spellbooks) or for any mundane purpose. You must take these rituals quite seriously, and treat the tools you use in a ritual with the same respect a carpenter has for his saw and hammer, or a plumber for his wrench or a priest for his Bible. In a way, by using these rituals, you have become a kind of priest or priestess yourself, for you have joined a select order of initiates that has been practicing these and similar mystical rituals since the beginning of recorded history.

Step Seven (Optional)

Most of our readers and students have found it enormously valuble to keep a written record of all rituals they perform, so that they can easily assess what their results are by using any particular ritual or spell. They can gauge how long it will take for a certain spell to work, and also they can refresh their memory in the future with accounts of all the successes they have enjoyed through using the NECRONOMICON. The first time a spell works, you may want to believe it's only a coincidence. But later, as time goes by and more and more of your spells are working- with phenomenal results- it's good to go back and look through your magickal diary to see just how wrong you were about coincidence and to prove to yourself once and for all that, yes, magick does work!

BEFORE YOU go straight to the Names, a few words of information.
According to the Sumerian mythology, Marduk was the God who defeated the Ancient Ones long before the creation of matter as we know it. Against him in battle were the fierce TIAMAT, KINGU and AZAGTHOTH. Once he had destroyed these demons, he created the universe from the flesh of TIAMAT, and humanity from the blood of KINGU mixed with his own breath. You will come across these names in the description of the Fifty Names, which were titles given to Marduk my the Elder Gods after he had helped them to defeat the Ancient Ones. This is nothing less than the Biblical story of the war in heaven and the fall of Lucifer; and, in fact, it was recorded by the Sumerians even before there was a Jewish religion, as the Sumerians were the first civilization in the Middle East and their holy books and legends became the basis for much that we read in the Old Testament. The Tower of Babel, for instance, is very probably the Ziggurat (or temple) of Babylon, which was originally a Sumerian city before it was captured by the Assyrian hordes.
Several of the Names do not have Words. In that case, the Fifty Names are given in the section entitled "A Guide to the Spells."
The special Seal for each Name is given on the chart.

The Sacred Egyptian Tarot

The Origin of the Tarots: the Birth of a Legend


The word hermeticism derives frrom Emete Trismegisto, three times magician. In its turn it derives from Thoth, the Egyptian god of wisdom, who had a human body but the head of an ibis. Thoth was the scribe of the gods whose book contained all the knowledge of the world. Hermeticism or the Hermetic cults, followed one after the other in history of Mediterranean culture from the Fourth century BC onwards, with the coming togeatherof the Greek religion. This took the from of the priests who held the Eleusinian Mysteries and Egyptian religion and those of the Cult of Isis. The result was astonishing. The Egyptian religion was completely reinterpreted through through Greek philosophy and those codexes and manuscripts were attributed to Hermes,the Egyptian, trice magician and God of knowledge. This esoteric religion developed on parallel lines with Christianity, but gradually faded out in the Middle Ages as the erudition required to interpret the Hermetic texts was forgotten. It was the Arabs with their heritage of the Alexandrian Greek writings who reintroduced this knowledge into Europe although it had by then been sadly compromised by numerous translations, into Egyptian, Greek, Arabic and Latin. Hermetic knowledge spread despite the Inquisition and became both a philisophic and cultural reference point for movements like that of the Rosicrucians and later the Free Masons.


The facination with Egypt followed parallel lines independently of Hermeticism. There is nothing surprising about the attraction which a pictographoic language of a completely unknown meaning and which appeared to guard huge secrets, held for both scholars and writers. Archaeological discoveries and ancient artifacts which filled the collections reinforced the great importance given to the mythography of this civilization.
Towards the end of the Eighteenth century an archaeologist called Court De Gebelin made the following historical statement: "The Book of Thoth exists and its pages correspond to the images of the Tarots". They were invented by the God Thoth himself and supposedly were used by Egyptian preists for divinatory purposes and initiation rites. Although the statement is based on objectively weak reasoning it was embraced and accepted all over France at the height of the Egyptian craze thanks to the archaeological finds brought back by Napoleon and the deciphering of the Rosetta Stone (in 1822). The two tendancies were joined once and for all with the revival of magical traditions which was taking place at that time.
In 1791 an occultist called Etteilla, published the "Dictionnaire du Livre de Thoth" where the magic and divinatory meaning of the Tarots were codified for the first time.
Alphonse Louis Constant, alias Elifas Levi, was one of the greatest occultists of all time. He attempted to confer a unified structure to the Western magical traditions to which the Tarots were a key in so far as they were correlated to Massonic symbolism, astrology, the Cabbala and also numerology. An important follower of Levi was Jean Baptiste Pitois, alias Paul Christian, who investigated Levi's work in depth and maintained the conviction that the Tarots were of Egyptian origin. Later on many others were to base themselves on the Egyptian myth so as to obtain a closer understanding of the Tarots, especially Papus (Gerard Encausse) and Aleister Crowley. Today the Tarots inspired by Egypt are a fundamental component of the cartomantic tradition; it is impossible to know whether or not the Tarots originated in ancient Egypt.

The Interpretation of the Egyptian Tarots

The Tarots should be seen as a path. A magical path in search of knowledge, an existential path in search of harmony, a symbolic path of growth and acquisition. The Tarots are an alphabet which can represent all the concepts of the human soul. But there is no end to the learning contained in this most difficult alphabet. In the analogy with the letters of an alphabet the words and phrases arise from the spread, i.e. the sequences of cards laid out in a particular way. Thus just as to pronounce a word it is not sufficient to know the pronunciation of the individual letters, in the same way when interpreting the Tarots the vision of the whole must be borne in mind. Here is a simple spread which can be used as a starting point. Its aim is that of answering questions about who one is, one's own identity, which components it is made up of and their relationship among themselves. It is a layered path, in the shape of a pyramid which leads to the centre of being.

The Pyramid of Identity

1. THE GOOD AND GENEROUS SIDE, which is capable of sacrificing itself

2. THE DARK SIDE, egotistical and narrowminded, of which one is ashamed.

3. THE FEMININE SIDE which is receptive, profound and sensitive.

4. THE MASCULINE SIDE which is creative, energetic and agressive.

5. THE UNIQUE SIDE of which one is proud, the gifts one possesses.

6. THE CHILDISH SIDE which is innocent, a dreamer.

7. THE ORDINARY SIDE which is average, normal, daily equilibrium.

8. THE RESPONSIBLE SIDE which is aware, rational, with experience.

9. THE SIDE OF SELF-DENIAL, forgotten, which one has renounced.

10. THE INNER SIDE, which gathers all the other sides, balances them and harmonises them within itself.


"Where all human experience, both material and spiritual, is condensed into a single formula: to Dare, to Know, to Want, to Hold Silence." J.B. Pitois

I- THE MAGICIAN -Will -He is the magician, the perfect man, willpower stands ready to go into action,. Initiative, guile, ability, capability, the beginning of undertakings, the beginning of a path.

II- THE HIGH PRIESTESS- Science- The threshold of the Temple of Isis where mysteries are only revealed in solitude. Study, wisdom, intuition, mysteries, secrets, research.

III- THE EMPRESS- Action- She is the Celestial Isis, Nature, universal fecundity, united with spiritual rectitude. Fertility, creation, intelligence, activity.

IV- THE EMPEROR- Accomplishment- The ruler sits on a cubical stone, as nothing can withstand steady creative will-power. Stability, authority, integrity, indestructibility.

V- THE HIEROPHANT- Inspiration- The Lord of the Sacred Mysteries exhorts to inner concentration so as to hear the voice of the heavens in the stillness of the passions and instincts. Guidance, tradition, counsel, experience.

VI- THE LOVERS- The Test- The struggle between the passions and conscience but indecision is more fatal than the wrong choice. Examination, attempt, pact, the need for a decision, the sowing of seeds.

VII- THE CHARIOT- Victory- By breaking down obstacles he will defeat his enemies and face the future armed with daring. Triumph, success, honour, ambition, violence.

VIII- JUSTICE- Balance- Re0establishes order, that is balance between Law and Duty, between Good and Evil. Law, balance, fairness, inevitability, the consequences of an action.

IX- THE HERMIT- Prudence- The experience acquired through the light of intellegence and of prudence, the armour of the Sage. Wisdom, prudence, solitude, research, renunciation, discretion.

X- THE WHEEL- Destiny- Destiny turns under the impulses of the Whell: Ermanubi (the genius of goodness) grows while Typhon (the genius of evil) falls headlong. Change, opp9ortunity, cyclicity, measurable time.

XI- STRENGTH- Strength- In the Devine World it represents the Principle of every form of Strength, in th eIntellectual World it represents Moral Strength, in the Physical World it represents Organic Stregth. Courage, strength, energy, self-mastery, self-control, faith in oneself.

XII- THE HANGED MAN- Expiation- Devotion is a devine law from which no-one is exempt. Penitence, sacrifice, reparation, pardon, transition, illumination.

XIII- DEATH- Transformation- Destruction and rebirth run through all forms of Being under the domination of Time. Transformation, surprise, beginning and end, rebirth, freedom, balance.

XIV- TEMPERANCE- Initiative- Water dripping drop by drop drodes even the hardest stone. Moderation, peace, patience, care, adaptability.

XV- THE DEVIL- Fatality- Typhon the Genius of Catastrophes, enfolds both the great and the small in disaster. Attraction, originality, diversity, devastation, turbulence, passion.

XVI- THE TOWER- Ruin- The decapitated pyramid is the death of hope, the ruin of our constructions. Arrogance, presumption, prison, ruin, desperation, punishment, lack of balance.

XVII- THE STARS- Hope- It springs from nothing to illuminate the way and uplift our gaze. Faith, hope, grace, beauty, propitious sign, indication, ambition.

XVIII- THE MOON- Disappointment- False security in no way protects one from hidden danger. Visions, eccentricity, traps, dreams, insincere relationships.

XIX- THE SUN- Happiness- The light illuminates those who are able to direct it and blinds those who abuse it. Harmony, sincerity, clarity, security, faithfulness, glory.

XX- JUDGEMENT- Renewal- A moment in which everything will change and in which every thing will no longer be important. Examination of one's conscience, the crucial moment, the arrival point, change in priorities, the consequences of one's actions.

XXI- THE WORLD- Reward- All things come togeather in modesty, all secrets are revealed, all chalices are filled and all wounds are healed. Totality, success, perfection, ecstasy, entirety, self-sufficiency.

0- THE FOOL- Punishment- Man as the slave of matter takes his mistakes with him, heading for new mistakes. Blindness, heedless of oneself, bewilderment, lack of direction, courting danger. Non perception, insensitivity.