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I am making a list of all of Eric Burdon's albums that I am aware of. Obviously I have a long way to go! My goal is to put as many reviews to his albums as possible. This page could be very informative to his newer fans! I have a form at the bottom of this page for you to send me a review of your favorite album(s). Send one even if the album has already been reviewed. I want to hear them all! (If you see a lot of reviews done by "Anna" that is because that's me!)
The Animals With Sonny Boy Williamson
I have heard some of the songs on here. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that "Bye Bye Sonny Boy", "C Jam Blues" and others are on this live album. It is really good. I think there is also versions of "Dimples" and "Boom Boom" on there where Eric sings about Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Russel and "all them chicks". It is a great one.
I love this one!!! There are so many great songs! Eric and the Animals do many "standard" R&B songs, but they make them so interesting. My theory is this: when the Animals recorded songs like 'Hit the Road Jack', 'Smokestack Lightnin' (which are both found on this record) Eric needed to do something to make them stand out as worthwhile so he put everything he could into singing these songs. I have (for the most part) thought that what Burdon does with his voice was the most interesting during the Animals because he had to work harder to make them his own. Obviously he was very successful!--Anna
Eric Is Here
This one is really good and also pretty hard to find compared to some of his other stuff. He goes solo on this; kind of showing the transition between the two very different lineups of Animals. I think this album is very good and is more soul than blues. I love "Mama Told Me not to Come", "Wait Till Next Year", and "It's Been a Long Time Coming". I think he sounds very much like Ray Charles on the last track listed. It is worth the trouble finding it.
The Best of the Animals
One of the many "best of" CD's. I have heard some of the songs on this one.
The Complete Animals
This one is definitely a must for any Animals fan. Especially for the ones (like me) who don't have all of their records saved. It has so many songs that are hard to find. Not the usual best of. One of my personal favorites.
Best of the Animals 1966-68
This was the first Animals music I bought, back when I was a new fan. And obviously it got me hooked. That should say something about how good it is! My favorites are "Inside Looking Out", "Monterey", and "River Deep, Mountain High". This is the period when Burdon really started getting creative in his writing and music styles.
Winds of Change
I love this CD! It is hard to pick the songs that I like best. I love "Poem by the Sea", "Hotel Hell","San Franciscan Nights". This album seems like the first one where Eric Burdon really started getting poetic.-Anna
The Twain Shall Meet
Very good. I have this one on record. I like (of course) "Monterey" and "Sky Pilot".
Every One of Us
"The album has four incredible tracks on it that I count among my favorites. These include The Immigrant Lad, Year of the Guru, St. James Infirmary and New York 1963-America 1968. Each song is completely differet from one another and each display Eric's incredible vocal range. That is not to say that the three tracks I didn't mention are not any good-they are. I've simply never been a fan of White Houses and the other two, well, are instrumentals (good ones though). The Immigrant Lad is one of his more 'touchy-feely' songs but what I like about it is the image of Newcastle or Norhtern England he brings to us with his very descriptive lyrics. The Year of the Guru has such energy-and it showcases some of his more imaginative lyrics evocative of his time with WAR (can we say Paint It Black?). In the St. James Infirmary, for example, I can feel the power of Eric's voice in my gut as he belts out the following, 'I went down to that St. James Infirmary...they had my baby there...she was lyin' on a long, long white table, cold, so still, she was dead...' Listen to the second half of 'America...'. Yes, likely he WAS as high as he sounds when he sang it, but GOD is it good. What is even more interesting about this track is the story it tells, I can feel all that he experienced when he arrived and how his world changed five years later. When I listen to this album, it reinforces my belief that this EB & Animals lineup was comprised of absolutely incredible musicians (namely Weider, Briggs and Zoot Money). Not only is Eric in top form but so are his bandmates. The tracks on this album may not be as popular as those on 'The Twain Shall Meet' or "Love Is...' but they are every bit as incredible."--Aimee
Love Is...
The only song I have heard on this album so far is "To Love Somebody" far.
Eric Burdon Declares War
Their first album together. This was done just a little while after the final lineup of Animals broke up. What a huge jump in style. It is one I have listened to a million times. I think it may be (at least one of his) Abbey Road's or Dark Side of the Moon's in that every single sound on it is perfect.--Anna
Black Man's Burdon
Great one! I think 'Spirit', 'Sun and Moon', 'Paint It Black', and 'Jimbo' are the best.--Anna
Love Is All Around
I have heard some of the songs on "best of" CD's. "Love is All Around" is good. "Home Dreams" is AMAZING!
Black and White Blues
Another one I've heard parts of. This one is worth getting for "Soledad" alone and then when you get all the other great songs like "The Laws Must Change" and "Have Mercy Judge" (the ones I've heard) you will just pass out from total bliss. Burdon's and Witherspoons voices compliment each other very well.
Sun Secrets/Stop
In my opinion the second half of this CD is the best. I love 'City Boy', 'I'm Looking Up', and 'Sun Secrets'.--Anna
Eric Burdon Live
This is a great live album released in 1996. It mostly has Animals hits with a few others including my favorite "Lawdy Miss Clawdy" which is a good classic rock song.
Wicked Man
It took a long time for me to hear this one. I had heard so much about the songs "No More Elmore" and "Wicked Man" but hadn't heard them until now. They are GREAT. I think they are some of Eric Burdon's most popular solo songs.--Anna
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