The Blue Gecko Bar and Grill The entrance to the Blue Gecko appears as a pair of marble columns joined by an arch with a bas releif of a palm tree on the keystone, set into a wall in the Sportsplex. Beyond this archway is a slightly curved cobblestone path, about eight feet wide, that winds over an apparently bottomless drop into empty sky. The bar itself is a tropical-cabana type building, with single-thickness wooden walls and a thatched roof, shaded by a palm tree. The small lizards the bar is named for live in the tree, ocassionally scampering down to beg for peanuts and bowls of beer, for which they will do backflips and tapdance. The kitchen and back rooms are carved into the cliffside that it butts up against, and there seem to be far more back rooms than could logically fit into the amount of rock present. Logic plays little part in the flying island's construction, to tell the truth - the river flows uphill to the upper level, the path to the upper level and the portal both seem to lead downhill no matter which way you walk them, and anyone falling off the edge of the world will come down three minutes later, splashing through the waterfall into the Deep Hole below it. Intentionally swimming down the Deep Hole will reveal that it's about twenty five feet down (which would be a real trick for normal people to dive even from a twenty foot waterfall, but a fair number of entrants in the GMCA don't even have to BREATHE if they don't feel like it, so it's sure that someone will get down there) to where the tunnel bends away and comes up in a second, underground grotto pool, which trickles away through a narrow crack in the wall. There is a dumbwaiter and hallway (a LEVEL hallway) to the restrooms of the Blue Gecko above, and a sandy passage (the whole area is floored with clean, dry white sand, and lit by glowing crystals in the upper walls and domed cielings) that leads through a small maze of empty, natural rooms and corridors to the a larger room, the size of the grotto of the pool, that is open to what seems to be a volcanic crater above, about thirty feet in diameter and fifty feet straight up. Anyone who can climb naked rocks or fly will find themselves popping out of the peak of the "mountain" on the east side of the island, and looking back will reveal a crater-shaped opening about eighteen inches by twenty four leading down. The small sun risies over this peak on its daily orbit of the island, setting over the pool in synchronization with the sun in the real world. The umbrellas over the three tables of the upper level float unsupported, and seem to provide a "zone of silence" around each table. They also each hold the guts of a sound system with a jukebox-style control box at the center of the table. The jukeboxes are free. The main bar sound system is in the area between the bar building and the cliff face, behind the palm tree. The area directly in front of it doubles as a stage when live music is in the house and a dance floor otherwise, and is open to the interior by virtue of there being no wall between the two. The weather is always a pleasantly warm sunny day or moonlit night with a light breeze, and the grass doesn't grow weeds or get crushed underfoot. The bar has two other noteworthy features, inherent to its makeup as a part of the Superguy Multiverse even when linked outside it - one is that as a place where alchoholic beverages may be purchased and consumed it is Holy Ground, meaning that Highlander and Nerflander battles are forbidden, and that certain unholy beings - vampires, werecreatures, Hell Lords, etc. - may have a slight melting problem unless they wear one of the protective amulets hung at the back of the columns on either side of the archway; the other is something called the Mask Principle. Breifly put, it means that unless you already know someone in thier disguised identity, it is IMPOSSIBLE to penetrate any costume that covers or significantly alters the face. It is possibly the only place most people will ever go where a Ranma-style strip of cloth tied under the nose is an effective disguise. There is always a hunky bartender and two beautiful waitresses for both the main building and the second level bar, plus an equally hunky bouncer/lifeguard, all of whom are desperate for further developement - literally, anyone who names a staff member and points out little distinguishing traits gets a free drink in gratitude, because Named Characters, as a rule, have a much higher life expectancy than Nameless Characters. There are several shifts of staffers, though they never seem to go anywhere but into and out of the back rooms. Anyone who picks a fight on the island, bothers other customers or the staff too much (this includes maliciously making up terrible things as parts of their backstory, since the staffers look out for each other) will be Bounced, habitual offenders will be Splatted. Being Bounced means that the suddenly much-bigger-looking bouncer picks you up by the scruff of the neck, walks to the middle of whichever bridge is closest, and kicks your ass hard enough to send you flying through the archway and skidding to a stop on the far side, and for the next three days the archway is sealed to you by a solid slab of stone. The only exception to this is the underground caverns, where arrangements may be made to hold matches without worry of retribution. Anyone else passing in or out until this period is up will seem to be moving through solid stone like a ghost, beings with the power to do this on their own, or to break the slab, will find themselves on the other side of a random wall in the Sportsplex, which somehow always seems to be the absolute worst place for them to be showing up. Splatting is almost the same, except that the slab appears before you pass through the portal and you get to embed yourself in it, then fall onto the ground as it turns immaterial, only to be solid forever as soon as you pass out of the archway. Drogn appears to be the owner; all the bartenders call him "cheif", the waitresses and bouncer "sir". Wherever it is the staff goes, he seems to go sometimes as well. Actually, he's just excercising his tin-god right to do whatever he wants in his own creation and get Old Testament on anyone who has a problem with it. Basically, this is meant to be something that anyone can decide they want to wander into and have their avatar meet other avatars, or just have a brewski (or any other beverage, as the bar can supply anything from Vulcan Mineral Water to a Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster, from Bud Light to fresh-from-the-john Doggie Delight, from The Same Mistake to Thirty Seconds Over Alaska. If you walk in and ask for fermented Dragonroot extract with a trace of brimstone, the bartender will look at you oddly for a moment, go into a back room for the brimstone, and mix it up. I, personally, will almost always be seen with an icy-cool IBC Root Beer, which happens to be my designated Holy Beverage. If that's not the case, I'll either have Nuclear Winter or a Liquid Twinkie, more frequently the latter.) If it pours, fries, or is inhaled the staff can provide it at modest prices, they also make excellent pizza; injected or capsule recreational chemicals are not available as such, but if Zenith, Feng, or similar, er, 'sources' are present inquiries will be directed their way. Smokes and gasses are almost immediately drawn away after being exhaled due to the excellent ventilation, so that those who prefer not to smell them need not. The accompanying floor plan is on the rough side in terms of showing accurate scale, but the main corridor is around six feet wide. The large circle shows the extentr of the outisde of the ball of rock. A is the island end of the path from the Sportsplex B is the bridge over the river C is the Deep Hole where the waterfall ends, swimming down into it about 25 feet will bring you to D D is the beginning of the underwater passage to the pool in the grotto E is the smaller, rather damp and dark set of caverns behind the waterfall F is the dance floor. There is no wall between it and the table area. G is the DJ station and main sound system H is the bartender's area I is the kitchen J are back rooms with private tables, for parties or special occasions K is an arcade room with several upright machines, a pair of Virtual Mekton pods, and a fooseball table. Continuing out this hallway you find the restrooms, then through the doors marked 'Employees Only' and which have a fire escape sign above them will lead to a rugged, unmarked door in a narrow alley in a place called Geoisland, which is just outside Japan's territotial waters in an alternate Earth in 2033. L are more back rooms, equpped with pool tables and dart boards M are storage rooms marked 'Employees Only' and passcard-locked. The hallway to the right leads off further than you can see with identical doors all along. In is a soft, sandy beach on the underground pool, the cavern lit by the glowing crystal outcroppings that provide light all throuhg the grottos. They are primarily light blue in this area. O is a set of natural stone columns that partially obstruct this section of the rough stone corridors, their bases vanishing into the white sand floor. Lighting tends to greenish tones around here. P is a chain link fence blocking the corridor due to the section beyond being unstable and prone to rockfalls. There are very few light crystals here, and they are mostly reddish purple. Q is The Lab, its short connecting passage curtained off and the interior equipped with the kind of wierd science equipment seen in old movies and comic books, including a computer terminal around the size of an upright piano. Drogn may often be found here typing on said terminal, which is in fact connected to several different realities' internets and has more computing power than some industrialized civilisations, for all that it looks like something you'd find in a 1950s sci fi flick. The lights in here a bare electric bulbs with conical shades. R is a hot spring, the water of which glows softly blue, while the lighting around it is mostly reds and yellows. S is an otherwise unremarkable little cavern with a large blue crystal formation in the roof. Lying back and looking into it, an observer will begin to see visions of the nearby spring from underwater. T is the base of the 'volcano,' the dashed circle representing the mouth of it above as visible from below. It is lit naturally from above. W is the topside opening of the volcano, about 10 inches by 18 to look at it, but anything under 25 feet in diameter can fit freely through the hole if a corner can be got into the apparent opening. X is the lifeguard station on the topside swimming area, right beside the palm tree Y is the front door of the bar Z is just a bit of solid rock. I like the Z character in this font, but didn't have anything else to label. END OF LINE