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Name: Evangelion Unit-04' (Eva-Four Prime)


Personal Email address: hakubiwashu@hotmail.com

  • Height: Approximately ten stories when standing straight, but tends to hunch over (this is a guess- anyone know just how big an Eva really is?)

  • Weight: God only knows

  • Appearance: Basic Eva unit, painted matte black. For those who don't know, that's a large, disturbingly humanoid figure covered in a sort of metallic "armor." Large fin-like projections at the shoulders, elbows, knees, and back serve various purposes. A helmet-like layer of armor hides the mecha's beastlike face; three lensed eyes are located under a recessed hood. A pair of wings can be extended from the Eva's back, like those of the mass production series, but flight close to the ground is impractical, thus they are only rarely used. Underneath the armor, the Evangelion is fully organic and can thus "bleed" and feel pain, to a degree. It is usually hunched over almost to the point of being on all fours during fights.

  • Alternate Appearance: As above, but the armor is painted with a forest camoflauge scheme. The wings, rather than being white, are matte black.

  • Fighting Style: Berserk Rage

  • Button Style: Soul Caliber, plus jump button

  • Bio: Evangelion Unit 04 disappeared from that universe during an unfortunate test of the S2 engine that went horribly wrong. In many Eva continuities, it remained gone. In many more, it reappeared later to cause problems. But there are still hundreds upon hundreds of versions of the Eva that were never accounted for in their world. It seems not improbable that someone would stumble upon such a mecha and try to figure it out.

    Sean's mecha is one such Evangelion. Though no normal person would have the nescessary talent to pilot an Eva- such talent is something like one in a billion- Sean is by no means a normal person. With some analysis and study, he determined the means to "copy" the pilot talent and get the Eva to respond to him. However, the pilot-Eva link is unstable at best and prone to behaving oddly when the pilot's mental state deviates from normal. Furthermore, the void demon within him made things even worse, sending conflicting signals to the unit. The long and short is that while Sean can activate the Eva, he cannot exert much control over it- it has an unfortunate tendency to go berserk and attack anything in its area. Of course, in a fight this is exactly what he wants it to do, and since he has no real mecha piloting experience, it saves him the trouble of learning. He has only vauge awareness and control of what happens during the berserk, about enough to know when to shut it down again, but that's sufficient for what he uses it for.

  • Intro: Sean will reluctantly use the Eva for mecha fights when nescessary, but only if the fight is in a relatively unpopulated area. Evas are far too destructive to use where they can cause real damage, particularly when fighting another mecha.

  • Theme Songs:

    • Game Theme: N/A (Blue Nothing)

    • Main Theme: Normal Blood (Evangelion)

    • Alternate Theme: The Beast II (Evangelion)

  • Stage: Ruins of Memory: Fights that do not take place elsewhere will be here, in Sean's normal stage.

  • Weapons:

    • Lance of Longinuss replica: normally something like a huge, double-bladed sword gripped in the middle, the Lance relies as much on sheer weight as it does sharpness. At times, it can transform into its true shape- a long, red two-pronged trident whose haft is composed of the same material as the points, only spiralled together to be more usefully grippable. See Supers.

    • Paired auto-caster pistols bonded to the forearms of the Eva. Sean has integrated them into its neural systems, so the Eva is aware of and can use them, though of course it prefers to simply tear opponents apart with bare hands or the Lance. They draw mana energy from the S2 engine, but their huge requirements put a strain on even its near-infinite reserves.

  • Special Resources:

    • Abnormal strength and speed for its size and build.

    • A.T. Field: The Eva's primary weapon, it can be use either offensively, to project force waves and other unusual effects, or defensively, to block incoming attacks. While most normal projectiles will be stopped, more powerful attacks may pierce the field.

    • Immunity to pain: the berserked Eva will not feel the pain of its wounds, though its pilot still may. To defeat it, you effectively have to tear it apart until the various bits are no longer connected and functional.

    • Wings: Rarely used unless its opponent takes to the air, they are assisted by a set of ram/scramjets mounted along the rear dorsal fins. They are not visible at all until extended.

  • Openings:

    • 1st Round: The ground in the starting area crackles and goes indistinct, as per Sean's phasing entrances as Eva-04' rises up out of the ground, slumped forward in deactivation. There is another crackle as the phase portal closes and the Eva's eyes light up red, its body straightening and coming to life. Eva-04' lets out an earth-shaking animal howl as it leaps forward and the match begins.

    • Standard: A large shadow falls over the Eva's starting position, accompanied by a high-pitched scream which cuts off only moments before the mech drops onscreen, landing on all fours and creating a huge furrow in the ground as it grinds to a halt. The eyes shine for a moment, then it rises to its normal stance and the match begins.

    • Vs. Dan Robo: Both enter as per their standard openings. As they finish, cut in close-ups of both pilots in the cockpit, with appropriate animation as they talk.

      [Sean]: Your robot is powered by an unlimited energy source?
      [Dan]: That's right! Unbeatable Super Machine Dan Robo has INFINITE power!
      [Sean]: Then how come you can only use your supers a limited number of times?
      [Dan]: ...Urk. [His mecha shudders slightly.]
      [Sean]: And how can you supercharge something that's already infinite? [Dan's mech shudders again, this time more noticably] And why do those stupid axes always come back to you? They have zero aerodynamic properties. [Dan Robo shudders again, starting to fall to the ground as reality begins to impose itself on the mecha more strongly.]
      [Sean, continuing]: And speaking of aerodynamics, how does that thing manage to fly? The wing surface isn't even close to enough to keep it airborne-
      [Dan, interrupting him]: Enough! There are no design flaws! Unbeatable Super Machine Dan Robo is perfect! [It straightens up to its normal posture as the mecha paradigm reasserts itself.]
      Actually, this exchange is wrong. Dan's correct reaction is found on Dan Robo's page. But this was too fun to throw away. -Editor

  • Taunts:

    • Raises its head back and howls.

    • (two or more super bars) Extends both arms out and creates a set of four thin energy "wings."

  • Finishing Poses:

    • Standard: Crouches down to the ground and shuts down, the light in its eyes dying out.

    • Alternate: Extends its wings and flaps them several times, the ramjets on its back screaming to life and carrying it into the air.

    • Time Over loss: The Eva grinds to a halt in mid-action, the glow in its eyes dying down as all its systems shut off. It collapses as the musculature is deprived of power and fails to support it any longer.

    • Desperation: Eva-04' howls as its opponent falls to the ground, dropping fully to all fours and making a single extended leap to land on top of them, where it immediately begins tearing into the mecha, ripping components (or organs) free and crushing each piece mercilessly before tossing it aside.

  • Victory Quotes:

    • "You were expecting a parentless teenage male with angst issues?"

    • "Stop! Stop, I said! sigh Deactivate mental linkages, now."

    • "Damnit, another malfunction in the primary field recouple net bypass? This piece of junk."

    • "Just for the record, I have absolutely no desire to yell out a heroic cliche here."

    • "Shinji was a wuss."

    • (Flash finish) "Well, its good for salvage, anyways."

  • Character Strategy: Eva-04' fights very differently than Sean does. Simply keep pressing your opponent, and block their attacks if you start to get low on life. Otherwise, pound them, hard. You have the damage and speed to cause some serious hurt and the Eva's attacks combo well (almost any non-super move can combo into any other), but if your AT Field blocks start to fail, or if your opponent can hold you at a distance and poke away, you will be in serious trouble.

  • Attacks: (Note: directional commands are as per normal; for other buttons, J is jump, G is guard, H is horizontal, V is vertical, and K is kick. Buttons seperated by a comma are done sequentially. Buttons seperated by a "+" are done simultaneusly. Buttons seperated by a -> should be "rolled" from the first to the second.)

    • Launcher:

      • Rising Fury: An almost-leaping uppercut with hands opened, clawlike, to rake across the opponent's torso. Displacement is somewhat low, but good damage and range. (7%) (uf+V when rising from crouch)

    • Command Normals:

      • Wing Boost: At the end of a jump, pressing the jump button again will cause the Eva to extend its wings for a second and flap them once, pushing it a bit further into the air. This effectively extends the distance that can be jumped and allows the Eva to avoid longer duration ground attacks. (no damage) (J while in air)

      • Bash: Clasping both hands together, the Eva makes a hefty two-fist swing. Slower than a normal attack, but also much more damaging. (9%) (df+H+V)

      • Smash: Basic axe kick, a la Ryu or any of numerous other characters. Must be blocked high, knocks down. (8%) (f+K)

    • Throws:

      • Meet the Street: A double-handed grab as the Eva lifts them up a ways, followed by it slamming them back down into the ground. (10%) (H+V while close)

      • Unnatural Hunger: A quick grab-and-pull, which, if successful, gets Unit 04' close enough to bite into its opponent. Regardless of their composition, it will swallow the resultant torn-off bit. Button-mashing causes it to chew a bit before letting go, doing extra damage. (8% or 11% with button mash) (G+K while close, mash K for extra damage)

      • Body Checkmate: Eva-04' turns one shoulder towards its opponent and charges a short distance, damaging and knocking back anyone in range. Extremely good range and push distance for a throw, but easily avoidable. (6%) (f, f, f+K)

    • Specials:

      • Ikari Blaze: Eva-04' raises both arms and lets lose with a barrage from the oversize caster pistols mounted in its forearms. The spray of magical energy covers a good-sized area, but each individual shot does only a small amount of damage, so your opponent has to be at extremely close range for it to cause much damage. More useful for distraction pursoses than anything else. (varies, max 8%) (d+V->f+H)

      • A.T. Field: Command block. Functions exactly as per Sean's move, except that it will function against normal attacks. (no damage) (b+G, db+G, or ub+G depending on move strike height)

      • Crippler: The Eva leaps in low to the ground, avoiding all high and mid blows as it does so, and executes a vicious punch at shin-level in front of it. Must be blocked low. Note that this can strike prone opponents.

      • One-Two-Kill: A series of three powerful, alternating punches. Only real disadvantage is the lag afterword. If the Eva happens to have the Lance of Longinuss in hand, this move changes to a three-hit back-and-forth swing with the weapon.

      • Use the Land: Eva-04' grabs a random piece of stage scenery, tears it from the ground, and brings it up to use as a weapon. Anything large enough will qualify (buildings, extremely large trees, rubble, whatever). If the object car-sized or smaller, it can be thrown by repeating the command. Otherwise, if functions as a crude weapon for a few hits, improving the Eva's reach and damage a bit. Objects will shatter after 1-3 hits, depending on its durability. (6% or no innate damage) (d, d+G while near an object)

    • Supers:

      • The Wall: With a bellow and wave of one hand, the Eva releases its A.T. Field to expand out across the screen towards its opponent. It will cancel other normal projectiles and continue on; supers, on the other hand, will punch through it, with both attacks traveling on to hit their respective targets. Because it is well over a mile across and several hundred feet high, the move is undodgable except by teleports. (20%) (b+H, qcf+V+K, G+H)

      • Lancea Longini: Unit 04' raises one arm back as if grasping a weapon and the Lance of Longinuss in its true form appears in one hand, poised for an attack. The Eva throws the spear at its opponent, traveling suprisingly slow for a projectile. It is dodgable, but not blockable as the Lance simply punches through any kind of non-Desperation/Ultimate defense used against it. This portion of the move does 15% damage. Once that portion of the attack has finished, the Lance immediately teleports back into the Eva's hands, reassuming its normal shape, that of a huge double-bladed swordlike weapon. For the remainder of the match all of the mecha's attacks will use the lance, doubling their damage but vastly decreasing their speed and comboability. (15% then special) (hcf+H, b, b, f+H+V+K)

    • Desperation:

      • Shin Evangelion: Eva-04' raises its head back and howls, exactly as per its taunt, but immediately afterword, the armor on its body begins to crack and fall apart, dropping to the ground in a series of huge crashes to reveal the unpleasantly organic inner bits of the Eva. Twisting muscle tissue, throbbing veins, and a large, pulsating inner core are the most noticable features. In this form, the Eva's speed and damage are boosted even more, making it almost ungodly fast, but it takes 50% extra damage from all attacks against it, including blocked ones, but not those stopped by the A.T. Field. (no innate damage) (hcf, d, df+G+K+J, G, H+V)

    • Ultimate Attack/Summon:

      • [Name Missing]: Unit-04's eyes flash, glowing brilliant ruby for a second, and a pillar of angelic energy erupts underneath its opponent, exploding outward into the standard cross-shape. Fairly fast and can be blocked, but high tick damage. (35%) (two full circles while holding V+H+K+G)

    • Flash Finisher:

      • Open Your Heart to the World: Eva-04' leaps in at its opponent, trying for a grab. If it succeeds, it grasps them about the chest with both hands and strains as it lifts them into the air above itself. Once there, it holds them and pulls its hands apart, tearing the mecha in half. Organic mecha come apart in a spray of gore; mechanical ones explode. (N/A) (f, df, f, H+V, V->K when close)

    • Team Helper:

      • N/A; a team member is as likely to be attacked as the enemy is.

    • Team Supers: N/A; see above.

  • Glitches:

    • Eva-04' bleeds. A lot. In fact, a lot more than it should be capable of. It also follows the anime law that any cut or injury will spew blood as if it were pressurized; in the Eva's case, this may well be true.

  • Motivations:

    • Kill

    • Hurt

    • Maim

    • Destroy

  • How Unit-04' talks:

    Loud to the point of making Ukyo Tachibana sounds like a real ninja. Prefers extended one-syllable words, like "rarg" and "gahr."

  • How Unit-04' acts:

    Smashes things. Destroys them after smashing them. Sometimes grinds them up after smashing and destroying them.

The mecha "Unit-04'" and all attributes thereof are TM and © 2000 to Sean Morgan.

MUAHAHAHAHAHA! And now, while you are distracted by the pretty lights, I will steal your cheez!