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Name: Dread Judgement

Signature Quote: "Do I have any volunteers?"

Personal Email address: neovid@hotmail.com

Please note that this fighter profile is designed to be a supplement to the original Dread Judgement Aberration profile, which is why certain parts are missing.

    Alternate Appearance: Wears dark grey. Side note: the Judgment Sword will change shape to match any sword an armed opponent uses (the one closer to its original size, in the case of more heavily armed rivals).

  • Fighting Style: The extremely effective style of the Judgment Sword has no name, but Dread Judgment's version has been nicknamed MoreGore for obvious reasons.

  • Button Style: Samurai Shodown (A: weak slash, B: strong slash, A+B: powerful slash, same with kicks).

  • Intro: He's helping run this thing, so he could make an appearance if needed. He most likely won't.

  • Theme Songs:

    • Game Theme: Burn In Hell (Blue Nothing)

    • Main Theme: Power (unedited version) (Bust-A-Groove)

    • Vs. Card: Dolls' Polyphony (Akira soundtrack)

  • Stage: The tower in his own little bit of Hell. This being Judgment's home, the are accessories for his hobbies built into the place... mainly, blood gutters in the floor. There's a balcony in the background, through which you can see his part of Hell's army on training manouvers.

  • Weapons: The Judgment Sword, a powerful mystic weapon. Also two pistols that use hellfire as ammo.

  • Special Resources:

    • The Aura of Sickness. It's actually a minor mystic ability, powered by a trace of hellfire, and his own inner thoughts. It contributes heavily to his ability to unnerve anyone, no matter how stoic, or badass, or oblivious, or completely screwed up they are. When he wants it to, it'll give anyone around a convulsion-inducing instinct that this... thing... would cheerfully {censored} you to death as soon as look at you... (better stop there...)

    • His part of Hell. He rules a fair sized chunk Down There, and has its fire for his personal use. Unfortunately (for him, anyway), he has Dan Hibiki Syndrome when it comes to magic (no matter how much training he has, he's got no potential), so he can't use it in any well-directed way. He uses it to regenerate, for the few mystic abilities he has managed to learn, and as an unfocused weapon at times.

  • Openings:

    • 1st Round: As the sirens, crashing and gunfire of the beginning of his Gangsta theme start, he comes riding in on the hood of an old police hovercruiser (either lounging back, or crouched to spring). He jumps off, and the Sword appears in his hand as the first of the lyrics start: "Now you must DIE... before my POWER..."

    • Standard: He laughs without opening his mouth, "Hnh hnh hnh..." and pulls the Sword out of his palm with his other hand.

    • Random Alternate: (30% chance) He holds the Sword over his head, and its sickly red-black antilight glow doubles in mind-hurting intensity.

    • Vs. Self: They both Psychotic Smile and say, "I should have thought of this years ago..."

    • Vs. Epsilon: Sets the flat of the Sword on his shoulder and says, "Must admit... you're one of our sorta people." Epsilon rolls his eyes and sighs. "This isn't intimidating. This is bad comedy." Judgment smirks and replies, "You must really enjoy making things harder on yourself." Then he copies Strider Hiryu's fighting stance with his Cypher perfectly. "And why can't I like bad comedy?"

    • Vs Card, 1st Round: After Card says, "It's my first time... be gentle." Judgment replies, "I've got experience... if you're willing to train under me."

    • Vs. any other woman: Psycho Smiles and tells them, "You're in for the greatest ride of your life." His Sword appears, and he adds, "Also the last one. Hnh hnh hnh."

    • Vs. Replica: She answers that with, "I seriously doubt you could match my old boyfriend... for weirdness, at least."

    • Vs. (\/)ajin: Points at (\/)ajin's back as the vs. perverts glitch takes over, and yells, "Yeah, RUN, you little bastard!"

    • Vs. NeoVid: Drives the Sword into the ground, then says, "I hear you can't feel pain..." Picks up the sword and goes on, "That's a challenge if I ever heard one."

    • Vs. Drogn: Judgment grins almost cutely and says, "Come on, show me that trick with your tongue, man!" Happy to have an audience, Drogn does The Tongue Thing, pushing his rope trick skills so far beyond their limit that he ends up mummified in about 5 seconds. A second Drogn has to Time Loop in to get him loose. Judgment says, "Now that was just sad."

    • Vs. Teotl: "We'd sign you up if you'd drop that 'helping people' sorta $#!+." Teotl replies, "You think I'm in this for the good of mankind, you're stupider than you look," then shakes his head and adds, "When sadism substitutes for efficiency, you're ridin' for a fall." Judgment draws the Sword and states, "Oh, I'm VERY good at being sadisic and efficient..."

    • Vs. Wyvern Classic: Purposely cutting his own hand, Judgment draws double tear streaks in blood under his eyes. He leers and says, "Small-time gods get the special treatment..."

    • Vs. PBA[S] Wyvern - Using his most disturbingly sweet, honey-dripping voice, he grins and says, "..Nice tail..."

    • Vs. Yuusuke: Looks Yuu over carefully. "You're practically one of ours already, you know that?"

    • Vs. Kyo: Kyo smirks, and in the 'talking to pets' voice, calls "Here puppy! Come on boy!" Judgment swings the Sword in a figure-eight and tells Kyo, "Congratulations, you just volunteered to be my new chew toy."

    • Vs. Charles: Charles takes a defiant stand as Judgement rides in. Charles' battle aura (Actually a photon shield mounted on his belt) flares up, and grins at him, before saying, "Feh. I work for Death himself. Something like you doesn't even begin to scare me..." Judgment replies, "Too bad. Death might save you from me." Both gain a super meter.

    • Vs. Dan: Dan does a classic powerpose and states, "Villian! I'll send you to Hell!" Judgment says, "Too late. I live there. But I'll give you a free tour."

    • Vs. Reader: Reader blinks at the sight of Judgment and pulls out a silver-plated sword and a string of wolfsbane. Judgment smirks and tells him, "Sorry, I'm a mutant, not a were. Nice try, though."

  • Taunts:

    • Leaves the sword point-down in the ground, as the word "OBEY" swirls around him in several languages.

    • "...Sinner..."

  • Finishing Poses:

    • Standard: Poses with his sword held high and says a victory line.

    • Alternate: Rips his shirt open with his free hand, also tearing gashes in his chest. Both of them regenerate in a few seconds, but the blood stays.

    • Alternate: Picks his opponent up by the face, and says "Can't dish it out OR take it..."

    • Desperation: Coughs some of his own blood onto the back of his hand, looks at it thoughtfully, and mutters, "I had forgotten intense pain can be so much like intense sex..." (This is a paraphrase from the character that inspired me to create him in the first place... 150 point reference!)

    • Perfect: The Sword disappears in a black flash, and he rubs his chin. "Mmnnnnnn... I like them helpless...."

    • Ultimate: The Sword is absorbed back into his hand, and he grunts, "Must... have more blood..."

    • Flash Finisher: Licks some of the gore off of his muzzle, saying, "I hope we can do this again..."

    • Draw: Turns his back on his opponent. "What's the damn point?"

    • Time Over: Throws the Sword at the ground. It fades out a second after leaving his hand.

  • Victory Quotes:

    • "Was it good for you?"

    • "Too bad you'll never get that experience you need..."

    • (desperation) "Oh yeah... hurts real good..."

    • (perfect) "It's more fun if you fight back."

    • (ultimate) "Too fast for you, right?"

    • (finisher) "Mmmmmm... too sweet..."

  • Character Strategy: Judgment, not surprisingly, is horribly cheap. He attacks fast, has excellent comboability, and good damage and range thanks to his Sword. His stronger sword attacks cover a large area, giving him fairly good defense. Since they have some lag, his normal slashes are replaced by claws and bites at very close range (be glad he doesn't use his teeth much, since he has a tendency to swallow anything he bites off). His kicks aren't bad, but not particularly useful. The best way to use him is constant short-range pressure with combos, occasionally backing off for a bit of gunfire. He can't hit very hard at long range, remember. And with the exception of his Finisher, he has absolutely no unblockables (and his opponents are praying in thanks...) but any attack with the Sword WILL do block damage.

  • Attacks:

    • Launcher: A big upward slash, starting at the ground. (d+B)

    • Command Normals:

      • Triple Edge - Powerful series of three stabs. Killer combo ender. (10%) (f+A+B)

      • Round Slash - Overhead swing that also covers him from any jump-in. (6%) (b+B)

    • Throws: No throws, fortunately.

    • Specials:

      • Blood Rain - Long series of forward slashes while standing still. Think Ukyo's Snowfall Slash]. Stronger button increases how long it lasts. (3% per hit) (qcb+Slash)

      • Hellflare - His first gun attack. Sword disappearing, he takes out his old lead-thrower, and blasts a large fireball at mid-height. (5%) (qcf+A)

      • Hellfire - His other gun attack. Starts the same, but he gets out his laser and fires off a beam. Still minor damage, and slower, but gets 4 hits and destroys other fireballs. (5%) (qcf+B)

      • Against All Hope - Anticipation counter. Holding the Sword straight up in front of himself, he will then knock aside any physical attack that hits the blade. After that, he can instantly counter that same attack by using any normal attack while blocking it. (standard attack damage) (dp+Slash)

      • Double Cross - A rushing slash that changes in range according to the button used. After one connects, a second one can always be landed if timed right. Good for combos, and can juggle. (1st: 7%, 2nd: 9%) (qcf+Kick, qcf+Kick)

      • Shackle - Judgment stabs the ground, and a glowing crack opens up in the ground (the crack is a portal, so it works in the freakier arenas) under his opponent. Three thick chains shoot straight up from it, trapping the opponent wherever on the screen they happened to get hit, with two of the chains doubling back into the portal, and one anchored at the top of the screen, so they can be caught mid-jump. Does no damage on its own, but if there's one thing Judgment likes, it's a helpless victim. (rdp+Kick)

      • Soul Break - Quickly hit the buttons after the Shackle, and Judgment can steal energy from his opponent... just plain evil. (2% each) (B+C fast)

      • Kikouzan - (Killing Demon Steel) Everyone's gotta have air defense. Judgment's is a huge circular slice that goes just slightly up and forward. It lags more and gets an extra hit for each version. (5% each) (rdp+Slash)

    • Supers:

      • Pure Hell - Starts like the Shackle, but the portal to hell is twice the size, and six chains shoot out, covering half the screen. If these hit, the opponent will be strung up with the chains anchored at each corner of the screen. While they're trapped, half the damage Judgment does to them will recharge his own life. (no set damage) (f, hcf+Slash)

      • Grisly End - A long, rushing barrage of attacks that sends him about 3/4ths of the way across the screen, ending in an especially powerful Blood Rain. Major block damage if they defend themselves. (30%) (qcf, hcb+Kick)

    • Desperation:

      • Domination - The Sword glows dully for a few moments, then Judgment does a wide horizontal slash that throws a wave of energy off the blade, which disperses about halfway across the screen. If the wave hits, then the opponent is trapped by hellborn energy as the background blacks out, leaving nothing but the two fighters visible. Judgment takes a short lunge at his opponent, then hits them with a huge upward draw-cut as "TORMENT" appears in blood-red, written in many languages on the black background. It's followed by a deep cut at chest height, the word changing to "CONTROL." Then it goes into a series of fast cross slashes, the words alternating faster and faster with each one, until the background reds out and returns to normal as Judgment tries to stay standing and his opponent drops. (45%) (qcb, qcb+C)

    • Ultimate Attack/Summon:

      • Firewalk - Hellfire swirls from the ground around him, flares from his hands, then disappears in a flash. Judgment snarls loudly and starts 'zerking. Afterwards, his fighting stance changes to something even more feral, and his speed is doubled for the rest of the round. (hcb, hcb+AB)

    • Flash Finisher:

      • Gore Shriek - The opening looks a lot like his launcher, but he keeps holding the sword close to the ground until his opponent gets close. If they step or jump into range in few seconds, he does a huge, darklight-trailing upward slash that sends his victim flying back with blood spraying from a huge gash. After they hit the ground, Judgment laughs (a real laugh, not his usual one), lunges at them, plunges his muzzle toward the gash and [censored due to being too graphic for a Mortal Kombat game].

    • Team Helper:

      • Fittingly, a Double Cross that can hit his teammate on the return slice.

    • Team Supers:He can't do team supers with anyone except Card, and which one depends on who's the current fighter.

      • Ice Cream and Hellfire - (Judgement is fighting) Judgement steps back a bit, and looks the opponent over. "Damn, you're a mess... Makes me hungry. I could really go for an ice cream about now."

        Card gives a happy, disturbing smile from her waiting position and says, "Great idea! Ice Cream!" Card then quick-changes into a Bad Humor uniform and superleaps off the side of the screen, running back on pushing an ice cream cart which she rams the opponent with, tipping them into the (open) freezer bay, their legs kicking fitfully for a moment as they take on a bluish cast from the cold. Then she jumps out of the way and a pentagram of hellfire burns its way into existance on the floor, centered on the cart, flaring up until it melts the cart into a nice glowing puddle around the opponent, who's not icy-blue anymore. Not at all. What's known in the stunt business as a "full body burn" isn't out of the question - their clothing and hair entirely on fire.

        Unless it's NeoVid, in which case he stands up when the flames have died down, takes off a singed and melted wig, dusts the soot off his NeoTee, and carries on outwardly unharmed, though with 30% less lifebar :)

      • Little Red Riding Hood - (Card is fighting) Card suddenly transforms into a Little Red Riding Hood outfit, which includes an adorably lacy little party dress, a mass of golden curls, and the standard hooded cape and picnic basket. Touching her chin with one index finger and blinking oh-so-cutely, she singsongs, "Gosh, I'm so lost in this big, scary forest! And look--there's the Big Bad Wolf right behind you!"

        This is Judgement's cue to leap in from behind the victim, naked (the better to fit his "role") and wielding his sword in a brutal upward slash while roaring psychotically. (Note that if the opponent isn't protected by the Aura of Soul Calibur, this causes an impressive spray of gore.) While the enemy is distracted, Card calmly reaches into her basket and pulls out a big kitchen knife, then leaps at her prey with a little giggle as Judgement sweeps their legs out from under them with his sword.

        The opponent goes down and the sounds of Card slicing and dicing issue forth, though the scene is somewhat hidden by Judgement, who leans casually on his sword as he stands over the carnage, watching with much interest. Once the move is over, he kneels down next to Card and her temporarily-incapacitated enemy as the bloodstained sweetie pulls...something...out of one of big holes in the body. The following conversations ensues:

        CARD: Looky, Joel-chan! Isn't it pretty?

        D.JUDGEMENT: It certainly is. My, your lovely little fingers are...deft. leer

        CARD: {gives the chunk of whatever to him while blushing slightly} Here, I want you to have it!

        D.JUDGEMENT: {stands} Why, thank you, my dear. I'll treasure it forever. But now I really must be going.

        CARD: {waves} Bye, Joel-chan!

        Judgement strolls casually off the screen; just before he disappears, he pops the chunk of victim into his mouth and licks his fingers. The other guy is now clear to get up and continue, albeit without whatever organ he or she just lost to the Aberration.

      • Both versions do 30% damage and cause knockdown.

  • Glitches:

    • None besides the huge one in his brain.

The character "Dread Judgment" and all attributes thereof are TM and © 2000 to NeoVid.

Hmm... what does this do?