The Wall of Humor

Well, climb through this wall in these various places and you'll find some humorous lists, amusing jokes, some just plain ridiculous stuff and, hopefully, the inevitable laugh.

Cyber Sex Gone Astray
Sisters of Mercy House of Prostitution
Amusing Bumper Stickers
If Men Could Menstruate
New Script For Titanic
True & Funny ER Stories
Sat. Driving School Test Answers
Chain Letter for Chain Letter Haters
Actual Real Life Excuses
Which Came First?
Presidential Titanic
The Problem With Dildos Is...
50 Fun Things to do in an Elevator
Psychological Sex Test
How To Keep A Healthy Dose of Insanity While Driving Others Insane
The Difference Between Men And Women
Believe It Or Not
Things That Bother Me...
Grade School Test Answers
Various Funny Quotes
Quoting George Carlin
Quoting Steven Wright

Random Latin Phrases
A Modern Fairy Tale
Why I'm Overworked
The Top 12 Things Yoda Would Say While Having Sex
Airline Announcements - Another George Carlin Quote
Revenge of The Amusing Bumper Stickers!
The Rules of Combat
Husband/Wife Communication
Best Ways To Handle Stress
On Hell
Meds Names
Prez Dispenser
Why'd the Chickens...
Open Letter to D. Laura
A Woman's Dictionary
The Magician
Something to Offend Everyone