Summer 2005

President: Arnold Briggs
Vice President: Paul Chapin
Secretary: John Mileris
Membership: Gus Swanson
Bill Bassett
Elliott Glass
Emily Pelton
Dave Casoni
Gary Hyman




1:30 - Casoni Museum Ceremony and Displays - Honoring Skiddie Casoni, who passed away in December of 2004

2:00 - Annual Meeting

AAAAA1. Trustee election

AAAAA2. Reading of "Spirit of Squanto" 2004 winning essay AAAAA A

AAAAA3. Reports of current activities

AAAAA4. Annual fundraising auction. We still need items such as gift certificates, patches, services, etc.

Web Site: (
Leave a message in our Guest Book

Contact us at 781-834-7842 or

It is with great sadness that we announce that 9 of our special Camp Squanto Alumni passed away in 2004 and 05.
Skiddie Casoni
Dave Sturgis
Don Walsh
Roland Cloutier, Sr.
Ruth Julius
Helen Copp Marchant
Donet P. Constantineau
Richard A. Turnbull
Alvan R. Hyman


Greeting Friends of Squanto,

Another summer camp season is upon us after the longest school year I can remember. I've learned over the years that promoting, planning, and running a camp as large as Camp Squanto takes a total team effort from many people. I'm extremely thankful to have great council support, alumni assistance, and returning staff members always eager to lend a hand. We like our appearance to be that of a "well oiled machine", but many hours of pre-camp work are needed to push us to strive for higher standards.

As I enter my 15th year on the Camp Squanto staff I remain full of pride in what we are fortunate to have in Old Colony Council. Our staff members that return year after year welcome new faces and bridge tradition with new ideas. Some of our senior staff members include, Steve Goveia, Bill Webb, Emily Baird, Gary Hyman, Austin Glass, Wendy Dawson, Marie Fahey, and Tom Rimer…….people who understand our program and conduct themselves professionally. Ranger Roland, as always, prefers to work tirelessly behind the scenes. He is a unique Ranger to work with as he cares deeply about safety AND camp program.

Welcome to camp if you're currently spending the week with your troop. If you're instead at home reminiscing about days past lounging under the pines in your favorite campsite, cheering on the Apache Relay, or going for an afternoon swim, then please come down and walk the camp. It's your camp and you're always welcome.

Elliot J. Glass
Camp Director


The Camp Squanto Alumni Association (CSAA) would like to thank all the Scouters and Scouts who renewed their membership for 2005, or became new members. We are now in our third year of having an annual membership drive and it has turned out to be very successful. It has enabled the CSAA to set a new record of over $3100.00 in dues realized.

We look forward to our current members renewing their membership for 2006 and invite other Squanto Alumni to become new members also. The level of memberships remain the same as previous years: Gold, $50.00 - A special one time six inch 12 colored round back patch will be given to all who become GOLD members for 2006. Silver, $25.00 and Bronze, $10.00.

Our graphic artist friend and Scouter, Bill Hubschwerlin now living in Colorado, has redesigned our new 12 colored dated membership patches for 2006. Gold, Silver or Bronze bordered according to levels of membership, truly a work of art.

A newly designed Scout (12 color) patch with a red S imprinted on them will be available for sale at the camp scout store for $5.00.

A first ever six inch CSAA round back patch has been designed by Bill and is now for sale. There are 50 colored and numbered and 50 Ghosted and numbered. Numbers will be from One to Fifty and will be sold in sets (one of each) for $20.00 plus $1.00 for shipping and handling.

Please contact: Gus Swanson at 480- 275-7083, or by E-mail: Mailing address is: 2653 W Ivanhoe Street, Chandler, AZ 85224. All checks payable to Camp Squanto Alumni Association. Please use the above information to renew your 2006 Membership also.

Membership cards and new patches for 2006 will be available at our annual meeting on August 6, 2005 at Camp Squanto. For membership forms please check our Web Site.

Our eight colored hat pin will be available again his year at the scout camp store for $3.00.

Gus Swanson, Jr.
V.P. Membership

Maintained by John Mileris.
Copyright © Camp Squanto Alumni Association. All rights reserved.