Spring 1992

Letter from the President's Desk

Dear Friends,

As we approach the 1992 Summer Camping season, I am happy to report that all is well with Camp Squanto and the Camp Squanto Alumni Association. Not surprisingly, we are looking forward to another great summer.

Unfortunately, not all is well with Old Colony Council. We heard rumors over the winter months that the Council debt was approaching a critical stage because a number of notes were coming due, and that the Executive Board was contemplating the sale of property at Camp Squanto and Camp Child in order to decrease the debt.

Without delving into the minute financial details, we learned that the Council is over $450,000 in debt, must eliminate a significant portion of that debt by the end of the year, and is in the process of negotiating the sale of the cranberry bog at Camp Squanto and two additional house lots at Camp Child.

Although we are disappointed about the potential sale of property at Camp Squanto, the Council has few other financial options and the cost of operating the bog will continue to increase over the next few years. Therefore, the Camp Squanto Alumni Association sees little benefit in interrupting the sale at this time.

The Camp Squanto Alumni Association is, however, very concerned about the Council debt and the possibility that other Camp Squanto assets will be sold in the future. Ultimately, we must be in a position to protect those assets and to do so we need your help.

Our strategy is quite simple. We want to raise enough capital over the next year to be able to buy any Camp assets sold by the Council. According to our best estimate, we need to raise over $75,000 before the next camping season. This is a lofty goal, but one that can be attained with help from the Alumni and other friends of Camp Squanto.

We want to preserve Camp Squanto as we all remember it, and I know that if you can help us, you will. Our address is on the front of this newsletter and we look forward to hearing from you with any donations, greetings, comments or suggestions. Have a safe and healthy summer.

Your friend,

Thomas J. O'Brien

Annual Meeting in August

The second annual meeting of the Camp Squanto Alumni Association is scheduled for August 1, 1992 at Camp Squanto. The Meeting will begin promptly at 2:00 PM in the Dining Hall. This is an open meeting and the public is welcome to attend. We will review the accomplishments of the past year and set the goals for upcoming season. We will also discuss various needs around Camp and decide on which projects we will focus on for the next year.

Items Needed For Camp

Camp is always ready for your help in many different ways. Volunteer your time and skills to Ranger Brian Bishop on a Saturday, contribute some money to the Alumni Association, or donate an item that is in good working order. Here are some ideas for your consideration:

Tools (hand or electric)
Office Equipment (computer, copier, etc)
Sports Equipment (softball, soccer, etc.)
Building Materials (wood, nails, etc.)
Scouting Memorabilia

This is a partial needs list. If you can help, please give Brian Bishop a call at 1-508-224-2010.If you have a donation or contribution, please contact Arnold Briggs at 1-617-834-7842

Upcoming Events

CSAA Fund Raiser June 1 1992

CSAA Annual Meeting August 1 1992

Birthday News

Over the years some of us have added to the CSAA Roster. Our most recent additions are:

Jon Barton O'Brien
son of Jim and Michele O'Brien

Joseph Michael Kippenhan
son of Jim and Jeanette Kippenhan

If any of you out there experience a boost in numbers please call, we would enjoy sharing in your good fortune.

Fund Raiser

The CSAA is sponsoring it's first fund raiser. We will be selling an official 3" Camp Squanto Alumni Association Decal for $1.00. These will be available at the Camp Trading Post and at the August Annual Meeting. If you can't wait, send $1.00 and a self-addressed, stamped envelope to:

Camp Squanto Alumni Association
P.O. Box 573
Marshfield Hills, MA 02051

Looking for a Few Good Men

We received some good input last time about the whereabouts of some of our Alumni. If you have addresses for any of these people, please drop us a line. Also if there is anyone interested in being added to our Mailing list, let us know.


We welcome original submissions for articles. Articles should pertain to Camp Squanto or the Camp Squanto Alumni Association in general. Articles should be typed.

If you have questions or would like more information about the newsletter, please call Mike Warner, Editor.


The association doesn't just need warm bodies, it needs cold hard cash. As we get older and more sure of ourselves we will be running more events and opportunities to get together, but in the meantime, we are always willing to accept contributions. Any amount you can spare will be appreciated and put to good use, as well as being tax deductible.

Business Space Available

Starting with this issue of the Alumni News, we are offering space for business advertisements. The ads will be business card sized and will run for 1 year for $25. The money raised will be used for the printing and mailing costs of the Alumni News.

If you are interested please contact Mike Warner as to available space. These ads will be offered on a first come first serve basis, so call soon!


Maintained by John Mileris.
Copyright © Camp Squanto Alumni Association. All rights reserved.