“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19



It has been almost nine months since Covid seemed to take over our lives. We have gone through spring and summer and now are in the midst of fall. As we watch the beautiful leaves change color, many are wondering how long it will take for change to come in our present situation. No one really has the answer except God but the good news is that he has provided for us through everything.

I began to think of all the blessings that have come out of this time and there are many. I posted an idea that I saw on line: buy a large pumpkin and each day write something that you are thankful for on the pumpkin. I’ll bet you will run out of space before Thanksgiving.

We have been blessed to be able to have the Sunday sermon on line for people to watch and listen to and we are very blessed that we have been able to meet on Sunday mornings. There are other Christians in the USA that are still being prohibited from meeting. (We need to pray for them!). We have been able to continue Tuesday morning Bible study thanks to Joyce’s willingness to lead and Lynne’s willingness to connect us via Zoom and now we are resuming prayer on the first Wednesday of the month via Zoom.

Beyond all that the Lord has kept us solvent so the doors can remain open and the bills can be met. He has provided a way for all of us to stay healthy, (our children as well), in the middle of all of this. Next month we celebrate Thanksgiving. As we move toward that celebration let’s start counting our blessings right now because our God has supplied all of our needs. Go get yourself a pumpkin and cover it with your blessings. Don’t forget to tell your friends to tune in on line if they can’t come and join us for worship.

Blessings in Christ,

Pastor Ruth Blais