A Message from Pastor Ruth

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27


 It is so wonderful to be back in church worshipping together masks and all. Months have passed since we first encountered what is called the Corona virus or COVID 19. Who would have guessed as we ushered in 2020 that we all would be separated and facing this pandemic?

So many of us have been able to encourage one another and join in on Tuesday mornings for the Bible study on the book of Acts via Zoom. It never ceases to amaze me how the Holy Spirit works in and through all these events.

The Bible study is so right on target for what is going on today. It’s not just the epidemic that we are battling but upheaval in our country. There are forces of evil that would love to take this country over and take away our freedoms.

It can be difficult to watch the news and see people rioting in the streets and tearing down and burning buildings and historical monuments and defacing churches. But the Lord reminds us over and over in scripture not to be afraid and not to let our hearts be troubled. God is with us. But, like the early church when it was scattered because of persecution, we can rejoice because this is a great time to share the Good News with others. This is a great time to be praying for our country and those that are so misled.

It is the heart that is deceitful. When we come to Christ, He gives us a new heart and a new Sprit and we receive His peace. This world desperately needs Christ.

As the body of Christ, we need to be praying for all those that are being led under false pretenses by the enemy of our soul. Pray for an awakening and a move of the Holy Spirit across this land that we may all live in God’s peace.

Be Blessed,

Pastor Ruth