A Message from Pastor Ruth

“ It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1



 As we celebrate our 4th of July holiday, “Independence Day,” many of us will hang our flags outside of our homes and have picnics and go to the fireworks to celebrate, but how many of us really think about what our forefathers went through to write and defend the Declaration of Independence? Do we really understand and appreciate our freedom?

Our forefathers knew what it was to be in bondage to someone ruling over them and not being able to make decisions and have choices. Our forefathers came to America for freedom, especially religious freedom. They had suffered enough oppression.

These questions and reasons are similar to what Paul was asking the Galatians. He makes his statement that for freedom, Christ has come to set us free. He tells us to stand firm and not let anything take that freedom away from us.

We are so blessed in this country to be able to come and worship on Sunday mornings. We are free to follow Christ and study God’s Word. Let us not forget and take for granted what our forefathers have fought for. Paul urges us to beware that no one takes those freedoms away.

As you celebrate the 4th and hear the fireworks going off, remember that Christ has come to set us free from all that can hinder and bind us. Take a few minutes to thank the Lord for that freedom.

Blessings in Christ,

Pastor Ruth