A Message from Pastor Ruth

“This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” John 15:8


 This is such a great time of year to go to the market or farm stand and buy fruit. I have personally bought bag after bag of cherries this year because they are soooo good and the price has been right.

It won’t be long before we are picking apples and pears and begin to think about baking pies. It is a blessing when fruit is so plentiful and, in this country, we are fortunate to have our fruit delivered when it is still fresh.

Jesus talks to us in several places in the Bible about bearing fruit. Growing a fruit tree is a process. If you cut an apple or a pear open, the life-giving seeds are in the center of the fruit. It is the seeds that will produce a tree if planted and allowed to grow to maturity. The flesh is good to eat but will not reproduce anything. Only the seed is capable of reproducing.

As Christians we are called to plant the seed of the Gospel in the hearts of men and women and children so it can take root and eventually produce fruit. Just like any tree, it takes time to grow. You must cultivate the soil, fertilize and water the tree if you expect to see the blossoms then the fruit each year.

As we plant the seeds of the Gospel in the hearts of others let us make sure that we are taking care that we also are producing fruit: fruit that will last. It is easy to neglect our own hearts. When we do we can, like a neglected tree, stop bearing fruit for Christ. So let’s make sure that as we share the Good News with others that we take care of our own spiritual health so that we will continue to blossom and bear fruit, fruit that will last.

All of us at Christ Community Church pray that you are having a blessed summer. If you have young children don’t forget that we are having Summer Fun Sunday Time for the children during the service. Rally Day will be September 8th. Along with Sunday school registration and a picnic we are planning on having some fun surprises for the children. Mark your calendars and invite a friend. It will be a great day.

God Bless,

Pastor Ruth Blais