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Pre-IB Vocabulary Jeopardy

1.  What is anything that occupies space and has mass?

     What is Matter.


2.  What is a substance that cannot be broken down to other substances by ordinary chemical means?

What is a Chemical element


3.  Boron (B), Chromium (Cr), Cobalt (Co), Copper (Cu), Fluorine (F), Iodine (I), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Molybdenum (Mo), Selenium (Se), Silicon (Si), Tin (Sn) Vanadium (V), and Zinc (Zn) are all examples of ____ which are essential to some organisms but only in minute quantities.


What is Trace elements.


4.  25- 92 natural elements are essential to life. 4 of these make up 96% of the human body. Name these 4 elements.


What is CHON- Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen.


5.  What is a substance containing two or more elements in a fixed ratio?


What is a compound.


6.  What is the smallest unit of matter, and is named from the Greek word meaning indivisible?


What is an atom.


7.  What is the subatomic particle found in the nucleus and has a positive charge?


What is proton.



8.  What is the name of the subatomic particle with a single negative charge and lives outside the nucleus?


What is electron.


9..What is a third type of subatomic particle that has a neutral charge and lives in the nucleus?


What is neutron.


10.  What is an atom’s central core and contains protons and neutrons?


What is the nucleus.



11.  What is the number of protons in each atom of a particular element?


What is the atomic number.


12.  What is the approximate total mass of an atom; given as a whole number, the _____  ~ equals the mass number.


Atomic weight.

13.  What is the sum of the numbers of protons and neutrons in the nucleus?


What is the mass number.


14.  What is a variant form of an atom; they have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons?


What is an isotope.


15.  What is an isotope whose nucleus decays spontaneously, giving off particles and energy?


What is radioactive isotope.

16.  What is an energy level at which an electron orbits the nucleus of an atom?


What is an electron shell.


17.  What is an attraction between two atoms resulting from a sharing of outer shell electrons or the presence of opposite charges on the atoms; the bonded atoms gain complete outer electron shells?


What is a chemical bond.


18.  What is an atom or a molecule with an electrical charge resulting from a gain or loss of one or more elecrons?


What is an ion.


19.  What is a strong chemical bond in which two atoms share one or more pairs of outer shell electrons?


What is a covalent bond.



20.  What is two or more atoms held together by covalent bonds?


What is a molecule.


21.  What is a type of covalent bond in which two atoms share two pairs of electrons; it is symbolized by a pair of lines between the bonded atoms?

What is a double bond.


22.  What is the tendency for an atom to pull electrons toward itself?


What is electronegativity.


23.  What is an attraction between atoms that share one or more pairs of electrons equally because the atoms have similar electronegativity?

What is nonpolar covalent bond.


24.  What element is considered the most electronegative of all elements?


What is Oxygen.



25.  What is a chemical bond in which shared electrons are pulled closer to the more electronegative atom, making it partially negative and the other atom partially positive?


What is polar covalent bond.



26.  What is a molecule that contains polar covalent bonds, which has a slightly negative pole and two slightly positive ones, in which water is an example?

What is a polar molecule.


27.  What is a weak chemical bond formed when the partially positive hydrogen atom participating in a polar covalent bond in one molecule is attracted to the partially negative atom participating in a polar covalent bond in another molecule?

What is hydrogen bond.


28.  What is the tendency of molecules of the same kind to stick together?


What is cohesion.



29.  What is the tendency of different kinds of molecules to stick together?


What is adhesion.



30.  What is the amount of energy associated with the movement of the atoms and molecules in a body of matter? ______ is energy in its most random form.


What is heat.


31.  What is a measure of the intensity of heat, reflecting the average kinetic energy or speed of molecules?


What is temperature.


32.  A fluid mixture of two or more substances, consisting of a dissolving agent, the solvent, and a substance that is dissolved, the solute?

What is solution.


33.  The dissolving agent in a solution? Water is the most versatile known ____.


What is solvent.


34.  A substance that is dissolved in a solution?


What is a solute.


35.  A chemical compound that donates H+ ions to solutions is called?


What is acid.




36.  A compound that accepts H+ ions and removes them from solution are called? This is a substance that decrease the hydrogen concentration in a solution.


What is base.




37.  pH stands for?


What is potential hydrogen.  It describes the acidity of a solution.



38.  A chemical substance that resists changes in pH by accepting ions from donating H+ ions to solutions?


What is buffers.


39.  Rain, snow, sleet, hail, drizzle, etc., with a pH below 5.6, can damage or destroy organisms by acidifying lakes, streams and possibly land habitats, what is this called?


What is acid precipitation.



40.  A process leading to chemical changes in matter; involves the making and/or breaking of chemical bonds is called?


What is chemical reaction


41.  A starting material in a chemical reaction is called?

What is reactant.



42.  Protons and neutrons have a similar mass of about 1.7 X 10-24 g or 1 dalton. A dalton is the measurement unit for?


What is atomic mass.


43.  The ability to do work is?


What is energy.



44.  Energy stored in matter as a consequence of the relative position of masses is called?


What is potential energy.


45.  H-H indicates both the number and type of atoms and also the bonding within a molecule what type of formula is this called?


What is structural formula.


46.  When a formula indicates only the kinds and numbers of atoms in a molecule such as O2 it is called a _____


What is molecular formula.


47.  The bonding capacity, of an atom equals the number of unpaired electrons in its valence shell (outer shell) is called?


What is valence.


48.  A measure of how difficult it is to stretch or break the surface of a liquid is called?


What is Surface tension.


49.  Reasoning based on facts or already established principles is called?


What is deductive reasoning.


50.  Reasoning based on observing and testing is called?


What is inductive reasoning.



51.  If a pH is 5 how many times more acidic would it be than a pH of 6?


What is 10 times.



52.  How many named elements are there?

53.  How many naturally occuring elements are there?


What is 106.

What is 92.


54.  What state of matter has a definite shape and a definite volume.


What is solid.


55.  What state of matter has no definite shape but has a definite volume?


What is liquid.



56.  What state of matter has no definite shape and has no definite volume?


What is gas.



57.  Hydrogen, Deuterium, and Tritium are examples of ?


What is isotopes




58.  Of the three atomic particles, only the ________ are directly involved in the chemical reactions between atoms.


What is electrons.


59.  What type of bond gains electrons from another atom and loses electrons from its other shell to another atom?


What is ionic bond.


60.  Water has seven important properties what are they?

What is

1.  Water is wet water is a powerful solvent.

2.  Water has a high surface tension.

3.  Water has a high specific heat

4.  Water has a high boiling point.

5.  Water is a good evaporative coolant


61.  Water has a freezing point and lower density as a solid

    than a liquid.


62.  A positively charged ion is called?


  What is a cation.  +


63.  A negatively charged ion is called?


     What is an anion.


64.  What is the term that describes how strongly mass is pulled upon by gravity?


What is weight.


65.  The living world is a hierarchy, with each level of biological structure building on the level below it. Name these levels of organization starting from the bottom and moving up.

What is atoms, molecules, organelles, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms, populations, communities, and ecosystems.


66.  Name the properties of life.


What is Order, Reproduction, Growth and Development, Heritable programs, Energy utilization, Responsiveness to environment, Homeostasis, and Evolutionary adaptation.


67. Draw the ring structure of glucose.


68.  What are compounds containing carbon that that are found in living organisms?

What is organic


69.      Draw the basic structure of a generalized amino acid




70.      Draw the ring structure of ribose.


71.      Draw the structure of glycerol and a generalized fatty acid.


72.      Draw the structure of a generalized dipeptide, showing the peptide linkage.


73.      List two examples for monosaccharides.


74.      List two examples for disaccharides.


75.      List two examples for polysaccharides.


76.      State one function of a monosaccharide.


77.      State three functions of lipids.


78.      What is the use of carbohydrates and lipids in energy storage.


79.      Explain enzyme substrate specificity.


80.      Explain the effects of temperature, pH, and substrate concentration on enzyme activity.


81.      Define denaturation.


82.      Explain the use of pectinase in fruit juice production, and one other commercial application of enzymes in biotechnology.


What is enzymes in biological washing powder, tenderizing meat, production of glucose syrup