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The Story of Vaishno Devi

To know the history of the temple we must go back to Treta Yug when the virtuous people were tormented by the Asuras (demons) Ravana, Kumb-Karan, Khardooshan, Tadka and others. The Gods decided to create a divine personality, in the roop (form) of a girl for their protection. The divine girl asked the Gods the cause and reason for her birth. The divine forces told her that she had been created to protect Dharma and rekindle spirit of religion. She took birth in South India at the home of Ratnakar Sagar as a girl named Trikuta. Later the same girl was called Vaishno because of her taking birth from Lord Vishnu’s lineage. The religion propagated by this goddess girl was called Vaishno-Dharm.

The vigrahas (deities) at Vaishno Devi temple, Jammuj.
In her lifetime Trikuta attracted many devoted followers including saints. The fame of her divine power and miracle spread far and wide. People started visiting the abode of Trikuta to get benediction.

After some time Trikuta sought permission from her father for taking penance on the seashore. She prayed to Lord Vishnu in the form of Rama who reached the seashore alongwith his army in search of Sita, his eyes fell on this divine girl in deep meditation. Rama asked Trikuta her name and reason for penance. She replied that she had accepted Rama as her husband by mind and heart.

On hearing this Ram told her that he had vowed to be faithful to wife. However, Ram ji wished that penance of Trikuta should no go waste and unfruitful. Therefore he said to her, “I will definitely come to see you in a disguised form. If you can recognise me at that time then I will accept you.”

It is said that on his return from Lanka, Lord Rama went to see the girl in the form of an old monk (Sadhu) but she did not recognise him as God.

He revealed his identity and assured Trikuta that in ‘Kaliyug’ he would manifest himself as ‘Kalki’ would marry her.

He asked Trikuta to meditate in Trikuta range of Manik Mountains, situated in north India. He said that Trikuta would become immortal forever and would become famous as ‘Vaishno Devi’.

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