Hat's off to Salvy. that's all I can say.


For all who do, it just makes it more funny. ENJOY!!

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CHICKY4561: hey u

EVERm83: hey

EVERm83: what's up

CHICKY4561: nutin u?

EVERm83: I'm eatign I'll be back in a few

EVERm83: mmm chinese food

CHICKY4561: lol ok

EVERm83: if you were chinese....

EVERm83: I'd eat your chinese food

EVERm83: baby

CHICKY4561: y thank u

EVERm83: so what you doin tomorrow

EVERm83: hunny

CHICKY4561: mmm im not sure yet u?

EVERm83: I'd like to say you

CHICKY4561: wat would u like to say to me?

EVERm83: I'd like to do something with you

EVERm83: something sweet

EVERm83: something soft

EVERm83: something you'll never refuse

CHICKY4561: lol

EVERm83: something you try once you'll never want it to end

CHICKY4561: u drunk or somehting?

EVERm83: yeah

EVERm83: drunk over your beauty

EVERm83: but thats it

EVERm83: no alcohol

EVERm83: no drugs

CHICKY4561: lol

EVERm83: just the lust I have deep inside for you

CHICKY4561: thast good cause drugs are bad!!

EVERm83: yeah they lower your sperm count

EVERm83: so do you want to do something tomorrow??

CHICKY4561: umm ok

EVERm83: my brother has a jeep

EVERm83: we'll pick you up

CHICKY4561: thast coooool

CHICKY4561: lol ok

EVERm83: maybe he'll let us use it later on

CHICKY4561: lol o ok

EVERm83: so what time shal we pick you up

EVERm83: you sweet thing

CHICKY4561: lets say aorund 1200 maybe 1

EVERm83: where do you live

CHICKY4561: china

EVERm83: oh so you have chinese food for me baby

CHICKY4561: of course

EVERm83: so where do you want s to get you

CHICKY4561: ion china

EVERm83: don't fuck with me

CHICKY4561: attitude??

EVERm83: I want to make sweet passionate love to you and you claim you live in china

CHICKY4561: im preparing ur chinese food at this momenyt

EVERm83: is it nice and wet baby

CHICKY4561: no really wat r u on?

EVERm83: nothing

CHICKY4561: u never talk liek this?

EVERm83: I've realised how much I want to love you

CHICKY4561: lol ok

EVERm83: I've always liked you and I can't hold it in anymore

EVERm83: I'm yourning for you love baby

CHICKY4561: hhahahahahahaahah

CHICKY4561: i bet u are

EVERm83: so where do you want to meet

CHICKY4561: dairry twirl?

EVERm83: where do you live I'll pick you up with my brother

CHICKY4561: i live in china

EVERm83: oh so you gonna fly to dairy twirl

CHICKY4561: yep

CHICKY4561: i gg leave now to be there by 12 tomorrow

EVERm83: nite

EVERm83: or afternoon

CHICKY4561: i duno

EVERm83: I waas thinkin like early in the day ya know

EVERm83: while the cat sleep the love mice shal play

CHICKY4561: lol

CHICKY4561: u have a pool?

EVERm83: I have a hot tub

EVERm83: and a pool

EVERm83: inground

CHICKY4561: oooeeeee

EVERm83: the tub gets like 90 degrees

EVERm83: we could make it boil though

EVERm83: I'd love to see the bubbles and warm water all over your sexy body

CHICKY4561: lol

EVERm83: so what do you say

EVERm83: me

EVERm83: you

CHICKY4561: wat do u want me to say?

EVERm83: and a day of passion

EVERm83: say you'll make love to me

EVERm83: say you want me

EVERm83: say I'm the man

EVERm83: and say you'll give me the chance to hear you sexy voice scream that I'm your daddy

EVERm83: so what do you say

CHICKY4561: nahhhhhhh sorry

EVERm83: don't be frightened.. My rippled arms will hold you

CHICKY4561: lol

EVERm83: thrust by thrust I will hold you

EVERm83: as you sceam in extacey

CHICKY4561: ggrraet1!

EVERm83: so what do you say

EVERm83: chicky

EVERm83: sexy

EVERm83: lusty

EVERm83: sweety

EVERm83: sexy

EVERm83: busty

CHICKY4561: hahah

EVERm83: is my desires for you funny?

CHICKY4561: kinda

EVERm83: will you fullfil my dreams of me you a bed of roses champaigne and hot lust erotic passionate love making funny

CHICKY4561: hahah

EVERm83: so do you want to meet

EVERm83: we can buy some ice cream so I can lick it all over you soft body

EVERm83: would you like that

CHICKY4561: wheres ur brother

EVERm83: my gentle tongue ond your soft skin

EVERm83: with his girl

CHICKY4561: no i dont think he swith his girl??

EVERm83: why does it matter

EVERm83: you want to make this a family affair

EVERm83: you pervert

EVERm83: he has a girl though

EVERm83: back to our day of passion

EVERm83: where shal we meet

EVERm83: Hello my sweet goddess of love

EVERm83: are you dreaming of tomorrow

EVERm83: and all the wild activities we will partake in

CHICKY4561: how od are u?

CHICKY4561: old?

EVERm83: 16

EVERm83: how old are you

EVERm83: mama

CHICKY4561: 17

EVERm83: I must say I perform like a college boy

EVERm83: you lie

CHICKY4561: u could only hope

CHICKY4561: ur saying i lie?

EVERm83: lioke you lie to yourself in denying your wanting to make love in my pool

CHICKY4561: o right

CHICKY4561: i thik u are lying big time

EVERm83: Your friends with kt and all them I know your 16

CHICKY4561: oo so u got me

EVERm83: I got you and I want you

CHICKY4561: go cool off in ur fountain kid

EVERm83: only if you join me

EVERm83: and who you callin kid

CHICKY4561: o did i offend u

EVERm83: no just correcting your mistake

CHICKY4561: ok well thanku very much

CHICKY4561: but gues wat

EVERm83: the correct word is big man

EVERm83: or daddy

CHICKY4561: its my bed time so i must go

EVERm83: whatever comes out first

EVERm83: I wish I could hol you

CHICKY4561: too bad

EVERm83: I'll have to wait I guess

EVERm83: 12 at dairy twirl

CHICKY4561: guess sooo

CHICKY4561: yup

EVERm83: I'll bring the toys

CHICKY4561: u better be there

CHICKY4561: in ur jeep

CHICKY4561: bc ur a big man

CHICKY4561: right?

EVERm83: what happened to the laughing and carign woman I loved not too long ago

EVERm83: no not my jeep

EVERm83: my brother's jeep

CHICKY4561: no its ur jeep

EVERm83: I don't drive

CHICKY4561: u are the big bro

EVERm83: no

EVERm83: what are you talking about

CHICKY4561: u kno exactly wat im talking about

EVERm83: my bro isn't home yet

EVERm83: he's at his g/f's house

EVERm83: you ok?

CHICKY4561: im perfect

EVERm83: you can talk to him on his g/f's sn if you want

CHICKY4561: no thanks

CHICKY4561: but u can talk to ur gf on her screnn name

CHICKY4561: im going to bed lata!!

EVERm83: what??


EVERm83: don't leave

CHICKY4561: wat wat wat?

EVERm83: I'm sorry If I offended you

CHICKY4561: WAT?????

EVERm83: you don't seem happy anymore


EVERm83: you were happy when we first started talking

EVERm83: but now I feel like a jerk

CHICKY4561: awww dont feel like a jerk?

EVERm83: and my confession of love to you has upset you.

EVERm83: no I feel like a jerk

CHICKY4561: lol dont feel like a jerk

EVERm83: can you forgive me?

CHICKY4561: ill try

EVERm83: I knew I should have kept my feelings inside

CHICKY4561: no its god to let ur emotions out

CHICKY4561: good

EVERm83: I knew I shouldn't have confessed my love and desires to you yet

CHICKY4561: no im glad u did

EVERm83: I should've held out but I just couldn't keep my emotions for you inside anymore

CHICKY4561: ic

EVERm83: If you don't want to meet me thats fine

EVERm83: I'll heal over time

EVERm83: ALl I ask is that you level with me

CHICKY4561: ill meet u if u really want to

EVERm83: if you would like to meet tell me it's so... If not tell me

EVERm83: I'd love to meet you

CHICKY4561: i would love to meet u salvy!!

EVERm83: I guess the sweet passionate love making is out of the question

EVERm83: what the hell are you talkign about

CHICKY4561: hahahhahhaahah

EVERm83: listen if you like my brother just fuckign say it

CHICKY4561: u kno exactly wat im talkingabout salvy

EVERm83: wow you're a fucking bitch

EVERm83: you little bitch

CHICKY4561: woohhhhhhhhhhh

CHICKY4561: dont get amd at me

CHICKY4561: mad

EVERm83: I confess my love to you and you want me to be my brother`

EVERm83: you're sick

EVERm83: you make me sick

CHICKY4561: lololol

EVERm83: I hope your chinese food burns in hell you slut`

CHICKY4561: lol

EVERm83: youre nto a slut

CHICKY4561: wheres anthony?

EVERm83: but I really big fuckign diked bitch

EVERm83: I'm here!!!!!!

EVERm83: this is me you freak

EVERm83: my god

CHICKY4561: o so now i am a freak?

EVERm83: for the love of christ woman I LOVE YOU

EVERm83: can't you see that

CHICKY4561: hhahahahhah

EVERm83: and you call me my brother!!!!!

EVERm83: I'm fuckgin serious

EVERm83: no bullshit

CHICKY4561: i think u love stefany

CHICKY4561: do u?

EVERm83: that's my brother's g/f

EVERm83: he's there

EVERm83: you ass

CHICKY4561: ur the asss

EVERm83: why!!!!!!!!!?????????/

CHICKY4561: bc uve been lying this whole time and i kno it

EVERm83: because i love you and all you can say is that I'm my brother

CHICKY4561: yup thast it

EVERm83: you're nuts

EVERm83: and pathetic

CHICKY4561: hahahhah

CHICKY4561: thanks

EVERm83: you still think I'm salvy

CHICKY4561: and tired so im going to bed

EVERm83: no no you still think I'm salvy

EVERm83: and that' fuckgin bullshit

CHICKY4561: okkkkkk

CHICKY4561: ok goodnite boys

EVERm83: boys

EVERm83: hey listen it's just me

CHICKY4561: i gg

CHICKY4561: bbye

EVERm83: you can't leave until you believe it's me

EVERm83: and only me

EVERm83: go fuck yourself

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