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     Welcome. The Society for Creative Anachronism is a worldwide not-for-profit organization made up of members concerned with the recreation of all things medieval. Created during a May Day Celebration in Berkley, California in 1966, the SCA has grown to include members all over the world.

     The Known World is divided into 18 Kingdoms. Each Kingdom is divided into Baronies. In turn, each Barony is divided into smaller groups. The Incipient Canton of Iles des Diamants is located within the Kingdom of Atlantia inside the Barony of Hidden Mountain. In terms newcomers will understand that is Beaufort County, South Carolina.

     The people of the Incipient Canton of Iles des Diamants are friendly and welcoming. We work together on recreating the aspects of Western European Civilization between the years of 600 and 1600AD. This is our hobby. We enjoy the friendships and entertainment provided by these activities. We invite you to join in the fun and find yourself in the “Current Middle Ages”.

     Some of the activities enjoyed by the members of our group are sewing and costuming, weaving, storytelling, soap making, and woodworking. Oh yes, we must not forget the fighting. Hand to hand combat with “heavy weapons” as well as archery are part of our group's focus. Anything that could be done during the Middle Ages, we strive to recreate in an atmosphere of fun and relaxation.

"This is the recognized Web Page for the Incipient Canton of Iles des Diamants within the Barony of Hidden Mountain of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. The maintainer of this page is Ania Patrick McElyea; It is not a corporate publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., and does not delineate SCA policies. In cases of conflict with printed versions of material presented on this page or its links, the dispute will be decided in favor of the printed version."