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What They Think

For your interest, here are reviews of Scripturient Publications. All reviews are reprinted exactly (except that i cut out my address, of course), typographical errors included. If you see any Scripturient Publication reviewed anywhere (or have published a review of any) please send me a copy of the page containing the review and name and contact info for the publication it came out of. I would like to think that there exist more than these few meager reviews, and i know i am missing at least one because i can't find the copy of The Vegetable Inside Us All that it's in.

Young Writers' Magazine #1

Cassie Freeman in Plaid #1 (split with Shadows on the Wall #10):
Young Writers Magazine #1 $2.00 and oh so worth it! The title says it all; it's all writings by young writers. Contributors include Keight Bergmann, Ahley Gatewood, Courtney Huff, Jamie Kehoe, Jamie Klemenhagen, Mark Palm, Nicole Pietz, Claire Stoscheck and myself. A good buy!

Suzy Davidson in Pottsie Nation #13:
***Young Writer's Magazine #1
A very interesting and well put together zine. In here you'll find a mail section, an interview with Norma Fox Mazer, poetry, some contributed articles, short stories, a book reviw section, and a zine reviews section (sort of), and much more. This is a great zine for anyone who likes to write, or loves to read.

Scripturient Youth #2

Suzy Davidson in Pottsie Nation #14:
*Scripturient Youth #2 ($2/trade) -Formally Youth Writers' Magazine. This is a great zine for anyone who loves writing, all kinds of writing. Articles on many different subjects, poetry, short stories, and more. Also includes info on getting published. Great zine!

in Pottsie Nation #14's TOP TEN ZINES TO GET!...
8. Scripturient Youth #2

DREAM #1 and DREAM #2

Joey Bocc in BURNT #3:
Dream #1 & #2 [10pg, 8.5x11, photocopied] - I really didn't like either issue I got of this zine because the content is so weak. Each issue has 2 full pages with the lyrics of Savage Garden or Eve 6 songs and it just doesn't fit. The rest of the zine is based upon religious short poetry and quotes. With a ton of wasted space, and a bunch of religious references this zine is quite a boring read.

Scripturient Youth #3

Scripturient Youth #1-3

Becky in Be Concave #1:
"Scripturient Youth"#1 #2 #3 (Elizabeth Sweeny, pages vary, full size, $2 each) Very much a series of compilation zines. There are pieces from loads of different sources and I don't think there's enough of Elizabeth's own writing in these. It's a shame that some of the stories started in issues 1 & 2 weren't ended in issue 3 but I understand issue 3 was put together quickly. Issue 4 isn't done yet but it promises to be good. Some of the writing is excellent and it's obvious that Elizabeth has great writing talent. Issue 3 is out of print but as far as I know issues 1 & 2 are still available.

HEY, You in the Red!

Franco in BURNT #3:
Hey, You in the Red! [84 pg, digest, photcopied, $3ppd] - After reading this it gives me hope that even deeply religious people ("Do you believe the Bible is the Word of God?" Yes.) have the ability to think, question, and make their own decisions that may not agree with the norm. She does have a definitive anti-abortion stance and submission to her god, but most of this isn't anywhere as awful as that. Infact, I thought it was quite interesting & refreshing, for the most part. I'd recommend this especially to people who are just starting to learn about or look for a world outside the mainstream (as she appears to be doing). There's just a ton of random writings on all sorts of little things she notices, diary entries about h.s. problems with students & teachers, and comments on newspaper clippings. A couple subjects she comes back to throughout the zine are homosexuality and females having (legs/armpits). the former she believes is not sinful and the phrase "sexual preference" clouds the fact that attraction is part of one's nature, not a choice; the latter is more of a struggle as she prefers not to shave but is still weary about what others will think. A couple more standouts are her dawning realization that America is not so great and personal analysis of the color red.

Heather in A Reader's Guide to the Underground Press #15:
Hey, You in the Red! #1: A big ol' first issue, packed with short observations about everything from Beowulf to the meaning of perzines. I like zines with big huge articles in them, but these vignettes and ideas group together well and would make for great reading on public transit. Very ambitious for a first issue; let's see if she can keep up this pace. [$3 US, $4 elsewhere, trades ok, free to prisoners 80S 2:00]
*In brackets after the review is the price and other ordering info, next is number of pages and page size (S is digest or half-legal), and last is the time spent reading (or skimming) the zine.

Becky in Be Concave #1:
"HEY, You in the Red!" (Elizabeth Sweeny, 84 pages, half-size, $3) This zine is a collection of Elizabeth's thoughts on feminism, red, swearing, Glad Plug-Ins and pages of other topics. I loved reading it from front to back and it took a while. This is incredibly well written with plenty of content. A couple of ger thoughts and essays could have been longer. There are extensive diary entries througout taht seem to fit in perfetcly. I'd highly recommend this to everyone looking for something to get their teeth into!

Suzy Davidson in Pottsie Nation #15:
HEY, YOU IN THE RED! ($3) -- Well, besides the great cover art (done by yours truly), this is a great, interesting zine and I couldn't put it down. This thing is really thick and I love it. It would take too long to mention everything in here, but here's a few things: cussing, double scheduling (in school), vegetarian diet, teen pregnancy, pro-girl vs. anti-boy, being a christian zinester, sexual preference?, sXe, shaving etc... A great zine for anyone who has a lot of time on their hands to read zines like these.

Scripturient Youth #4

Becky in Be Concave #1:
"Scripturient Youth #4" (Elizabeth Sweeny, 31 pages, full size, $2) I know I'm reviewing another of Elizabeth's zines, but they truly are excellent. Issue #4 is the most recent installment of "Scripturient Youth" and it is the best. It's also the longest and best put together. Again, there is so much to read in here and Elizabeth has managed to get some wonderful reprints from other zines. She continues her arguments as to why homosexuality isn't wrong, with quite a lot of space dedicated to it. There are a couple of new selections that weren't in old issues (music, a survey). But it has a great purple cover!

Suzy Davidson in the Pottsie Nation distro listing in Pottsie Nation #15t:
Great writing by writers 21 and under. Poetry, personal writings, stories and more. (34 pgs/paper/full-size)

Complete List of Scripturient Publications
