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Mandy's Web Site


Stuff!?!?! Go HAWKS!?!?!
My Pics page!!!!!
About me!!!!!
Personal Page!?!?! This one is awsome you gotta check it out!?!?!
My Mandy Moorse Fan site!?!?!?!
My Pet Page!?!?!?!
Picture of my friends!!!
Pic's of my FRIENDS!?!?!
My contest PAGE!!! Please enter my contest!!!!

Hello , Thanx for visting my web site!!! I would like to give a a shout out to every one out there. I wanna say Hi to all my friends out there:Lindsey (All of them), Allie, Amanda (Both of them), Denae, Manita, Ashley, Kelly (All of them), Courtney, Whitney,Kaelyn, Kate, Jillian, Kacy, Sam, Zane, Courtney, Candice, Stephanie, Donna, Jill, Valerie, Emily (Both or them) Haylee, Jaquelyn, Tasha, Kristen, Carly, Meredith, Jessi,Britney (Both of them), Allison, Nicole, Laci (All of them), Katie (Both of you), Heather, Jennifer, Jessica, Lauren, Mackensie, Julia, Mrs.Avery, Natalie, Alicia, Yoshica.....ect sorry if I forgot you name!!!Just tell me if I did and I will add you. I wanna give a shout out to all you Pimps or wanna be pimps out there: Cody, Tyler (All of them), Austin, Casey, Kacy, Beau, Bo, Cici, Ronald, Lane, Tim, Kyle, Winston, Marc, Jared, Chad, Ryne, Derek, Patrick, Don, Austin,Jake, Ryan, Ronnie......ect sorry if I forgot you name!!!Just tell me if I did and I will add you.

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A Blue's Clue!

I've adopted Ashley from O-Town Always! I've adopted Erik from O-Town Always!