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Here is some info about Jen and her horses

Hey! My name is Jen! This is actually the first time I've really worked on a webpage. Mandi got me into it! Okay, I guess I'll give you a little info on myself. I am 21 years old and I live in "beautiful British Columbia" My main interest in life is horses, riding them, training them, penpalling, swapping horsey with my great horsey pals, dance music, being with friends, e-mails, and lots of other things. Below you'll find some pics and info on my horses. Hope you enjoy!

Here is Jen and her horse Sonney

Sonney is a 14 year old 15hh paint gelding. I've had him since the day he was born. Actually my horse Beauty is his mom! When I bought her we had no idea she was pregnant and Sonney was a total surprise! Hence his full name, Sonney Surprise. I ride Sonney both english and western. We do a little jumping, but Sons favorite thing to do is go on long trail/road rides with his buddy, Billy, whom my friend Joti owns. Sonney and I have never had the chance to show, but we'd love to. We are hoping to get into gymkhana soon!

Here are Jen's horses

From left to right: Beauty, Levi and Sonney. Here's all three of my horses standing together. (Imagine how impossible it was to get them all looking the same direction!) Okay Beauds is a 26 year old QH/welsh cross. I bought Beauty when I was 7 years old. She is the greatest first horse anyone could have. She came off a dude ranch so he is really great with beginners and also knowledgeabe enough for advanced riders. Over the years I have taught many friends how to ride on her. And then there's Levi. She's my "baby girl". She is also a foal of Beauty's. Levi's sire was a QH/TB cross named Hawk. Levi's got a lot of her daddy's looks. She's 5. I've done all her training myself. I've had her saddled and bridled and all with no problem. I'm hoping to start actually riding her soon.And also we are going to start some driving training soon! She's a smart girl!!