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April 24, 2002

On the historical significance of his feat: "It's nice, but we really want to win this series. That's all we're looking at right now. It's nice to be in that company of those guys back in the early days of my grandfather's time, but I just want to win this series. I want to win the games, win the series. If the shutouts come, they come."

On how to keep his hot streak alive: "Doing the same thing that we're doing. Playing hard, being patient. Anything can happen. A shot here, a deflection there. Definitely if something like that does happen, I won't let it affect me. I'll just play my game."

On proving his detractors wrong: "I guess you could say it (motivated me) a little bit. I just wanted to show everybody that I could play at this level and hopefully give our team a chance to win. There is a little bit of gratification there that some people were saying this team couldn't go anywhere or what not. I definite thing my game, my level, my performance needed to be a lot better coming in here. I'm just trying to step it up and keep it going for the team.

"But we still haven't won anything yet."

On whether the streak is fun: "I'm having a blast, yeah. I really didn't have to do much in that second game at all. Everybody is playing so wonderful right now, it's just something to be playing with these guys and giving them a chance to score."

On what he is doing well in goal: "I'm just playing hard, you know, I just want to win. I say a couple of things before the game, 'Focus, concentrate, be confident in yourself.' That's about it. Really, right now I'm talking with Keith Allain, the goaltending coach and the big thing is I'm so big, if I make a save, it's easier for me to stay down if there is a rebound, not having to move or get up, which would create a five-hole if I did try to get up . . . If they shoot from the outside, just stay up. It's kind of tough to beat a goaltender if he is just standing there.

"You want to continue to play your game, but don't let anything affect you. I'm a guy that likes to challenge a little bit, two on ones, if there are odd-man breaks, I'm out above the crease. I want to stay moving and keep going so if there is a quick pass, I can get over."

On what the Blues defense is doing well: "They are doing everything well. Not just the defense, but the forwards that are coming back and helping out the defense and taking away the scoring chances and the odd-man rushes. Limiting their scoring chances and being patient, our guys won't get frustrated and haven't gotten frustrated yet."

On catching some breaks in Game 4: "There were a couple of times whether either there were some rim-around (dump-ins) that bounced out off the glass and our defense happened to be there, or (Steve) Sullivan's (near) goal, which I didn't really dispute because I figured it was no goal. I know I had it in the front portion of my glove and dropped it on the ice before the goal line. I didn't think anything of it. The one shot in the third period, I caught him taking the shot a little bit late and I didn't have my glove fully open but my pad was right there to get it after that.

"There are times the bounces don't go your way. It seems like they have been the last three games. Things can change."

On the Blackhawks trying to keep their dump-ins away from him: "They came out and shot everything high. I had no chance to get to it. I'm going to stay in my net no matter where the bounces go. I don't want to be behind the net and out of position. I'm sure they are going to do that again. If I can get out there . . . it's kind of hard to judge whether or not it's going to go off the glass, so sometimes you do kind of get caught. I try to limit that and judge that a little better."

On why he's so aggressive playing the puck: "Cross-corner dump, it helps our defense a ton if I can get out there and just shoot it up the boards a little. They don't get punished as much and that's a good thing for any defense. If you can get a fore-checker behind, you can create an odd-man rush like we did last night on the penalty kill."

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