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WARNING: Yes it's still........


Well out of room again folks. So I am working on making another page now. Check back soon I should have more gests on my 3rd page. THIS PAGE WAS UPDATED OCTOBER 14th.

sweetheart.vpa I"m the one to fullfill your needs, get you everything you see in your dreams baby.

sweetheart1.vpa Let nothing and nobody tear us apart, & forever you'll be my sweetheart.

sweetheart2.vpa Haven't you noticed a gleem in my eye?

sweetheart3.vpa Because of you, I'm a little hynotized.

sweetheart4.vpa But everytime your with me I feel so possitive.

sweetheart5.vpa That with a little love, somethings got to give.

sweetheart6.vpa A full moon is waiting in the twilight.

sweetheart7.vpa Maybe soon, you will come to be my night.

sweetheart8.vpa Here we are hoping that we never part.

sweetheart9.vpa Stay with me, baby won't you be my sweetheart.

sweetheart9a.vpa We could share a storybook romance.

sweetheart9b.vpa What ya think about you & me baby going one on one?

Well here they are...eveyone has been asking for them. If any of you had talked me into giving these to you before I had them posted on this page, you may want to reload them, I have improved the audio and graphics on them.

Fputer1.vpa Seven reasons computers must be female.

Fputer2.vpa As soon as you make a commitment to one, your spending half your paycheck for accesories.

Fputer3.vpa Bad file name is about as clear as, If you don't know why I'm mad then I'm not telling you.

Fputer4.vpa The native language used to communticate with other computers is incomprehensible to everyone else.

Fputer5.vpa Even your smallest mistakes are immediately commited to memory for future reference.

Fputer6.vpa No one but the creator understands the internal logic.

Fputer7.vpa As soon as you have one, a better one is just around the corner.

Fputer8.vpa It's always necessary to have a backup.

Mputer1.vpa Seven reasons computers must be male.

Mputer2.vpa #1...Size does matter.

Mputer3.vpa #2...Big power surges knock them out for the night.

Mputer4.vpa #3...In order to get their attention, you have to turn them on.

Mputer5.vpa #4...The best part of either one is the games you can play.

Mputer6.vpa #5...They'll do whatever you say if you push the right buttons.

Mputer7.vpa #6...They look shiny and new until you bring them home.

Mputer8.vpa #7...They have a lot of data but are still clueless.

pearl1.vpa She's so tough, pure as the driven slush.

pearl2.vpa Thats not jewelry she's talking about, really don't cost that much.

pearl3.vpa She was getting bombed and I was getting blown away.

pearl4.vpa She took it in her hand, and this is what she had to say.

pearl5.vpa A pearl necklace, she wants a pearl necklace.


adult.vpa I'm cleverly disguised as a responsible adult.

attitude.vpa I have an attitude and I know how to use it.

crazy.vpa How can I prove I'm not crazy to people who are?..(VERY FUNNY BUD LIZARD AUDIO)

feelme.vpa If you think you feel good,,,,,try feeling me.

flirt.vpa I may flirt with insanity.....but I have no plans to consumate.

HELL.vpa Welcome to HELL!! I'm your caseworker.

innocence.vpa Help me look please??....I've lost my damn innocence again!!

insanity.vpa I don't suffer from insanity....I enjoy every minute of it.

life.vpa Everytime I find the meaning of life, they change it on me!

message.vpa Well nobody FORCED you to read our messages, did they?

pallet.vpa Fuck!!! You mean I have to change pallets again?

pout.vpa I'll see your pout, and raise you a snit!

pros.vpa Don't try this at home kids, we're trained professionals.

reality1.vpa I have a collect call from reality, will you accept the----(click).

reality2.vpa I have a grip on reality---just not this particular one.

reality3.vpa Reality? But there are dirty dishes in reality.

reality4.vpa My reality check just bounced.

reality5.vpa Ok, who put a stop payment on my reality check?

sensitive.vpa I'm a sensitive person---especially my inner thighs.

youcallthat.vpa You call that sexual harassment?....Check this out.

catscratch1.vpa First time that I got it I was just 10yrs old, got it from some kitty next door.

catscratch2.vpa I went to see the Dr. & he gave me the cure, I think I got it some more.

catscratch3.vpa Give me cat scratch fever, catscratch fever.

cumquietly.vpa Are you going to come quietly?....or do I have to use earplugs?

nocyber1.vpa Gee I'd love to cyber with you...but I never cyber on days that end in "Y".

nocyber2.vpa Sorry can't cyber with you, I am trying to see how long I can go without saying yes.

nocyber3.vpa No I can't cyber with you....I'm busy sorting my belly button lint collection.

Welcomeback1.vpa Welcome back. U come & go so much, we're working on installing a revolving door for u.

goodlovin.vpa Baby give me good loving, give it to me all night long.

makinlove.vpa I feel like makin love to you......OK ok I just wanna fuck!

foreplay.vpa 30 minutes of begging is not considered foreplay!.
