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Master Home Page MASTER!


You my friend are a MASTER!!

That is a picture of my school, it sucks. I just put it there so I could look cool in front of my friends...Cause I can link a picture!!!

This is Spinna he's MASTER!

My E-mail address was wrong for some time now. So if you'd like to E-mail me at my actual E-mail address click the mail box to your right...thanks

My Favorite Web Sites

Fun for the whole family
My boy Jon from NOK's homepage
The Sepultura Official Web Site!
My Sepultura Pics...This is for Me and Edwin!!

  • ToAD is MASTER.
  • Ed is MASTER!!! Smirrnoff in the house!!!
  • Edwin is MASTER
  • and finally Spinna is MASTER

Hope you enjoyed my Web site!