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Sickboy's Orchestra

the useless drag of another day the endless drags of a death rock boy mascara sure and lipstick lost glitter burned by restless thoughts of being forgotten Blink*Blink*Blink

One day the grey buttons below will be pictures that you can click on , but until i get those pictures you can stand the grey buttons. I am currently working on the Better Than Ezra pictures, contemplating on whether i should make two picture pages, one for BTE and one for everything else.. or just one.. This contemplation will probably take over a month(year, two years), because I am a slacker.. but keep coming back.. you never know.
Nevermind about the collage page.. its too much work for me.. too much.. ill change it to something.. let me think for a little bit..

Seriously, i would not put this advertisement on my page just for kicks, this place is awesome.. i have made so much money here.. if you are one of those people that are on the internet a lot, seriously go here and sign up.. actually, even if you aren't on the internet a lot.. you still get money d:) which i have gotten..a lot of.. my whole income..hahaha
Let my page be your personal clock..don't depend on it to wake you up in the morning though... i think that is why Renton never comes to school..(maybe she will come to school more often this year.. hey maybe i will..)

Give me 20(haha what the..)

My future school, 2 more years...

Why yes this is me, you can click on me to email me personally.. you can also talk to me on aol I guess.. and also if you have any good links you would like to see on this web page, or that you would like me to check out plese send them,.. i lost all my favorite places and i am poor I need all the help i can get!
I had a thing here..telling you to look at this other thing..but it was stupid so i took it out..bye T o
T h e
S u m m e r h o u s e
C h a !
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