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Aaron's Page

Here I am! Aaron Ahmed Matthew Luke Leger. I was born on March 9th 1998.
This is a page all about me! When I was born I weighed 9 lbs. 2 oz., I was really long too! And I had so much dark brown hair!
The reason I have so many names is because Mommy and Daddy couldn't decide on a name that they both liked. They picked Aaron first, but when I was born I didn't look like they thought I would. The name Aaron didn't seem right anymore. Well, Mommy wanted to call me Luke but Daddy didn't like it he wanted Ahmed or Matthew. Mommy also like Ethan, Logan, and Cole but Daddy didn't like any of them! After 5 days, they gave up and named me Aaron.

Even though I'm just little, I have some things that I like a lot.

Of Course I love my Mommy and my Daddy
And my big brother Jesse

Jesse and Me

They love me so much, too.
Jesse always plays with me and makes me laugh. I want to be just like him when I grow up. One of my favorite games is to climb up the stairs really fast and try to get into Jesse's room before mommy catches me. He has the coolest room! He has all the best toys...stuff I'm not allowed to play with.

I really like Winnie-the-Pooh.

Tigger and Pooh

Tigger and Pooh are my favorites
My whole bedroom is decorated in Winnie-the-Pooh stuff. I have lots of Winnie-the-Pooh toys, I have my first pooh, my first eeyore, bouncin' tigger, a Pooh chair, and so so much more. I can even say Winnie The Pooh now! Well actually it sounds more like bat-dat-pooh but I think everyone knows what I'm trying to say..Sometimes I just say da pooh, it's easier.

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This page was made for me by my Mom. The Pooh characters here are the work of A.A. Milne and the original illustrations are by E.Shepard published by E.P. Dutton and Co. Winnie-the-Pooh is also copyrighted by the Walt Disney Company.