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Here's two school pictures of Joe. The years are 2004 and 2005. What a difference a year makes! Look at the picture of his brother Shaun below and compare. He's looking more like Shaun each year!

Joe has always been a happy child. When he was younger he'd make up songs all the time. Before he could really talk well he'd go around with a sing song voice and nonsense words. "Moe moe moe neigh neigh." One of the many "phrases" he'd be singing. Later when he could talk he'd even make up a song about needing to use the bathroom!! Joe could and still can make people feel good. He's just got a gift for it. Joe loves wholeheartedly and pretty much unconditionally. He misses his big brother and his sister. He was lucky enough to see his sister last summer (August 2004) and he'll see her again this November, but he hasn't seen his brother for quite a while. When Shaun dropped over in February of 2005 he didn't have the time to stop back after Joe was out of school.