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Please visit Y4L for the cheapest yo-yo's around on the net!

Mike-yo's page of...umm...Yo!!!

Welcome to my page, if you go to the yo-yo chat on then there are chances you saw me shaking my bon bon there...

I finally updated since the National's!!!


Vote for your favorite yo-yo player

As you may have heard there is no more Funz-A-Poppin team...sort of a long story so to cut to the end, i will now be using this space for my yo-yo page and maybe about something else soon...

Soon i will be taking down these horrible links with images from other places and put up my own images of the national's and world's (both 98 and 99) and hopefully soon i'll have a video capture card if i somehow stop playing Lazer Tag every week...=(

Come back soon...k??? I'm updating while I type...=)


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This Yo-Yo Web Ring site owned by Mike Carreiro.

This Page Was Last Updated On: 11/26/99