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Welcome to Steve's Page

Steve's Final Fantasy 7 + 8 Walkthroughs As you know, I am Steve and this is my home page. It has seen many updates in the walkthrough of FF 7. Check it out.

If you have AOL or IM, you can IM me at Peilaeon. Also, you can email me at

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If you want to find some cool sounds, movies, or information then check this place out.

Here's another cool one for all sorts of things from many RPG's. Game Info Net.

Or, you can check out my own Final Fantasy VII web page here. Steve's Final Fantasy VII Page

For even more fun, check out my Final Fantasy VIII page. Steve's Final Fantasy VIII Page


Also, I'm an affiliate at Barnes and Noble, so go find something and buy it there...I get 10%!

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You sunk my battleship.

Where is Greg?

Greg is at the beach.
