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Poll Results

Poll #1 (February 22nd through March 7th)

Would you do it again? How many of us would have chosen this field.
(of 35 respondents)

             77%   yes
             14%   no
                      9%   not sure

My personal interpretation:  I find these results extremely encouraging.  The results of the poll say a lot for the MT field.  Overall, I think most medical transcriptionists are happy enough in their jobs to continue on in this field.  By no means is this an easy or "get rich quick" industry, therefore, I believe that most MTs are dedicated professionals all striving for the same goal......precise, well-documented medical records, which in turn will set a standard for quality patient care. 

Poll #2 (March 9th through March 28th)

Q: My office consists of:
(of 74 respondents)

 55%   A room all to myself
                18%   Sharing the dining/living room
    16%   Corner of my bedroom
             0%   HA I'm in the laundry room
    11%   Other (in-house MTs)

Most home MTs have set aside an office, personal space of their own to do their work.  I know with me at least, I need to have a quiet, personal, comfortable setting for me to be most productive. I have my own office with a playroom off in the next room, which sometimes is distracting (hearing Barney makes me shudder)! Hey, I'm glad no one is stuck in their laundry room!

Poll #3 (March 29th through April 24th)

Q: I wish my company offered:
(of 36 respondents)

56% Higher payscale
6% Better benefits
              3% Some/more vacation time

                                              3% Paid Holidays
                                             33% All of the above

I think this is the most obvious poll yet. We all agree that we are very much underpaid. The poll shows that we really do not place much emphasis on better benefits or vacation/holiday time. I think if companies offered a better pay for MTs we would have a much higher morale. This definitely tells us something.

Poll #4 (April 25 through May 22nd)

I feel that the national company/private organization that I work for is:
(of 61 respondents)

28% Honest and appreciative of me
15% I have no complaints.
36% Okay, but could be better
8% I wonder how they stay afloat
13% I wonder when the guards are coming

The majority of MTs who took the poll are happy with their employer. Most MT companies do look to please their "team" though there are a few that do leave you wondering. We have to keep our eyes and ears open to weed out the bad and to make the good even stronger!

Poll #5 (May 22nd through July1)

The main reason I chose a home based job was:
(of 88 respondents)

50% Convenience of it.
22% I hate office politics.
15% No babysitter needed.
1% My spouse works at home too.
13% I like working alone.

Half of the people who completed the poll work at home because of the convenience of it. The other 50% have various reasons for taking a job at home. Technology is SO wonderful that we are able to make this possible, quite easily in fact. MTs who can be at home with their children/spouse are probably more productive in this setting than any type of office setting!

Poll #6 (July 1 - September 15)

When it comes to word expanders, the one that I have found most helpful is:
(of 61 respondents)

20% PRD
23% Instant Text
7% Quick Script
33% Smart Type
2% Abbreviate
16% Other

Of the word expanders listed, it looks like Smart Type is the most popular according to the MTs' who completed the poll. Thanks everyone for your input!

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Email me with ideas for new questions for the poll!