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A Bit about me

I am a 32-year-old mom of four beautiful children. I have been a medical transcriptionist for 13 years. I started working at home a little over two years ago and absolutely love it. I never realized how much more there was to being an MT until coming online and locating all the resources that make it possible to be a home MT. This is probably the best industry to be in for working moms. I love all types of gardening and work in my yard as soon as the nice weather breaks. The warm weather does not last too long here, so I take full advantage of it when it arrives. I love making web pages and scanning the net for new and fun things to do. If there were only more hours in a day …………

I have a teenage boy who will be starting his freshman year at a private Catholic school in September. He is on his way to becoming a man (which I am definitely not ready for) …. But as I have come to realize with him, they do grow up WAY too fast. His first love is football, then girls… ok maybe girls and then football… sheesh I hope he finds room for me in here somewhere!! He is the love of my life … (and knows it) but hey what are sons for.

My twin girls are next, they are 5 years old, starting kindergarten this September. They have REALLY tested my parenting skills. They are twins but no two children could be more opposite than them. They have this great knack of being able to sweet talk almost anything out of dear ole' mom. They certainly have won my heart in a lot of ways. They were born after struggling with infertility for close to six years, a true blessing they certainly are!

Last but certainly not least is my "baby" … who came to us after I had a tubal ligation J So much for the odds of "hey it won't happen to ME!!" I would not trade her for the world. She certainly is an Angel in every sense of the word. She is the most inquisitive, talkative toddler who also has a great way of sweet talking dear ole' mom! Gotta love 'em.

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