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Height: 5-6  Weight: 140
Bats: Right  Throws: Right
Hometown: Bedford, MA


Batting: A great line drive hitter, whose batting skills are overshadowed by his pitching prowess.
Pitching: A first time ballot hall of famer who set the standards in the BWA. He has pinpoint accuracy with an overpowering four seamed fastball, which he compliments with a two seamer that disappears low and inside to right handed hitters.
Fielding: A great fielder whose abilities are wasted while on the mound. But when he isn't pitching he can win games on defense.
Baserunning: A speedy yet intelligent runner who is known for running through the third base coach's stop signs.


Stone has been the most consistent pitcher of the Ninties. His tournament record of 29-4 is far and away the best of any B.W.A. pitcher in history. Stone has a four-seamed fastball that has been clocked at upwards of 97 mph. And an off-spead pitch that comes in at a mind boggling 68 mph. With his ability to paint the corners as well as overpower batters, Stone has been able to win 5 championships and 3 MVP awards. But it as he enters the twilight of his career, the abuse and possible over use of his arm has taken its toll. In 1999, while with the Uni-Brows Stone was unavailable to pitch. Surrendering the duties to another legend, David Boffa. Boffa did all he could but the Uni-Brows were ousted in the first round of the playoffs.

If there is one weakness in Stone's game, it is his bat. A career .270 hitter, Stone has earned the nickname Paul "Automatic out" Stone. But what he lacks at the plate, he more than makes up for on the rubber.


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