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Height: 5-9  Weight: 153
Bats: Right  Throws: Right
Hometown: Bedford, MA
Marital Status: Confirmed Bachelor


Batting: Can get the bat on the ball to move runners along, but will never win a batting title. Get ahead on him with the breaking ball, and then put him away with the high heat.
Pitching: Has the ability to step into a rotation and give a team a chance to win. But lacks the stamina to pitch a full day.
Fielding: An above average fielder who can make the plays up the middle. Has an average arm.
Baserunning: Has decent speed, but sometimes loses concentration on the basepath.


Known as "That Goofy Bastard", Steve Chester has made quite a name for himself at BWA Tournaments. Whether it be his infectious laugh or his his love of the game, Steve has become one of the tournament's more beloved participants. But Steve is also known for being a member of 'Soul Patrol' and 'Supercocks', two of the most underachieving teams in tournament history. Fueled by the strong arms of Mike Anderson and Rich Atkinson, 'Soul Patrol' and 'The Supercocks' were pre-tourney finalists. But both Anderson & Atkinson couldn't find the strike zone, and Chester couldn't hit a beach ball with a two by four. After many disappointing tournament appearances, and quickly approaching the twilight of his career, Steve felt he needed to look elsewhere if he was to win his first title. In 1999, it looked like Chester found the right teammates in Paul Stone and David Boffa (numbers 1 and 2 on the career victory list). But the chemistry wasn't there. Boffa's flare for the dramatics and Chester's straight-laced approach to the game went as well together as Vanilla Ice and the Apollo Theatre. The 'Uni-Brows' as they were known, entered the playoffs as the number one seed. But lost to the 'Hip-Hoppers' in the first round. In the year 2000, it all came together. Steve teamed up with defending champions Bryan Albonesi & Todd Anderson (the third member of the defending champions, Mike McGarry, was suspended from the 2000 tourney when it was found that he was secretly breaking Mayo Dragons during the 1999 tournament), to form the 'Jammies'. The Jammies steamrolled the competition, and won the 2000 BWA Tournament. Steve's quest for the BWA Chalice was finally complete.


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