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Height: 5-11  Weight: 201
Bats: Left  Throws: Left
Hometown: Bedford, MA


Batting: A left-hander who just doesn't possess the great power numbers, but also hits for average. Arguably the most feared slugger in the game today. Don't make a mistake up, because he will make you pay.
Pitching: Not a staff ace. Throws the ball around the plate, and will make you swing. Just don't ask him to overpower anyone.
Fielding: The game's greatest fielder since Spanky Monroe (1987-1988). He catches everything within 20 feet of him.
Baserunning: Possesses great speed. Fielders must get the ball to the pitcher as quickly as possible, because he can easily stretch a single into a double.


The name "Geoff Chase" is known and feared throughout the wiffleball world. Chase has 4 championship rings and 2 MVP awards. He is mostly known for his flawless defensive game but also for his powerful bat. The legend of Chase's up-bringing goes as follows: Chase was pre-maturely born at a "beer party" in Lowell, MA, he was an unwanted child and the partiers thought it was a good idea to wrap Chase in an empty 30 pack of "Hams Beer" and ship him to Singapore. When Chase arrived in Singapore he was immediately taken in by one, "Vu Dirk Lee" and trained in the art of ancient style wiffleball. Chase quickly emerged as one of Singapores rising stars, hitting homeruns by the dozen and having errorless seasons in the field. Lefties were forbidden to pitch in Singapore which explains Chase's only weakness. By 1987 Chase was Singapore's biggest star and was recruited by one of the most well known wiffleball players of all time, "Dirk McBride" (said to be distantly related to "Vu Dirk Lee"). McBride brought Chase back to the U.S. and signed him on the Bedford Circut in 1991.

*Note*: Sadly in 1995, Chase's mentor, "Vu Dirk Lee" took his own life by the sword after Chase made his biggest error of all time, throwing a ball and missing runner "Bryan Albonesi" rounding second base. This error lead to the championship of arch rival "The New Breed" and the elimination of "The Bomb Squad". Chase still receives death threats from Singapore and is heavily protected at all events.


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