Bodybuilding Routines: Number of Days Per Week; number of times per week given muscles are exercised
Table based on data from this page, showing frequency of workouts and frequency of muscle-group work is at:

On this page, 2 3 4 and 5 day per week routines are presented. With every routine, an exercise is only done once per week.
3 Day A Week routine - (Normal)
This workout is done 3 days per week, and each body part (shoulders chest abs biceps back leg calf) is exercised 1.0 times in an average week with the exception of triceps which is done twice a week. Total number of repetitions ( 2 sets of 10 reps means 10 reps, pause, 10 reps): 50-180 twice a week, 60-216 once a week.
"After a few weeks, perform two sets for each exercise. After around three months, perform a maximum of three sets per exercise. Always do an additional easy warm-up set of around 20 reps, to get the motion right and the blood into the muscle...Perform a maximum of around 10-12 reps for each exercise. The weight you are using should be heavy enough so that the last rep should be near impossible. Try and increase the weights or reps you are doing every session, to ensure you are progressing."
  2 Day A Week Routine - (for very busy people)
This workout is done 2 days per week, and each body part (shoulders chest abs biceps back leg calf) is exercised 1.0 times in an average week with the exception of triceps which is done 2.0 times a week. Total number of repetitions (for example 2 sets of 10 reps means 10 reps, pause, 10 reps): 70-252 once a week, 80-288 once a week.
"After a few weeks, perform two sets for each exercise. After around three months, perform a maximum of three sets per exercise. Always do an additional easy warm-up set of around 20 reps, to get the motion right and the blood into the muscle...Perform a maximum of around 10-12 reps for each exercise. The weight you are using should be heavy enough so that the last rep should be near impossible. Try and increase the weights or reps you are doing every session, to ensure you are progressing."
 4 Day A Week Routine - (for after 6 months training)
This workout is done 4 days per week. The back is exercised 3.0 times per week; the shoulders legs abs and forearms 2.0 times per week;  chest, biceps and triceps 1.0 times per week.  Total number of repetitions (for example 2 sets of 10 reps means 10 reps, pause, 10 reps): 96-210 reps are done on a workout day.
"Avoid the temptation to add sets or exercises to this routine. Avoid this routine for the first 6 months of training. Lower the sets in your next workout if you find you are still sore 3 days after working that muscle...The first set should be a warm-up (15-20 reps), followed by a heavier warm-up. The next three sets must be intense and hard. Try and make the third set the heaviest and complete until total failure."
 5 Day A Week Routine - (for after 6 months training)
This workout is done 5 days per week. The back is exercised 3.0 times per week; the shoulders abs and calves 2.0 times per week;  chest, forearms legs and triceps 1.0 times per week.  Total number of repetitions (for example 2 sets of 10 reps means 10 reps, pause, 10 reps): 84-190 reps are done on a workout day.
"This 5 day split routine is excellent if you have the recovery to train 5 days in a row. Doing a 5 day split won't work for people with a stressful job or home life. It will cause you to overtrain and burn-out...The 5 day split allows you to be in and out of the gym in 30-45 mins, meaning you can train each bodypart to total failure, without having to 'hold back' energy for other bodyparts."

Gain New Muscle Weight Using the 10 Sets of 10 Reps Bodybuilding Training Method Mass Building 10 Sets of 10 Reps Bodybuilding Workout Routine (for gaining mass)
For this method it is advised, that endomorphs (slow metabolism) should work a body part twice a week and train 6 times a week, mesomorphs (naturally lean, muscular) should work a body part once every 5 days, and ectomorphs (skinny, fast metabolism) should work a body part once a week and train every other day or 3 days per week.
With this routine, there are 6.0 workouts per week; thighs, hamstrings, calves, chest, back, abs, shoulders biceps triceps are all worked out 1.0 times per week. There are 33-360 reps per workout day, with rest between reps limited.

Gain New Muscle Weight Using the 5 Sets of 5 Reps Bodybuilding Training Method
With this routine, the advice is to work a body part twice a week, and workout six days a week. It is supposed to be used after the routine described above has been used for 6 weeks. It is also supposed to be done for 6 weeks.
With this routine, chest, back, shoulders, arms, and legs are all done 2.0 times per week. 150 reps are always done in a workout, with rest limited between reps.

One Major Muscle Group Per Day Advanced Bodybuilding Workout Split
Work One Major Muscle Group Per Day In Each Workout
This routine is supposed to be done only by the advanced

"In a one major muscle group per day workout split, bodybuilding workouts are designed in such a way that only one muscle group is targeted in each bodybuilding workout. This is a great way to train for very advanced bodybuilders who are significantly strong and can generate such a high level of intensity in each workout that training less frequently will allow for better results and recovery. Again, this routine should only be used by those bodybuilders who have spent years training using higher frequency splits such as the antagonistic muscles workout split."
This is supposed to involve 6 days training per week; Quads/chest/back/shoulders/hamstrings/calves/arms are worked once per week; with this workout calves get trained twice a week. The number of total reps per workout is 140-311.
It is suggested that advanced skinny ectomorph hardgainers do this routine on a 3 days on 1 day off basis so each body part is worked every 8 days.
This routine is supposed to combined with 5-6 days per week of 30 min cardio for 6 weeks, and then 5-6 days per week of 45 min cardio for 6 weeks.

Schwarzenegger Routine:
The famous actor's routing involved working out 6 days a week, with calves forearms and abs worked 6 times a week, and chest, back, legs, biceps, triceps and shoulders worked 3 times per week. On his chest back legs day Arnold apparently did 1129-1465 reps in total; on his biceps triceps shoulders day he did 476-732 reps in total, and this is not counting his work on abs and some of his work on forearms.

Novice workout level 1
Recced for those just starting out. Workout 3 times per week; each body (stomach, legs, chest, shoulders, biceps, triceps) part is worked 3 times per week. 95-254 repetitions in total per workout session.
'Last rep should feel difficult but don’t go to failure. If it gets too easy increase the weights.'

Novice workout level 2
To be done after the above done for 4-6 wks. Again, Workout 3 times per week; each body (stomach, legs, chest, shoulders, biceps, triceps) part is worked 3 times per week. 280-336 reps per session.
'Last rep should feel difficult but don’t go to failure. If it gets too easy increase the weights.'

Novice workout level 3
To be done after the above two routines done for 10-12 wks. Again, Workout 3 times per week; each body (stomach, legs, chest, shoulders, biceps, triceps) part is worked 3 times per week. 488-642 total reps per session.
'Last rep should feel difficult but don’t go to failure. If it gets too easy increase the weights.'

Intermediate 3-days/w Three-day Split Routine
This workout is done 3 days per week, and each body part (back shoulders chest quads hamstrings biceps triceps calves abs) is exercised once per week. Not shown what the exact exercises are or number reps

"This routine might be for you if you practice other physical activities for recreation or competitively. Here you train each muscle group only once a week, thus giving it enough time to recover until the next time you do the same muscle group."
"Intermediate Three-day Split Routine I might also be for you if you are on a restricted calorie diet, since on such a diet your body will take longer to recover."

Intermediate 3-days/w Two-day Split Routine
This workout is done 3 days per week, and each body part (back shoulders chest quads hamstrings biceps triceps calves abs) is exercised 1.5 times in an average week; a body part is done twice in week 1, once in week 2, twice in week 1, on an alternating basis. Exact exercises used, number of reps not given.
"If you have at least three-month experience with novice circuit training routines, then you can pass in to the intermediate level. At this point you should implement split routines in your workout schedule."
"This two-day split routine is a good one if you started with weights recently or if you can’t devote more then three days a week for training."

Intermediate 4-days/w Two-day Split Routine
This workout is done 4 days per week, and each body part (back shoulders chest quads hamstrings biceps triceps calves abs) is exercised 2 times in an average week. Exact exercises used, number reps not given

"In this intermediate workout you will repeat each muscle group twice a week. It is the hardest, compared to the other two intermediate workouts. What makes it harder then the rest of them is the fact that you will have to go to the gym four times a week...You can use this one if you are sure you have good recovery. If you are on a restricted calorie diet or actively practice other sports, then this one might be too intense for you."

Advanced 4-day Split, 5 days Cycle
With this routine the cycle is repeated every 5 days; there are 4 days of workouts in a row followed by a day off. Thus occasionally you have 5 workouts in a week but usually 6. Thus the exact statistical figure in terms of workouts per week would be: 5.6 workouts per week.  Each body part (back shoulders chest quads hamstrings biceps triceps calves abs) is exercised once in a five day cycle. Thus mathematically speaking a body part is exercised on average 1.4 times per week. The exact exercises used and number of reps is not given.
"At your last rep you should feel like you can’t do another one even if they paid you by the rep. "
"With this advanced training routine you will be repeating each muscle group once every 5 days (excluding abs). You will be working out either 6 or 5 days a week total...Advanced 4-day Split, 5 days Cycle routine is for you if you like going to the gym almost every day but still need more time to recover between muscle groups."
"You can include some advanced techniques like partial reps, negatives, drop-sets and so on. But keep in mind that using these will dramatically increase your recovery time. The risk of injuries is greater, too. The rule is: don’t use advanced techniques in each set."

Advanced 3-day Split, 5 days Cycle
With this routine the cycle is repeated every 5 days; there are 3 days of workouts in a 5 day cycle and 2 days off. Thus the mumber of workouts per week varies between 4 and 5. The exact statistical figure in terms of workouts per week would be: 4.2 workouts per week.  Each body part (back shoulders chest quads hamstrings biceps triceps calves abs) is exercised once in a five day cycle. Thus mathematically speaking a body part is exercised on average 1.4 times per week. Exact exercises used, number of reps not given.
"If you choose to use this advanced training routine you will be training one muscle group every 5 days. You will be doing only three workouts for these 5 days. Each week you will have either 4 or 5 training days. You will be recovering faster since you will be having two days off every five days...The Advanced 3-day Split, 5 days Cycle is good for you if you can’t devote 6 days a week to the gym but still want some serious results."

Advanced 3-day Split, 4 days Cycle
With this routine the cycle is repeated every 4 days; there are 3 days of workouts in a 4 day cycle and 1 day off. Thus the number of workouts per week varies between 4 and 6. The exact statistical figure in terms of workouts per week would be: 5.3 workouts per week.  Each body part (back shoulders chest quads hamstrings biceps triceps calves abs) is exercised once in a four day cycle. Thus mathematically speaking a body part is exercised on average 1.8 times per week. Exercises used and number reps per session not described.

"With this advanced 3-day split you will be training either 5 or 6 days a week. The cycle will be 4 days (you will be completing each body part once every 4 days)...The Advanced 3-day Split, 4 days Cycle is for you if you know you recover fast; are not engaged very actively with other types of physical activities; like working out almost every day."

The 1-6 bodybuilding Training Principle
With this routine the cycle is repeated every 5 days; there are 3 days of workouts in a 5 day cycle and 2 days off. Thus the number of workouts per week varies between 4 and 5. The exact statistical figure in terms of workouts per week would be: 4.2 workouts per week.  Each body part (arms, legs, chest/back) is exercised once in a five day cycle. Thus mathematically speaking a body part is exercised on average 1.4 times per week.
The new different thing here is one rep at max, rest, 6 reps at 85% max, 1 rep max, 6 reps 85% max etc.
"You should do this five-day cycle a total of six times. Therefore, 30 days are needed to complete this routine."

Escalating Density Training
With this routine the cycle is repeated every 7 days; there are 4 days of workouts in a 7 day cycle and 3 days off. Thus the number of workouts is 4.0 per week always.  Each body part (lats/elbow-extensors, lower body/trunk, pecs/elbow flexors, lower body) is exercised once in a week. Exact number of reps to be done per session not given.

5X5 Training
With this routine the cycle is repeated every 7 days; there are 4 days of workouts in a 7 day cycle and 3 days off. Thus the number of workouts is 4.0 per week always.  The exact statistical figure in terms of workouts per week is 4.0 workouts per week.  Each body part (chest/calves, back/shoulders, biceps/triceps, and legs) is exercised once in a week with the exception of calves, which are exercised twice in a week. Thus mathematically speaking a body part is exercised on average 1.0 times per week, exept for calves which are exercised 2.0 times per week.

German Volume Training
Beginner/Intermediate Program Phase 1
With this routine the cycle is repeated every 5 days; there are 3 days of workouts in a 5 day cycle and 2 days off. Thus the mumber of workouts per week varies between 4 and 5. The exact statistical figure in terms of workouts per week would be: 4.2 workouts per week.  Each body part (chest/back, legs/abs, arms/shoulders) is exercised once in a five day cycle. Thus mathematically speaking a body part is exercised on average 1.4 times per week. The number of reps in a workout varies from 260-320.
"One, and only one, exercise per body part should be performed. Therefore, select exercises that recruit a lot of muscle mass. Triceps kickbacks and leg extensions are definitely out, squats and bench presses are definitely in...Once you've used this method for six workouts per body part, it's time to move on to a more intensive program for a three-week period."
" begin with a weight you could lift for 20 reps to failure if you had to. For most people, on most exercises, that would represent 60% of their (max)."

German Volume Training
Beginner/Intermediate Program Phase 2
With this routine the cycle is repeated every 5 days; there are 3 days of workouts in a 5 day cycle and 2 days off. Thus the mumber of workouts per week varies between 4 and 5. The exact statistical figure in terms of workouts per week would be: 4.2 workouts per week.  Each body part (chest/back, legs/abs, arms/shoulders) is exercised once in a five day cycle. Thus mathematically speaking a body part is exercised on average 1.4 times per week. 156-210 reps are done in a workout session.
"After six of those five-day cycles (described entry above this one), I recommend you do a three-week phase where the average set is six to eight reps, and do only four to six sets per body part over a five-day cycle, or you can do any other split that suits your recovery pattern. After this three-week block, you can return to the German Volume Training method (this Phase 2 workout) by doing the following ten sets of six reps routine."

German Volume Training 2000: the Next Step
With this routine the cycle is repeated every 6 days; there are 3 days of workouts in a 6 day cycle and 3 days off. Thus the number of workouts per week varies between 3 and 4. The exact statistical figure in terms of workouts per week would be: 3.5 workouts per week.  Each body part (quads, chest/triceps, hamstrings/shoulders, back/biceps,) is exercised once in a six day cycle. Thus mathematically speaking a body part is exercised on average 1.2 times per week. features a gigantic database of workouts. The number of days spent working out in their workouts varies from 2 to 6. The 'goals' of their workouts are either to build muscle tone or muscle strength. The workouts are divided into two types, split and full-body. The number of exercises per workout vary between 3 and 13. The number of sets per workout varies between 3 and 24.
Here you can find not just weightlifting routines, but also routines

Flexbodybuilding also has a big collection of workouts. Their listed weightlifting workouts for sports are mostly from and are mostly "offseason" or "preseason" workouts. Problem is good athletes are always sort of "in-season".

DoggCrapp Training Method
This is the most prominent routine at flexbodybuilding
With this routine there are always 3.0 workouts per week.  Each body part (chest, shoulders, triceps, back, bieps, forearms, calves, hamstring, quads) is exercised alternatively twice a week or once a week. Thus mathematically speaking a body part is exercised on average 1.5 times per week. Number reps per session are 73-87.
This method involves warmup sets followed by sets with less and less reps all done to failure.

Tarkana Sprinter's Lifting Routine
With this routine there are always 3.0 workouts per week.  Day 1 is dedicated to 'power'; day 2 is dedicated to 'speed-endurance', and day 3 is dedicated to 'strength'. The legs, back, and abs are exercised every workout day, the calves are exercised 2 out of 3 workout days, the shoulders are exercised 2 out of 3 workout days. Thus the legs back and abs are worked 3.0 times per week, the shoulders 2.0 times per week, and the calves 2.0 times per week. Reps per workout session are 170-437.
Weight lifted is advised as 50-65% of personal maximum.

Starting Out
With this routine there are always 3.0 workouts per week and they are always the same.  Chest, shoulders, biceps, triceps, legs and abs are all worked out 3.0 times per week. 160 reps done in each workout session.
"I would suggest that beginners never actually reach failure (point where they cannot lift the weight anymore)".

Double Split
Lower Intermediate - 2-4 times per week
With this routine there are 2.0-4.0 workouts per week.  Chest, shoulders, biceps, triceps, legs, and back are all exercised 1.0 to 2.0 times per week, and abs are all worked out 2.0-4.0 times per week. Total reps are 130-134 per workout session.
"Inter-mediates (should) hit failure on last set for each exercise per bodypart."

3 way split
Upper Intermediate
With this routine there are 3.0 workouts per week.  Chest, back, arms, shoulders, legs, calves, and abs are all exercised 1.0 times per week. There are 208-212 reps per workout session.
"Inter-mediates (should) hit failure on last set for each exercise per bodypart."

Martin Smith Routine, Advanced
With this routine there are 4.0 workouts per week and they are always the same.  Chest, shoulders, biceps, triceps, legs, back, calves and abs are all exercised 1.0 times per week. 150-244 reps per workout session.
"go past failure occasionally on one exercise per workout"
One can detect the general pattern that as a weightlifting routine becomes more advanced, the number of days in a week that a body part is done decreases, and the number of days in the week on which weightlifting is done, increases.

Ken Sprague's Weightlifting for Soccer Workout
With this routine, there are 2.0 workouts per week in-season and 3.0 workouts per week off-season. shoulders, back, abs/torso, and Legs, are exercised 2.0 times per week in-season and 3.0 times per week off-season. Reps per workout are 156-164. Advised to lift at 65% of 1 rep max on an exercise.

Basketball Weight-training Program
Not specced whether in season or off season seems to be in season
With this routine, there are 3.0 workouts per week.Shoulders chest, abs, biceps, legs, calves are all exercised 3.0 times per week. Upper back and forearms are exercised 2.0 times per week. Triceps are exercised 1.0 times per week. Reps per workout are 268-278. It is advised to "use as much weight as possible".

Workout for Baseball Pitcher
With this routine there are 3.0 workouts per week. Shoulders, back, legs, are done 3.0 times per week; side of torso 2.0 times per week; abs 1.0 times per week. 164-202 reps per workout session. Amount to be lifted not given.
Day 1 legs, lower back, chest, side of torso, front of thigh, back, shoulders
Day 2 abs legs back front of thigh, shoulder
Day 3 side of torso, back, shoulders, legs.

@2007 David Virgil Hobbs