Genetic Biochemistry Timeline
Selected from sources linked to below,  (generally not re-phrased)
@2005 David Virgil Hobbs & 14 sources  linked to below

          Jenner inoculates a child with a viral vaccine to protect him from smallpox.


          Proteins are discovered.


          The first enzymes are isolated.


          The Escherichia coli (E. Coli) bacterium is discovered. It later becomes a major research, development and

          production tool for biotechnology.


          Mendel, in his study of peas, discovers that traits are transmitted from parents to progeny by discrete,

          independent units, later called genes. His observations laid the groundwork for the field of genetics.


1869: Swiss scientist Friedrich Miescher discovers that the nuclei of pus cells contain an acidic substance, which he names "nuclein." He later finds that nuclein comprises a protein and a sugar and phosphate compound to which the name nucleic acid -- subsequently changed to deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) -- is given.

DNA (first called "nuclein") is identified by Friedrich Miescher as an acidic substance found in cell nuclei. The significance of DNA is not appreciated for 70 years.

          Miescher discovers DNA in the sperm of trout.


          Fleming discovers chromatin, the rod-like structures inside the cell nucleus that later came to be called



Sutton Pointed out the interrelationships between cytology and Mendelism, closing the gap between cell morphology and heredity.


Thomas Morgan's experiments with the fruit fly (Drosophila) reveal some characteristics are sex-linked: Confirms genes reside on chromosomes


          The first cancer-causing virus is discovered by Rous.


          American Oswald Avery demonstrates that DNA is the "transforming factor" and is the material of genes


One gene encodes one protein, as described by Beadle and Tatum.

George W. Beadle (1903-1989) of the U.S. and Edward L. Tatum (1909-1975) of the U.S. discovered that genes control the production of enzymes.

George Beadle and Edward Tatum develop the idea that each gene controls the development of one enzyme.

George W. Beadle and Edward L. Tatum show how genes direct the synthesis of enzymes that control metabolic processes



          Discovery that genetic material from different viruses can be combined to form a new type of virus, an example of

          genetic recombination

Discovery that genetic material from different viruses can be combined to form a new type of virus, an example of genetic recombination



          McClintock discovers transposable elements, or "jumping genes," in corn.


          Pauling shows that sickle cell anemia is a "molecular disease" resulting from a mutation in the protein molecule



Erwin Chargaff discovers regularity in proportions of DNA bases for different species



          Nature publishes James Watson's and Francis Crick's manuscript describing the double helical structure of DNA,

          which marks the beginning of the modern era of genetics.


1955-61: Further work in Britain and the United States establishes DNA's role in making proteins and how the molecule self-replicates and lays the foundation for gene sequencing


          The fermentation process is perfected in Japan. Kornberg discovers the enzyme DNA polymerase I, leading to an

          understanding of how DNA is replicated.


          Sickle cell anemia is shown to occur due to a change of a single amino acid.


Japanese scientists make a discovery which will be vital in the development of genetic engineering. They find resistance to antibodies in Shigella dysenteriae is passed from one bacterium to another by small circles of DNA known as plasmids, separate from the normal DNA.


          Exploiting base pairing, hybrid DNA-RNA molecules are created.

          Messenger RNA is discovered.



New wheat varieties developed by Norman Borlaug increase yields by 70 percent.



Charles Yanofsky and colleagues prove sequence of nucleotides in DNA correspond exactly to the sequence of amino acids in proteins


          The genetic code is cracked, demonstrating that a sequence of three nucleotide bases (atriplet mRNA condons or codons) determines each

          of 20 amino acids.


Charles Caskey, Richard Marshall and Marshall Nirenberg show that identical messenger RNA is used to form identical amino acids in bacteria, toads and guinea pigs, leading to the suggestion that the genetic code is a universal information system for all life forms.


          An enzyme is synthesized in vitro for the first time.

First gene in a piece of bacterial DNA isolated. The gene plays a role in the metabolism of sugar

1969 A team at Harvard Medical School led by Jonathan Beckwith isolates the first gene, specifically, abacterial gene whose protein product is involved in sugar metabolism


Werner Arber, a Swiss scientist, makes a discovery which has far reaching effects for genetic engineering. He finds that bacteria defend themselves against viruses by cutting the virus DNA using special restriction enzymes. (These enzymes are now widely used in the new DNA technologies.)

          Specific restriction nucleases are identified, opening the way for gene cloning.

          First complete synthesis of a gene

Norman Eorlaug receives the Nobel Peace Prize (see 1963).
Discovery of restriction enzymes that cut and splice genetic material, opening the way for gene cloning.

Smith and Wilcox Isolated the first restriction enzyme, HindII, that could cut DNA molecules within specific recognition sites.


          Discovery of restriction enzymes that cut and splice genetic material

Daniel Nathans and Hamilton Smith develop enzymes which break DNA at specific sites – another step towards genetic engineering.


Berg produces first recombinant dna molecules

While studying isolated genes, Berg developed a method for splitting DNA molecules at selected sites, attaching segments of the molecule to the DNA of a virus, and then introducing it into bacterial or animal cells. The foreign DNA was incorporated by the host, which then produced proteins not ordinarily found in the host. This joining of two pieces of DNA from different species is called recombinant DNA. The process is a cornerstone of genetic engineering.



Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer show that DNA molecules can be cut with one type of enzyme, joined together again with another type and reproduced by inserting

them into the bacteria E. coli. This is the beginning of the science of genetic engineering.

          Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer perfect genetic engineering techniques to cut and paste DNA (using restriction

          enzymes and ligases) and reproduce the new DNA in bacteria.

First genetic engineering experiment: insertion of a gene from an African clawed toad into a bacterium

Chang and Cohen Showed that a recombinant DNA molecule can be maintained and replicated in E. coli.

Scientists successfully transfer DNA from one organism into another, making a 'recombinant organism'. Viral DNA is added to a bacterium.


          The National Institutes of Health forms a Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee to oversee recombinant genetic



          Asilomar Conference (moratorium on genetic engineering research).

          The first monoclonal antibodies are produced.





          The tools of recombinant DNA are first applied to a human inherited disorder.  


          Yeast genes are expressed in E. coli bacteria.  

          DNA sequencing discovered; first working synthetic gene.

The sequence of DNA base pairs for a specific gene is determined

  • First expression of human gene in bacteria.


    Studies by David Botstein and others found that when a restrictive enzyme is applied to DNA from different individuals, the resulting sets of fragments sometimes differ markedly from one person to the next. Such variations in DNA are called restriction fragment length polymorphisms, or RFLPs, and they are extremely useful in genetic studies


              Recombinant human insulin first produced.  

              North Carolina scientists show it is possible to introduce specific mutations at specific sites in a DNA molecule.


    Sir Walter Bodmer suggest a way of using DNA technology to find gene markers to show up specific genetic diseases and their carriers.

              Human growth hormone first synthesized.

         Also in the 1970s


              Discovery of polymerases.  

              Techniques for rapid sequencing of nucleotides perfected.  

              Gene targeting.  

              RNA splicing.


                  The U.S. patent for gene cloning is awarded to Cohen and Boyer.  


              Researchers successfully introduce a human gene - one that codes for the protein interferon - into a bacterium.


              Scientists at Ohio University produce the first transgenic animals by transferring genes from other animals into


    Three independent research teams announced the discovery of human oncogenes (cancer genes).



    A gene for rat growth hormone is successfully transferred into mice, which grow up to twice their normal size because of the extra growth hormones they are producing.

              Applied Biosystems, Inc., introduces the first commercial gas phase protein sequencer, dramatically reducing the amount of protein sample needed for sequencing.


    A study of an extended family in Venezuela with Huntington's chorea demonstrated that family members with the disease show a distinct and characteristic pattern of restriction fragment lengths, leading to a new screening test. The same methods of investigation revealed patterns for cystic fibrosis, adult polycystic kidney disease, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and others.

    Genetic marker for the genetic condition Huntington disease (HD) located on chromosome 4

    Marvin Carruthers at the University of Colorado devised a method to construct fragments of DNA of predetermined sequence from five to about 75 base pairs long

              The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique is conceived. PCR, which uses heat and enzymes to make

              unlimited copies of genes and gene fragments, later becomes a major tool in biotech research and product

              development worldwide.  

              The first genetic transformation of plant cells by TI plasmids is performed.  

              The first artificial chromosome is synthesized.  

              The first genetic markers for specific inherited diseases are found.

    Barbara McClintock (1902-1992) of the U.S. was awarded the Nobel Prize for her discovery that genes are able to change position on chromosomes


              The DNA fingerprinting technique is developed.  

              The first genetically engineered vaccine is developed.  

              The entire genome of the HIV virus is cloned and sequenced.


    Kary Mullis develops PCR (polymerase chain reaction) to rapidly reproduce DNA from a very small sample that enables genetic testing for health and other applications such as forensics and paternity testing

              Genetic marking found for kidney disease and cystic fibrosis.  

              Genetic fingerprinting enters the courtroom.  

              Genetically engineered plants resistant to insects, viruses and bacteria are field tested for the first time.  

    Fully active murine RT is cloned and overexpressed in E. coli.


             Maynard Olson and colleagues at Washington University invented "yeast artificial chromosomes," or YACs, expression vectors for large proteins.

              The first field tests of genetically engineered plants (tobacco) are conducted.  

              The Environmental Protection Agency approves the release of the first genetically engineered crop - gene-altered

              tobacco plants.  

            . Orthoclone OKT3® is approved for the reversal of

              acute kidney transplant rejection.  

              Recombinate® rAHF, a blood-clotting Factor VIII for the treatment of hemophilia A, is approved.



              Frostban, a genetically altered bacterium that inhibits frost formation on crop plants, is field tested on strawberry

              and potato plants in California, the first authorized outdoor tests of an engineered bacterium.  


              Harvard molecular geneticists are awarded the first U.S. patent for a genetically altered animal - a transgenic mouse.  


              First field trial of a recombinant viral crop protectant.  


              The gene responsible for cystic fibrosis is discovered.  


                  Also in the 1980s


              Use of microbes in oil spill cleanup - bioremediation technology.  





    Mary-Claire King finds evidence that a gene on chromosome 17 causes an inherited form of breast
    cancer and increases the risk of ovarian cancer
    Mary-Claire King finds evidence that a gene on chromosome 17 causes an inherited form of breast
    King find gene on chromosome 17 causes breast cancer
    cancer and increases the risk of ovarian cancer

              The first federally approved gene therapy treatment is performed successfully on a 4-year-old girl suffering from

              an immune disorder.  

              The first successful field trial of genetically engineered cotton plants is conducted. The plants had been engineered

              to withstand use of the herbicide Bromoxynil.  

              The first transgenic dairy cow - used to produce human milk proteins for infant formula - is created.  


            First gene involved in inherited predisposition to breast cancer & ovarian cancer (BRCA1) located on chromosome 17



           First rough map of all 23 chromosomes produced


            The BRCA1 gene, previously implicated in the development of rare familial forms of breast cancer, also appears to play a role in much more common types of non-inherited breast cancers,

              The first breast cancer gene is discovered.  

               Researchers at the University of Texas reported that the enzyme telomerase appears to be responsible for the unchecked growth of cells seen in human cancers. The discovery could lead to many new diagnostic and therapeutic applications


         H. influenzae (virus) sequenced

              Gene therapy, immune system modulation and genetically engineered antibodies enter the clinics in the war against



    S. cerevisae (yeast) sequenced

              The discovery of a gene associated with Parkinson's disease provides an important new avenue of research into

              the cause and potential treatment of the debilitating neurological ailment.  






            C. elegans (worm) sequenced

              Embryonic stem cells can be used to regenerate tissue and create disorders mimicking diseases.  

              Scientists at Japan's Kinki University clone eight identical calves using cells taken from a single adult cow  

             The first complete animal genome for the elegans worm is sequenced.  

              A rough draft of the human genome map is produced, showing the locations of more than 30,000 genes.  


    First human chromosome sequenced: chromosome 22


    Drosophila (fruit fly) genome sequenced

    Chromosome 21 sequenced




      Genome of mouse completed  

    Completion of the mapping of the genes in the human genome announced setting the stage for determining the function of the 30,000 or so genes
