Global Cooling Solution Proposed

The leaders of more than 160 nations who recently met in Japan have unanimously agreed on a proposed solution to global warming due to the burning of fossil fuels.

Potentially devastating effects on worldwide weather systems are expected, due to the growing pollution from cars, power plants and factories. Temperature changes could cause a planetary disaster for future generations, unless drastic measures are taken now to prevent the deadliest catastrophe possibly facing all forms of life on Earth since the extinction of the dinosaurs.

A simple but ingenious plan, devised by an MIT student who built a miniature model of the world’s environment in a laboratory experiment, has proven it is possible to control the world’s temperature, overcoming the “greenhouse effect” caused by the rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This would allow the world’s population to continue the ways they commute to work, cook their meals and heat their homes with little if any inconvenience, and eliminate the need to reduce emission levels in industrial countries.

The proposed plan calls for two giant plastic tube ducts to be installed vertically over the Earth’s Poles, extending upwards just beyond the atmosphere, causing the vacuum of space to naturally draw air from below. These ducts will basically revolve in place due to their alignment to the Earth’s axis, thus making them much easier to secure in place. A network of underground pipes would then channel the air from the world’s most polluted places in each hemisphere to the closest Pole, so that it could be drawn up through the ducts to outer space, where this pollution would be absolutely harmless.

Multiple thermostat sensors, strategically located at various locations throughout the world, will provide an accurate cumulative global temperature to a sophisticated computer controled valve sytem, which will then use this information to determine just how much air is allowed to vent, much like a chimney in the average home.

Plans for a series of giant incinerators to be built at each Pole venting station also under consideration. These facilities would allow the world’s trash to also be expelled into space after burning, eliminating the worldwide need to recycle, as well as providing a solution to the disposal of the enormous amounts of hazardous waste generated by present and future industrial plants.

Which leaves one to wonder, who will clean the chimney?

© Tony Biscaia December 1997

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