Once upon a time, there was a little fish..
She swam the seven seas and walked upon the land in search of a dish...

The dish was up in the heavens, soaring through the sky,
As though it weren't a strawberry pie...

As she searched and searched, there was nothing she could do...
Until she came across a cow named Mr. Moo...

For some odd reason the cow resembled her good friend Nikki...
And upon the cow's neck were one of Nik's infamous cyber-hickeys...

The cow offered her a plate of those delicious green eggs and ham...
The fish now saw the cow resembled Sam I Am...

The cow jumped over the moon and bared its teeth...
The fish had never seen such a ferocious piece of beef...

The fishy swam away with nary a frightened scream...
Mr Moo was no match for her insane life, he was only a mere dream...

Nikki.....*lmao* i still don't quite get it. *lmao*

SMACK..Whore...You don't get why your head is attached to your body..~LMAO~

Up came the cat,
Very much fat.

Pulled the little fishy
Out of the water grinning....

Could this be the end
Of our fishy of the bend?

If so, then let's rejoice,
She hardly has a choice......

The Ill-Tempered Sea Bass's Aquarium

Welcome to my aquarium! Swim and Enjoy! Don't Eat the Fish!

*trying really hard to swim away from the piranah, Nikki finally makes it to the door of ITSB's Aquarium Palace, she pushes the door closed behind her and stops short, breathing heavily*Hi, Mar....*G*Nice pics....Cute kitties...*giggles*Seeming as I signed the guestbook earlier this day and then you added the pics I figured I would sign the page and not go through the bother of signing the guestbook again...*LMAO*Nice pics...You looked real happy in the first one...*LMAO*I'm now done playing with this...really I am.*L*Bye Bye...*peeking her head out so that she can see if that blasted piranah is out there, she dives back into the water and swims to the surface, thankfully not getting eaten by the piranah*

NIKKI!!! *lmao* Dammit! *lmao* What is your geocities password?? *lmao* You changed it, and now I can't graffiti YOUR site. *lmao* Damn, damn, double damn, triple damn! *lmao* And I had SUCH good ideas for it. *lmao* Well, at least now MY password is changed so you can't do this again. *lmao* *shaking my head* *lmao*

*a large snow leopard(white with black spots) leaps into the aquarium and breathes her icy breath upon the piranah, then takes a deep breath and swims to the door of the fishy's palace, pushing the door open with her furry body, she enters*a white mist envelops her and a small white cat with gold-flecked green eyes takes the snow leopard's place*she meows loudly, in complaint, wondering if the fishy would taste good(knowing how perverted this sounds~SHUTUP MAR!!!!!*L*), she moves further into the palace, the shadows concealing her as they were trained to do many, many, many years ago*she finds the fishy flopping about coming up with an evil plan for her friend, Lissa Lu's page*the white mist envelops her once again and she is human, her skin pale and her hair white with a dark forest green ribbon braided into it, her hair piled upon her head to form a crown(or tiara), her eyes the same gold-flecked green, her dress a dark forest green velvet flecked with green, her cloak the same velvet, the inner lining white velvet, and clasped at her throat by a gold chain, her boots are knee-high, the same color as her dress, there are slits up the skirt of her dress on both sides, to allow for movement, though these are hardly visible, the sword belt and sheath at her side are white leather, the hilt of her sword wrapped in dark forest green gold-flecked leather*she stares at the fishy*Jesus, Mar, you ruined my opening story....You have desecrated characters of mine......Calling Cyan a half dog half fish, he is angered.....I am angered.....Lissa Lu is angered......*ROTFLMAO*But it sure was funny!!!!*L*See ya later, ya nut....

~~~Lady Tiara de'Tokiet of Corin~~~

Okay, so you did it to my page, too. *lmao* Now we're even. *lmao* *thinking about making another page on her HP specifically for this HP war* *lmao*

*the white cat slinks into the aquarium palace, glances at the the words before her and meows softly in agreement*the white mist envelops her and she is human*I think you are quite right about that, Mar.....I should do that as well...To get your foul words off my intro....*L*Then people don't think that I am the insane one....*LMAO*Click here to see what the fishy did to my page....BTW...She is in green, I am in yellow....Which reminds me...The idea of a NO DELETING POLICY is perfect....*sticks out a hand to shake on it*

~~~Lady Tiara de'Tokiet of Corin~~~

P.S. I just made a war page, Mar, so you have to do that now....war.html.....You would probably do all that crap on there...Instead of ruining my OPENING PAGE!!!*LMAO*Have fun, stay sweet and live it up...*HUGS*See ya later....

Okay, Nikkerroo, here's my war page. *lmao* *shaking hands on no-delete policy* It's a deal! *l*
*giggling* This is so much fun. *lmao*

I'm soooo bored, soooo bored, sooo bored so I'm gonna sing that I'm sooo bored, sooo bored.....Your Jar is hiding on me....*L*I missed him by five minutes...dammit all...*pouts*outta here.....sooo bored sooo bored........

~~~Lady Tiara de'Tokiet of Corin~~~
~G~Okay...I am the all mighty evil one..Have no clue why but I have..This is being signed on Friday the 13th..MY DAY..~all black velvet~G~LAter my friend and stuff like that..~LOL~ ~Nikki in Velvet~


This page may contain bits of madness, nonsense, and other brain rotting material. Continue at your own risk!!
*insane laughter*

*l* Yeah, yeah, I'm working on it!! Gimme some time, okay?? *l*

Please come back and visit me soon!!!
Many thanks to Nikki for all of her help with this page. She did just about everything!!! *s*
This is Nikki's Home Page!!

Just a little note from Nikki: *giggling*Of course I helped you with this page, girlie, nothing I like better than to help my friends out.*BS*(Other than a certain someone who is at this moment remaining nameless*L*)

Things to see around here!

PLEASE, look around my site!

Stuff About Me!
I think I am done with this! Now all I have to do is find a pic! *l*

All Of My Buddies *bs*
The list is here, and I have started writing things about you all!
Just don't get insulted if I haven't said anything about you yet,
because I just haven't THOUGHT of anything really good to say.
I am the blonde one, *l*, remember?? *l*

My Joe's Diner Page. Become a victim.*l*
There ain't nothing here yet.*l*Soon though, soon you too can become a victim.*eg*

Links links links! All the spiffy links that I have bookmarked! They're all worthy of a visit!! *g*

Pictures! *g*
Pics of me, and my pets, and my friends, and my family, and other stuff! *g*

Hey, notice any typos?? Please email me and tell me where and what they are, I would very much like to fix them! *s* Thanks.

And now to carve your name into something so everyone will know you were here!!
(And you had better sign it, or else!!)

Sign Guestbook View Guestbook

Please, stop exploiting the poor kitties. *lmao*

Like a gif or pic on my site??
Well, then, please let me know when you snitch it.....

....or I'll send the fairies and pixies after you!! *l*

Yep, yet another request for email!! *l*

Windows Versus Mac!! *lmao* Long Live The Macintosh!! *g*

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the ITSB.

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You are swimmer # to have jumped into my aquarium!