Fun Latin Stuff!

*l* Or, at least, I think so....*l*

Sorry, but I have no idear how to make macrons over the letters in this thing (if you know, could you please tell me?? *s*), so you won't know which letters are long, but we'll just have to make do, huh?? *l*

Si quando leporem mittis, mihi, Gellia, dicis,
"Formosus septem, Marce, diebus eris."
Si non derides, si verum, lux mea, narras,
edisti numquam, Gellia, tu leporem.

Whenever you send me a rabbit, Gellia, you say,
"Marcus, you will be handsome in seven days."
If you are not making fun of me, if, my love, you are telling the truth,
You, Gellia, have never eaten a rabbit.

*lmao* Isn't that terrible?? *lmao*

Bella es (novimus) et puella (verum est)
et dives (quis enim potest negare?)
Sed cum te nimium, Fabulla, laudas,
nec dives neque bella nec puella es.

You are attractive (we know this) and a young girl (it is true),
And rich (for who can deny it?)
But, Fabulla, when you praise yourself too much,
You are (or "You appear to be") neither rich nor attractive nor a young girl.

*l* Let that be a lesson to the vain and conceited among us. *l*

Nuper erat medicus, nunc est vespillo Diaulus.
Quod vespillo facit, fecerat et medicus.

Diaulus was recently a doctor, now he is an undertaker.
What he does as an undertaker, he also had done as a doctor.

*l* He killed off his patients!!

Quae fuerant vitia, mores sunt.

What were vices are now customs.

And that, my friends, is the nature of the world.....

Non sum ego qui fueram: mutat via longa puellas.
Quantus in exiguo tempore fugit amor!

I am not the person I was (or "had been"): a long journey changes girls.
How great a love has fled in a short time!

How true.....

Aut amat aut odit mulier; nil est tertium.

A woman either loves or hates; there is no third course.

*lmao* I think this is true, and I am a chickeedoo, myself! *l*

*l* Okay, that's it for now! Come back again, soon, though!! *S*

Repeat after me!! *l* The Latin language is dead, dead as can be; it killed off the Romans, and now it is killing me!

*l* You are innocent (*lmao* yeah, right) # to have been slaughtered by Latin since 1/11/99, 1:25pm EST. *l*