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THE CLAYMORE is coming out of Germany, and their demo CD '2' is a definite hit for everyone who likes traditional melodic Euro Power Metal in the style of HAMMERFALL, TWISTED TOWER DIRE... I had an interview with them...

Please introduce us your band, when did you form THE CLAYMORE and did any of you play in bands before THE CLAYMORE?

We formed The Claymore in August 2000, after we canceled our first Band named Horizon. Hardy, Kai and Christ played together for 3 years before we met Andreas via Internet. Andreas and Sebastian played also in some Bands before we form The Claymore together.

Please tell us all about your recordings?

We record The Demo CD "II" in our own Homestudio. It took from January till April 2002. It was a hard work, because the recording system was new for us and we record 10 Songs which is very much for a Demo CD. First we wanted to record 3 or 4 songs to make a "real" Demo CD. But lots of our fans came to us and wanted our Songs record. So we wanted to please everyone and do it for them. The quality is good, but you should never forget that it is a Demo CD.

Which bands influenced you?

There are a lots of Bands, because every Musician of The Claymore has different influences. Sebastian for example is influenced by Death Metal, while Christian is listen to the progressive Genesis of the 70th. Andreas favourite Band is Nevermore and even Queensryche........ But there are always influences from Helloween and Maiden (maybe Slayer?? :o).......

Are you popular in your area?

We have 100 to 200 visitors for us on our shows here....... Dont know if this is popular or not ;o)

What are you favourite albums at the moment?

Operation Mindcrime, Resurrection, Karma, Warriors of the world...........

When you write your songs, what are they about and are there any interesting stories to tell about them?

It is very differnent! Sometimes we have pure Fantasy stories sometimes Andreas wrote own experiences down.... But one story is interesting: Tolerance Denied was created because we are very unsatisfied with the situation of Heavy Metal in the Media. Heavy Metal is a big market, but everyone tries to close their eyes and dont want to see how powerful Heavy Metal is. We wanted to write a song which is agressive against all these people.......

How did you get your bandname THE CLAYMORE?

Thousands of hours thinking and drinking ;o) We had a lot of examples for Bandnames...... The Claymore was accepted from all members as well. I think it was Andrea's idea. He is the writer and drawer in the band :o)

Have you tried to get in touch with a label yet, as your music is from a very high level and would easily fit on the 'Metal' labels in Europe...

We are trying at the moment. We are waiting for the right offer....... Hope we'll get it this year ;o)

What are the plans for the next coming months?

Contact labels, writing songs for a new or First Album, play Gigs.............

Finally, do you have anything to add to our readers?

Please let us know what your favourite songs are of our CD "II"......... We hope that we come to the Netherlands in the near future. HAIL TO THE GODS IN METAL WE TRUST