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Produced by Randy Bluer

Original line-up:

Mariko Martinez      - Keys, vocals
Dave Chumchal       - Lead vocals, Keys
Bret Kik                     - Keys, metallophones
Robert Giverink       - Guitars, vocals
Doug Morris             - Lead vocals, guitars
Ronald P. Simmons - Bass, vocals

BATTLECRY was a Christian AOR band out of Hawai and their only release 'Red, white and blue' is seen as a classic AOR release by many fans of the genre. The album was a mini-LP that contained 6 tracks. Opener "Red, white and blue" shows that these guys were very good in performing classic AOR. This song is high-standard classic 80s AOR a la AVIATOR and some PROPHET during the chorus.

Next track "When the lord comes back" was slightly different in approach and dounded much lighter. It reminds me of a cross between ALLIES and the first STEVE PERRY. Next track "Not tough enough" is a nice cheerful uptempo AOR/Radiorocker like the second GIDEONS ARMY.

Side-b opens with "Life wih the lord", a great uptempo classic AOR rocker like a mix between JOURNEY, AVIATOR, early FM and early STRANGEWAYS. Especially the fantastic AOR keys a la JOURNEY and the AOR hooklines are making this song a winner for the true 80s AOR fans.

More classic AOR/Radiorock in the 80s tradition can be heard on the next track "Power and might". This song also captures a great melodic guitarsound. Closing track "You've got to know" is maybe the best track on this wonderful mini-LP. This is classic midtempo AOR like early FM/AVIATOR.

Concluded, this only mini-LP of BATTLECRY is a classic AOR release that should be in the collection of every fan of the genre. I believe it is hard to get and very expensive. But when you have it, you will know why this album is such a classic AOR album. A shame they never released more albums and never got signed to a major recordlabel, because they deserved it.

(Points: 9.0 out of 10)

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