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Planet Wuffinoc: Scraps


Here are the cast-offs, the half-finished games, and the games I haven't looked at in so long I can't even remember how well they work. The good ones have a future of restoration and renewal, but even the bad stuff is chock full of interesting ideas. Dig around the scrap yard and explore, see what you can find and use.

LEGO Combat. Now this was way too much fun. I built this years ago and played it almost every week. I'd still play it if I had enough LEGOs, even though I've never been a big fan of war games. It's easy, it's flexible, and like GLARPS all it needs is some clean-up.

GLARPS, the Generic Live-Action Role-Playing System. I'm still proud of having been the first person to put that acronym into action. In my younger days I did a lot of LARPing, and GLARPS served as a wonderful base for almost any game, from vampiric politics to alien cantina parties. It needs some editing, but it's still a solid system that got a lot of play over the years.

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