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Alphabetical Index

Pagelast Revised 07/06/2000

Alphabetical Index to Roman Catholic Observer



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AMBROSE, Saint [a.. on confession] [a. on ]

AMULET, Catholic [See Scapular ][A. For one's protection while traveling]

ANATHEMA [A. As a Curse of Rome] [A. Defined] [List of Catholic A's] [A. As excommunication]

APOLOGY [Pope John Paul II's a.?]

APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION [Catholic claim for A.] [Peter never bishop of Rome] [Did Peter claim superiority?] [Father's of the Church on A.] [A Catholic historian on A.] [Questions about A.] [No Scriptural evidence for A.] [Peter himself denies he was bishop of Rome] [Peter submitted to Apostle Paul] [Fathers of the Church who deny Peter was first pope: |Augustine|St. Cyril|St. John Chrysostom|

ARCHAEOLOGY [Biblical Archaeology]

AUGUSTINE, Saint [a. On Penance] [a. On Mary] [a. On Scriptures][a. On Sola Scriptura]

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BABYLON: City of, Original site of pagan worship

[b. built by Nimrod] [b. source of false religions] [ b. source of Egyptian trinity]

BAPTISM [b. According to Scripture]

BASIL, SAINT: Father of the Church of Rome [b. on Scripture]

BIBLE [b. Forbidden to Catholics]

BOOK REVIEWS [A View of Rome][Reckless Faith][Along the Way]

BOOK BURNING [Catholic apologist calls for b.b.]

BOOKS [b. That I recommend] [b. By former Priests] [b. By former Catholics: {1}{ 2}{ 3} ] [B. Forbidden to Catholics ]

BROTHERS [b. And Sisters Of Jesus Christ]

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CATHOLIC APOLOGISTS [Keating][Keating contradicts Father of the Church][Keating on Sola Scriptura] [A challenge to Karl Keating] [Romewatch vs Keating] [Another Keating Error]

CAYCE [Edgar C.]

CELIBATE PRIESTS [ A Serious Catholic Dilemma ]


CHARM, Catholic [New Catholic Talisman] See Also Scapular

CHURCH [What is the C.?]

CHRYSOSTOM, St. [C. On Penance] [C. On Scriptures]

COMMANDMENTS [9 C. of Rome vs 10 C. of God][Rome deleted 2nd c.]

COMMUNION [True source of Roman Catholic Eucharist][Fathers of Church on C.]

CONFESSION [Page devoted to c.] [What is c.?] [c. To priest required for forgiveness] [c. To Mary Required for Forgiveness] [Fathers of the Church on c.] [Did Jesus Institute c.?] [C. Contradicted by Fathers of the Church ] [Rome's Deception on Forgiveness] [See also, Penance and Repentance and Sin]

CONSCIENCE [ Do Catholics really have freedom of C.? ]

CREED [the Apostle's c.]

CRISM, Catholic Teaching Ministry. [Course on "Mary and the Millenium"]

CROSS [Pope's Satanic c.]

CULT(S) [Is Rome a c.?][Definition of a c.][c. Checklist][How to identify a c.][Poetic view of a c.]

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DILEMMA(s) [Roman Catholic D's.][ Bible Forbidden D. ] [ Salvation D. ] [Catholic Marriage D. ] [ Books Forbidden to Catholics D. ] [ Celibate Priests D. ] [Others Christ's D. ] [ Eucharist Presents Several D. ][Freedom of Conscience D.][Scapular D.][Vicar of Christ D.][Unforgivable Sin D.][Consent of the Fathers D.][Mary D.]

DIVORCE [A Catholic d.]

DOCTRINE [Sound d. is essential] [False d. must be rejected] [Rome's Unscriptural d.]

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ECUMENICAL [e. Dialog in the 1950's]

EUCHARIST (See Also, Communion) [ E. Causes Serious Dilemmas for Catholics ][E.: The Miracle Without Evidence][Newton's Law and the E.][The Real Source of Rome's E.]

EVANGELICALS [e. And Catholics Together (an agreement with Rome)] [Roman Catholics and e.] [a warning to e.]

EXCOMMUNICATION [E. Means being damned to hell]

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If you were on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?


FASTING [F. A dilemma for Catholics!]

FATHER [Call no man F?]

FATHERS OF THE CHURCH [Page devoted to the F.] (includes Ambrose, Augustine, Justyn Martr, John Chrysotom, Jerome and others) [ F. Contradict Penance ] [ Unanimous Consent of the F. is an illusion ][ F. On Apostolic Succession ][F. Contradict Rome's interpretations of Scripture]

FETISH, Catholic See Scapular, Talisman

FORGIVEN(ESS) [F. Of sin-who pays the price?] [is the Catholic really F.?] [Who f. sin?] F. according to Rome | Rome's deception on F. | F. According to God | How to be F. | Rome's Deception on F. |

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Give me one good reason why you should go to Heaven!


GOSPEL [False g. of James a source of Marian doctrine]

GRACE [God alone gives g.] [g. As a free gift] [Mary alone dispenses g.] [Catholic Sacraments and g. ] [How g. obtained by Catholic]

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Have you accepted Christ yet?


HEAVEN [h. Is a real place]

HELL [h. Is a real place too]

HOLY SPIRIT [All believers have the H.S.]

HONOR [Jesus or Mary: who get greatest h.]

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What are you waiting for?!


IMMACULATE CONCEPTION [Dogma on i.c.] [Fathers of Church on i.c.] [God vs Rome on i.c.] [Mary's death disproves dogma of i.c.] [Dogma of i.c. based on false Gospel of James] [About the logical inferences of the dogma of i.c.]

INDULGENCES [I. Defined by Rome] [Who controls I.?]

INFALLIBILITY [History of papal I.] [Catholic doctrine of I.] [Scripture support for I.]

[Pope Sixtus' IV I. Bible] [Catholic theologians deny I.] [Limits of Papal I.]

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JAMES [Infancy Gospel of j.]

JEROME, St. [j. On Penance] [j. On Scripture]

JESUS [Brothers and Sisters of j.] [Sacraments instituted by j.?] [j. Is the only mediator] [j. Is the only savior] [Good thief saved by j.] [j. Rebuked Mary] [Second coming of j.]

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You can be Certain of a place in Heaven - IF you want to!


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Have you figured out how much Rome has lied to you?


LASALETTE [Miracle' of L.]

LINKS [l. To other good sites]

LOURDES ['Miracle' of L.]

LUTHERANS [Catholics and l.]

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MACHABEES [Rome's use of 2m. 12 to justify dogmas]

MAGESTERIUM [m. As Rome's teaching authority]

MARRIAGE [Joseph and Mary had a normal m.] [Invalid Catholic m.] [ The M. Dilemma faced by Catholics ]

MARY [Children of m.] [m. as Catholic redeemer] [Assumption of m.] [Immaculate Conception of m.] [Grace only available through m.] [Catholic view of m.] [Death of m.] [m. Rebuked by Jesus] [m. As mother of God] [Catholic apologist Karl Keating on m. 1, 2, 3 ] [God Vs Rome on Immaculate Conception of M.] [Why Did M. Die?] [Divine Mother in Egyptian Religion] [True Origin of M. as Redeemer] [Fathers of the Church on M.] [A Prayer to M.] [Main Page About M.] [Analysis of a Prayer to M.] [Sins must be confessed to M. ]

MOTHER [China's Holy M. ][Egypt's Divine M.][Rome's Holy M.]

MUSLIMS [M.'s honored by Rome]

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NUN(S) [Sister Charlotte's Story]

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PAPAL SUCCESSION [See Apostolic Succession]

PENANCE [St. Augustine on P.] [St. Jerome on P.] [St. Chrysostom on P.] [Repentance, not P. required for forgiveness] [Rome swaps P. for repentance]

PETER, Saint [P. Denies he was ever bishop of Rome] [P. Submits to authority of Paul] [Was P. ever bishop of Rome?][St. Augustine says P. never bishop of Rome]

PRAYER [P. To Mary analyzed]

PRIEST(S) [Effects of celibate p.] [p. Forbidden to marry] [Married p.] [Homosexual p.] [Sex abuse by p.] [Sacrifices of p. are useless] [Children molested by p.] [Women seduced by p.] [Books by former p.] [Every believer is a p.] [Massive resignation of p.] [ The Dilemma of celibate P. ]

PROPHECY [Biblilical p. in the news] [Van Impe Forum]

PROTECTION [Catholic p. amulet]

PRIESTHOOD [p. Ended at the Crucifixion] [p. Of believers] [Effects of a Celibate p.]

PURGATORY [Catholic doctrine of p.] [How p. contradicts God's Word] [Catholic ways to escape p.] [Questions about p.] [True source of doctrine of p.] [Indulgences buy you out of p.] [P Dilemma ]

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QUEEN OF HEAVEN | The Original Q. |

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RAPTURE [r. Defined]

REDEEMER [Mary as r.]

REPENTANCE [r., not penance required for forgiveness]

REVIVAL [the laughing r. 1 | 2 ]

ROME(s) [R.'s unscriptural practices]

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SACRAMENTS [The 2 s. of the Bible] [The 7 s. of Rome] [Did Jesus institute the s.?] [s. As source of grace] [s. Of the Mass denies Christ's sacrifice] [s. Of Penance denies Christ's sacrifice]

SAVED [s. By grace alone] [What must I do to be s.?] [How the 'good thief was s.]

SAINT/SAINTS [S. Defined by Scripture] [s. Defined by Rome] [s. Ambrose] [s. Augustine] [s. Basil] [s. Jerome]

SALVATION [S. According to God] [Scriptures on S.] [Full overview of S.] [Rome's path to S.] [Confession essential for S.] [Sacraments essential for S.] [Grace and S. in Rome] [Indulgences essential for S.] [Mary essential for S.] [Catholic Mass essential for S.] Being a Catholic essential for S.] [Assurance of S.] [Graphic image of Rome's path to s.] [Repentance, not penance essential for S.] [Rome denies assurance of s.] [S. Guaranteed to Those Who Wear a Catholic Talisman]

SCAPULAR [S. Guarantees Salvation to Catholics]

SCHISM [Great S. of Rome Today]

SCRIPTURE [St. Augustine on S.] [St. Jerome on S.] [St. John Chrysostom on S.] [St. Basil on S.] St Basil says S. is final authority for dogma and doctrine][Proof of an inspired S.] [Authority of S. for the Believer] [S. Sufficient for salvation]

SIN [S. Forgiven by God alone] [Priests forgive S.?] [Mortal vs Venial S.] [Confess S. to God alone]

[Jesus paid full price for our S.] [Forgiveness of S. according to Rome] [Forgiveness of S. according to God] [Rome's Unforgivable S.] [Scripture on forgiveness of S.] [Catholics confess S. to Mary] [Rome's box for confession of S.]

SISTERS [S. Of Jesus Christ]

SOLA SCRIPTURA [S.S. defined] [Catholic Apologists on s.s.] [St. Augustine on s.s.][Fathers of Church on S.S.] [Proof that Scripture is inspired][Catholic Apologists on S.S.][St. Basil supports S.S.]

SPIRITUAL GIFTS [g. Are still in effect today]

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TALISMAN See Scapular

THIEF [the 'good t.]

TRADITION [t. Of men, condemned by Jesus] [t. Of equal value with Bible?]

TRANSUBSTANTIATION [Rome's definition of t.] [True source of doctrine of t.]

TRENT [Council of t. rebuts Reformers] [many curses issued by Council of t.]

TRIDENTINE [T. Profession of Faith][T. Vs New Order of Mass Dilemma]

TRINITY [Egyptian t.] [Rome worships pagan t.] [t. Defined]

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UNSCRIPTURAL [U. Practices of Rome]

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VATICAN [v. Web site]

VENERATE See Worship

VICAR [Who is the Real V. of Christ?]

VIRGINITY [Brothers and sisters of Jesus disprove Mary's perpetual v.][Messianic Psalm proves Mary had other children]

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WORSHIP [Catholic w. of images] [Rome's definitions of w.] [Catholic w. of Mary] [Rome's "levels of worship"] [Pope Paul VI says Catholics w. Mary]

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End Notes

1. There is no Scriptural support for the Roman Catholic doctrine of infallibility. [Go back]