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Political Corrections

Coming soon.
Political Corrections by Michael Jaymes Cassidy.
For an antipodean look at the world we live in.
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Welcome to our new political inspired mailing list.

First some background on the list:

After sitting through the entire Clinton Scandal, and hearing how other countries (especially back home) were reacting to it, I thought that someone was missing the "big picture"

So I sat and mused about doing something about it. I began a letter to the editor, and thought even if this does get published, who really is going to see what I have to say?? So from this idea, the Political Corrections list was created.

We put off creating the list for quite some time, because what is commonly called "real life" kept interfering with the process. However, with the Australian General Elections of 1998 fast approaching, it was decided to get this list up and running, so that commentary could be made about that. Of course, the Story of the Century (at least for this week) HAD to be covered first. These, and all other commentary are archived both at the ListBot site as well as our own web page.

Now some background on me:

My name is Michael Jaymes Cassidy. I am an alumnus of Griffith University in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. I have also attended a prestigious University in the Eastern United States. To protect my true identity (and my family's business dealings), I cannot give any more information on this University. Rest assured that I am not Joe Klein. (The author of Primary Colours, written anonymously)

My background is in International Business, with minors in English and German. I am an Australian currently living on the East Coast of the United States. My politics are what could be called a conservative member of the Australian Labor Party (notice the Americanisation of the spelling?? An insult), or in my current residence, a conservative Democrat. Sort of like George Will.

My hope for this list is to engage in discourse about a number of subjects. Of course, our primary focus will be politics, but I also expect to venture into the fields of movies (especially Australian Cinema) and sports, occasionally.

Now for some legal stuff:

All opinions expressed are my own, and do not necessarily reflect my company's, my family's, or anything else for that matter.

All posts from this mailing list are Copyright by Michael Jaymes Cassidy. They may be forwarded ONLY in their entirety to anyone you wish. Please encourage your friends, Romans, countrymen, and neighbours to sign up. Any media wishing to use the contents in these posts, please contact the owner, Michael Jaymes Cassidy. At this time, permission will be freely granted, if asked. But you must ask first. This is one time when it is NOT easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.

Thank you for your interest in what I have to say. And welcome to the list.

Michael Jaymes Cassidy
Brisbane, Australia
