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Tiny Teacups

A LARP where the players are members of the mystic extradimensional noble court of the elves which has been banished to modern Earth.
press the pretty buttons for happy things!
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"Plinkity plinkity plinkity plink 
Here is the dishrag that's under the sink 
Here are the buckets and brushes and me 
Plinkity plinkity plinkity plee." 
--Gregory Corso, "Death" 
"Alice is the person that nobody sees.
And that is why she does not have a birthday.
So I am singing 'Happy Thursday' to her."
--D.H. Lawrence, "Phoenix"
Directions | Who's Who | Signup | History | Chargen | News | Rules | Rumors

This is a live action role playing (LARP) game loosely based on Neil Gaiman's Sandman, ancient and modern myths and legends, the art of Brian Froud, the works of Tolkien, Whitewolf's Changeling: The Dreaming, and the art and dreams of Thistle Kachunk.
We use a simple home-brewed set of rules designed for those with no LARPing experience to be able to learn and start playing easily and quickly.
Those who get the top 3 votes for best roleplaying at each game will have the opportunity to star in an independent sword and sorcery film directed by Thistle Kachunk and John McFadden.

Players take on the roles of the mystical court of the elves, exiled from their home dimension to the streets of Boston. Characters may scheme and plot against each other, make and break alliances, uncover mysteries, take over noble Houses, and compete for the Tiny Teacups of Endless Glamour in the search for a way back to the Summerlands.

Tiny Teacups will be running on Mondays at 26 Orchard Street in Medford, a large 2-story space with six separate rooms for gaming. We will be starting as soon as we have 15 players signed up. You will usually be able to find out when the next game and other special events are by looking here, but more up-to-date info can be had by writing the head ST and asking to be put on the announcements list, or by calling (617) 308-3353 (ask for Thistle). Registration begins at 6:30 p.m., gaming ends around 11pm or midnight, and admission is a $5.00 suggested donation. For site location information, subscribe to the discussion groups. Or click on Directions

Bring your friends! A special Build Point bonus will be given to the character of any player who brings a friend that ends up making it to 3 successive games. There are also players' meetings, which are announced on the out of character discussion group.

All players will be given pregenerated characters, each with its own secrets, plot hooks, alliances, rivalries and plot links with the other characters, and special powers. If we get more than about 30 players together, a system will be revealed with which you will be able to create your own custom-made characters.

See the list of available characters
