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Knowing the Devil

By Mwalim

Ó 1999, Mwalim

If you have never seen the Devil,

Then you don’t know who the Devil is.

I have seen the Devil, and the devil can take many forms.

If you look carefully, you can see the Devil too.

The Devil can be the person on the corner,

Feeding death to children.

The Devil can be the cop who arrests that person.

The Devil can be an ugly and freightening thing

Or seductive and a thing of beauty.

The Devil can be conservative or lead a revolution.

The Devil can spend Sunday afternoons,

Sitting in a bar.

The Devil can be serving a drink.

The Devil can sit in the back pew of a church or deliver a sermon

Professing a love for Jesus.

The Devil can organize a community to build itself.

The Devil can destroy a community in a breath.

The Devil can be happy in a mosque,

And call the world to prayer.

The Devil can speak against evil and against the devil.

The Devil can watch you through a window as you walk down the street.

The Devil can walk with you in the sunlight.

You can invite the Devil over for tea.

The Devil can invite you over to dinner.

You can marry the Devil.

The Devil can hold your child’s hand and help them across the street.

The Devil can teach your child to read and write.

The Devil can stare back at you when you look in the mirror.

There are other ways to know the Devil too.

I don’t know them all, though

But when somebody responds to your words or questions,

By telling you that it’s "the Devil speaking through you."

Understand and recognize

It takes one

To know one.




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